Gen IV was the last good gen. After Sinnoh game went shit

Gen IV was the last good gen. After Sinnoh game went shit.

Prove me wrong.


Infinite TMs was the best change they ever made though, along with the physical/special split.

I liked BW2 better but the sinnoh map is more memorable for me for some reason...

The main series' games have always been shit.

Gen4 is too slow but it's my 2nd favorite gen.

gen V was good. prove me wrong

Gen 1 remake was bet for me

it's a child's game with zero depth you fucking sperg

get back to your furry containment board, this is a game designed for children

so many nu-pokemon designs

Opinion discarded

Gen 4 is underrated as fuck imo. Yeah it was slow as hell and the dex was kinda wacky at parts but the rest was great.

Worst rival
Too many legendaries
Worst starters, debatable since 5th gen exists
It's saving graces are that it has an alright soundtrack and the lore with the legendaries is good enough.
A shame it's so slow and boring.

Eh, gen5 Pokémon were very hit or miss to me. Most of the designs were either fantastic or shit-tier.

See the slowness is completely objective since you have 3 other generations that set a standard, but I disagree with the rest.

Gen 4 was fucking terrible, Gen 5 is what they should aspire to again but they dropped the ball with genwun pandering and gen 6 happened. At least gen 7 was sligthly better.

Pokemon series is worst jrpg series

so many garbage tier:

Trubbish (literally shit)

All these and their evolutions.

Ofc dragon legendaries were shit too.
There was a few cool one too

Volcarona (one of the best looking pokemons imho)

The latter two is kinda generic but they felt like old designs

A fucking ball with angry eyes.

There's three clear-cut and reasonable "it's shit after this" points, those being Gen II, Gen IV, and Gen V with the first two being due to tonal and atmospheric shifts and the last due to blatant decrease in quality of some gameplay aspects

I'll miss the animated sprites from bw ;-;


garbage opinion regardless of anything else

Gen 6 was the turning point.
>genwun pandering out the ass
>lifeless 3d models
>lucario in general
>shitty "friends" devoid of any personality or likeable traits

feelsbadman, I miss sprite threads on /vp/, making horrible abominations with random Pokémon generators. I should post some once I get home.

OP you're a giant faggot. BW/BW2 are the best games in the series. You can suck a giant cock and choke on it.

Isn't it a crazy coincidence? Pokemon went to shit right after the first gen someone played as a kid.

>Alien goo man
>furry mcshadow


It sure would be nice if Pokemon games stopped sticking to the extremely basic 20 year old formula with only minor tweaks.

Something like Wizardry had more progress between 7th and 8th game than mainline Pokemon had between Red and Sun.

Gen V is shit, VI and VII are awesome. They finally made the pkmn 3D. Those Pokémon Stadium feels man.

I have a billion other series to play if I want something different, if anything the tweaks to the formula of the main adventures starting with RS have only made the series less enjoyable.

It's alright but hardly a candidate to be the best Pokemon game
Viable opinion but your adoration specifically for BW games leads me to believe you're just an underage who played those ones.

Platinum, HG/SS, and BW2 are some of the best games in the series. Gen 4 was the last gen to retain a classic Pokemon feel though. Gen 5 was transitional, and the Gen 6+ is the nu-era.

2008-2012 was Pokemon at it's peak.

GSC were the last games to keep the classic feel, FRLG had it too but it was an anomaly, RS was where the atmospheric rot began but it stagnated in Emerald and DP, got tiny bit worse in Platinum, worse again in HGSS, quite a bit worse in BW1, one step back to classic two steps forward to rot in XY, full speed ahead on rot in ORAS and SM.

Take on the pokemon league while fighting this local syndicate along the way.



>implying any of these are bad

Trubbish is garbage. GRIMER is literally shit.

>stagnated in Emerald and DP, got tiny bit worse in Platinum

Nigga what you talking about. How does anything get worse from Diamond to Platinum? Platinum is just a mechanically better version of Diamond, although most of the settings/atmospheres are exactly the same.

because that was your first and you are ass talking
Gen 3 is when the pokemon designs got retarded

the best generation is [whatever you played as a kid](Spoiler)

How is Sun/Moon anything about saving the world? You save a crazy bitch and help her daughter out.

no BW2 are actually excellent

>infinite tms
>Gen V brought a lot if people back despite controversy over designs
>Swords of Justice
>alolan forms
>multiple registered items
>Gen VII box system
>Gen V having the best story as well as characters imo
Gen VI was shit tho

But I started with the originals back when they first released, and I know that Gen V is the best, objectively.

There are no bad Pokemon generations. Sinnoh and Kalos were weak regions, but HGSS and Platinum were good shit.

It was also the last good Saga of the anime.

>mfw after I sat through the entire Black and White saga.

Gen 6 nearly killed Pokemon for me, 2013-2015 was terrible years for the series.

But XY is great

Sun and Moon is okay too

>people who were 8 when Diamond/Pearl released are now old enough to post here
Gen IV was shit and your childhood nostalgia is not justification for claiming otherwise

I, III > II, V > VI > VII > IV

Sinnoh was a garbage region and gen IV was only partially redeemed by HGSS and the physical/special split

>Worst rival
>Worst starters
Wow, you're taste is super shit.
The starters are the second or third best in the series.

And Barry was cool! He was a literal ADD kid who was your friend! Worst rival are in newer gens

>mfw dropped BW on episode 1

>VI above anything

>I and VI above anything

Is SuMo worth playing? Last game I finished was Platinum, BW was OK but I kind of lost steam at that point.

2 hours of unskippable cutscenes and tutorials at the begining makes the game painful to replay but it was fun otherwise

>Sun and Moon

Yeah no, I dropped that shit after the shitty artstyle change to make it more like Yokai Watch

>it's another "Gen V" was shit episode

when will this meme end

Play BW2 first, save edit so you can get hard mode.

SunMoon is alright but nothing meaningful to do in post game. You can use Showdown for battling randoms unless you want to get into VGC in the real game.

Silver and Ruby are god tier faggot.

Gen 2 was best gen. Gen 3 was ok at best. Everything after was shit

"Game I played when I was 8" was the last good gen. After "relevant region" game went shit.

Prove me wrong.

>he puts I and II at the top and accuses others of nostalgia fagging
wew lad

I => III => II > IV > VII > V > VI
