One of the best series of the past decade goes not with a bang but a whimper

>One of the best series of the past decade goes not with a bang but a whimper.

Feels terrible.

What the fuck happened?

Did Miyazaki just got tired after putting so much effort in Bloodborne?

>Satisfying conclusion
You cannot be fucking serious. How can anyone who has loved the game since Demons/Dark Souls carry the nerve to say that was a satisfying conclusion? Get fucked.

What would've been a satisfying conclusion to you?


it's impossible to reach the perfection that is bloodborne and he knows it

>BB perfect

It has the same flaw as DaS, and that it keeps getting good until 1/2 though and then plummets. At least it's DLC is good, but so was DaS 2. 3 is a complete joke.

Sounds more like it went out with "oi see ya round bub"

Having an ending would be a really good start.
Maybe not introduce new characters and ideas in the final fucking DLC?
How about answering long standing questions?

It boggles my mind to think Dark Souls 3 already suffers from being all about fan service, yet here they are in the final fucking content of the entire series introducing new shit.

I'm at a loss for words.

>and then plummets
Maybe if you have shit taste, but to even remotely imply that the second half of BB is 'like' DaS' is objectively incorrect - the second half of BB isn't rushed and unfinished.

An 8 is a good score, get your head out of your ass

>conclusion to the trilogy
it was never a trilogy, and it will continue to milk retards like final fantasy

Why the fuck does this series need to conclude? Are the developers tired of money? Are they going to retire from videogames?

Fucking retards

>the second half of BB isn't rushed and unfinished

That's what makes it worse though. DaS was rushed and couldve been better, BB was delayed and still ended up only as good as DaS. I'm glad From is moving on from this genre, they peaked at the beginning and it shows.

I cant even play it. ever since the patch it just keeps freezing up no matter what i do.

DS2 dropped the standards to such a low that even if Squeenix made DS3 it would have a satisfying conclusion that would deserve BoTW amounts of praise

>implying this is the final content for dark souls

your really are a dumb nigger, aren't you?

This is good. Now I know I shouldn't play the Dark SOuls trilogy. I'm happy having only played Demon's Souls and Bloodborne - the two best games in the franchise.

DS2 was the peak of PvP, all downhill from there.

Games are not only the PvP. And the dark souls series isnt one you buy for the PvP

>I want a yearly Souls entry because I'm a retarded corporate cuck

Not him but that's where you're wrong. The PVP often gives you real challanges and consequences to your acts, something that the game's AI can't offer you sometimes.

That's not what I said dumbshit.


BB's only main flaw was lack of easy access to many of hunter tools.

Claimng that 2nd part of the game was "rushed or unfinished" is a shitpost in pure form.

Im happy that Sup Forums will have forgotten about these games soon for once.

Also games cant go on forever. Everything has an end. Unless you want Dark Souls to become CoD or Final Fantasy.

Afaik they will be making an Armored Core game. Dont ask me what it is ,i just read about it somewhere.

I didnt say it was rushed or unifinished, I was implying it was mediocre despite not being rushed and unfinished.

Thi is true. i disliked that you had to buy all the weapons instead of find them. Was still cool though. Finding weapons was why the DLC was so good.

they will milk this shit for years to come

>the perfection that is bloodborne
Dark Souls 3 is the better game. Fight me sonyfag

>the second half of BB isn't rushed and unfinished

do u mean the second half of ur life ?

Oh well. I'll always have Scholar.



PS4 is pretty cheap now friend.

Skip a few chicken tendies for a few monts and you soon will be able to play!

>Skip a few chicken tendies
Get the fuck out
>you soon will be able to play!
I played Bloodborne, including Old Hunters. It was good but DS3 is better.

>DS3 is better.

DaS 3 is plotwise a dead-beat horse and that thing alone makes in inferior

But ok, I'll play along, tell me why it is better.

>preordered ds3 deluxe because dlc for souls had been outstanding
>ashes is godoing awful, people shitting on ring city

Feels bad desu

>DaS 3 is plotwise a dead-beat horse
DS3 expanded on the story from DS1. I know this might be hard for you to understand, but it's called a sequel.
>tell me why it is better.
Bloodborne has horrible build variety, awful pvp, poor framerate despite being exclusive, and has very few good bosses. Amelia, Ebrietas, Orphan, and the second half of Ludwig are good to great. Every other boss is mediocre to bad. DS3 suffers from none of these problems, which is why it's the better game.

>we care what ((((((((gaming)))) journalist like

yea btw this DLC is better than Old Hunters.

>better than Old Hunters

Well its true mate old hunter is unplayable for me now thanks to no pro patch fucking 15-20 fps on Ludwig is fucking pain in the ass.

Sup Forums always overrated the dlc's

>ludwig is a pain in the ass
Casual filter is working, then

I'm playing it. The angel is gay. Great dlc Miyazaki. The next from game better not be mediocre.

>tfw the first double boss fight

fucking hyped shit wonder how many shitters here summoned for this since you gotta manage estus use.

>putting in the effort

it's almost like FROM knows fans invested in the series will get it anyway and no one new gets into a game with a fucking dlc.

I have over 1k hours in BB you retard. Think before you post the performance is dogshit and DaS3 on PC in 4K is the best looking game out there.

The dlcs are always the worst part. With the exception of 2.

and Bloodborne

I feel like youre taking it easy on BB here. You could have mentioned

>Armor is pointless and cant be upgraded
>No ranged combat
>No proper magic or faith
>No proper defense
>Design theory built around fast paced reflex based combat in a game that runs at less than 24fps with loads of blurring
>Encounter design is mostly large enemies/enemies wth huge hitboxes in small places. the whole thing is an endless taurus boss fight
>Story is complete nonsense. Game opens with you getting operated on by a filthy wheelchair bound cretin and then you wake up and the world of warhammer fantasy is ruined for some reason
>Later there's aliens? No reason at all to play this game other than exploration and killing things which are trying to kill you. You aren't made to feel like you have a purpose or objective.
>Pay for shitty PvP

>10 - perfect
>9 - blunder of the year
>8 - total shit

i guess thats why you guys all date models.

Critics are tired of the Souls formula, and I can't blame them. Seriously, Sup Forums kept saying Miyazaki is a cheap one-trick pony and they were right in the end. It's time for him to bring something new and fresh to the table.

>Sup Forums

>Critics are tired of the Souls formula

The same happened with WW2 shooters and look what we have now.

They have already explicitly said Dark Souls is done. This series is over.

Which means zero closure on any of its stories.

They are going to milk the game style, not dark souls.


>modern journalism
>IGN in particular

DLC is always held to a higher standard than the base game
TW3's expansions both have a lower metacritic score than the base game despite being better

That's the scale modern game reviewers use, yes.

>Still better than ME Andromeda

BB was a nice change of style and combat. Whether or not you prefer those aspects to Souls will ultimately come down to preference.

In basically every other aspect of the game it falls short when compared to Souls however.

>Equipment (though to be fair trick weapons are great)
>Diverse playstyles
>Rewards for exploration (Hope you enjoy runes and blood echoes. Thankfully the DLC was better about this.)
>Side questlines and stories
>Variety of areas and enemies

t. guy who has loved and played the series since the beginning only on Playstation because his computer is toaster tier.

Shit game overall. Best games are the ones that dont have number on it.

don't forget BB unpatched was seriously bugged
>memory leak
>dupe glitch
>you can get only 1 weapon up to +10

>tfw I wanna buy and play the DLCs but I lost my 150 hours save file
>try replaying the game to beat it again
>bored to death after one hour

I really wish it wasn't so linear

>Incoherent non-ending that doesn't even conclude the plot of the DLC itself let alone the series


Miyazaki said they were done so this can be seen as thr conclusion of a once beloved series. The only thing left to do now is to ruin it with pandering garbage like 343 did to Halo.


You're naive if you think they won't milk the Dark Souls name untill it isnt profitable.

Japs are capitalists just like us.

so, whats the plot of the dlc, aint buying it so would love spoilers

you follow Gael through what is essentially a prison for pygmies

There is no plot. You follow some due into a hole in the ground and then there's the dark soul i guess? So you give it to the painting loli from the first DLC and she uses it to make a painting and names it after you.

This. It's like Miyazaki introduced new plot threads and characters and when asked for a conclusion (not to them, but the other games) he just sucker punches you and walks away laughing with your money.


Dark Souls 2 & 3 are just mediocre games
Get over it

I don't see what is inconclusive or confusing about the DLC at all

There are enough examples to prove you wron

sounds shit, were the bosses at least any good?

Dark Souls 2 is a mediocre game

Dark Souls 3 is just disappointing.

3 out of 4 are quite good
health pools are a bit too large imo but BB had this problem too

>Best series

>cuck cuck cuck !!
>probably a twitch kiddie

end your life faggot


First boss is basically DaS1 Gargoyles except bigger with an obligatory mid fight cutscene into a second phase where you fight one of them but even bigger. Last boss is Artorias 2: Santa Claus edition. Then there's the third boss which is literally just an NPC dark spirit invader that falls over in seconds. I honestly nearly forgot about it.

I haven't fought the Dragon yet.

I loved the Souls series but my last game from the franchise was Bloodborne. I don't know why i never was excited for Dark Souls 3.

After this they need to let the franchise "rest" then come back again with a game that feels and plays more different

Actually they are very good even if 3 out of 4 are rehashes.

If it isn't among the best series of the last decade name 30 new series (3 for each year seems more than fair) from the last decade that are better or kill yourself.

I'm waiting.

>It has the same flaw as DaS.
Not only is that flaw much less severe in BB, but BB is superior to DaS unilaterally in almost every category.
>Better weapons
>Better enemies
>Better bosses.
>Better music.
>Better atmosphere.
>Better combat.
>It lacks DaS's awful list of flaws (poise, BS spam, degenerate shields, degenerate ranged, infinites, weapons in a shared class having different swing speeds (lol), weapons gaining hitstun as they're upgraded (lol), certain weapons having shitty whiff aninations so you stagger like a retard when you miss (lol), etc).

BB has its own flaws though

Yes, but none of them are gamebreaking shit like poise, infinites, etc.

Why the fuck do people post this? I've seen this retarded fucking train of thought thrown around maybe twice in all the time I've scoured through Bloodborne threads and I don't see how anybody could ever think that the second half of the game 'plummets'. From the point you get to Shadows of Yharnam and onwards the game throws new enemies at you like crazy - and except for some of the shit in Yahargul, I'd actually say it one ups all the content you've seen before. This isn't even including the DLC.

>8/10 is bad

Fuck off


Bloodborne was a passion project, DS3 was contractual obligation. All things considered, I'm surprised it was this good

> modern IGN
> 10 years ago

Gael is alright mechanically but is hot garbage in context
Demon Prince is very average
Old Monk in a much shittier room is Old Monk in a much shittier room.
Dragon fight sucks to the surprise of no one
All of them except Old Monk suffer from hilariously big HP pools, even on NG

>The Red-Hood is come to eat us...
>to eat our Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City

Yeah no

The first half of DS3 has to be the worst content From has ever made, even taking into account anything in DS2

pretty good description
I had no idea why I was fighting Gael, but then I realised it was basically hyper mode Guts and just enjoyed the ride.
I don't get how they managed to fuck up the dragon fight when it is basically the same setting and story as Kalameet

I'll forever hold that one to the Dragon Butt Lava Lake in Dark Souls 1. Especially when the game shipped and the butts were just randomly strewn about so there was no actual path you could walk through without aggroing some of them.

And op is saying it's not a good expansion/end. Get YOUR head out of your ass.

>I had no idea why I was fighting Gael
did you skip his opening cutscene or something

Everything post Anor Londo sans Tomb of Giants (because at least it was something back then) is actually terrible. There's no so called level design with crystal caves and demon ruins.