Last week that streaming bundle was a tease, r-right?
In 7hrs they'll release a *game* bundle, r-right?
Last week that streaming bundle was a tease, r-right?
In 7hrs they'll release a *game* bundle, r-right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>7 hours
Fuck off retard.
have you consulted anyone, you know- these anger issues?
>stream bundle
What the fuck are they doing
Is the Monthly worth it?
I don't know how good/bad of a game the Witness is.
there won't be a new bundle this week
>release a streaming software bundle
>call it a game bundle, not a software bundle
>non-game bundles
What went so wrong that this trash was allowed to exist
>phone game with graphics
Some people on Sup Forums will claim it's a pretentious walking sim. Those people haven't played it.
It's a puzzle game about drawing lines in various ways that you have to figure out for yourself. It's pretty long and challenging, plus it has some really nice backgrounds.
people abusing humble indie bundles to the point where they were selling millions of bundles for a penny to people exploiting them to get coal on the steam winter 2011 shit. They lost such a huge amount of money on this that they had to start charging a dollar minimum for bundles with keys. No one made a complaint and they started doing it to DRM free bundles too, and then they started MAKING money, and when a company makes money, they want more. And these bundles are a way to do it.
they fired their video people so they could make more money
it would be nice to see Trine 3, Banished, Hotline Miami 2...
huh. Damn yeah they had promo videos a long time ago. ALmost forgot.
Looks like they fired also 2d artist- can't see custom made game icons (on a shelf) anymore...
That was a SWEET touch.
but they did
great source.
I want Lucasarts RIP bundle
there was a shitload of SW titles in last years.
Also don't count on remasters of older adventure games.
It's about time for another Total War bundle, there wasn't one for like 6 weeks.
Tonight is the new mainline humble indie bundle (18 I thinks?)
Games are some game that were on previous monthly bundle and 3 games that were never bundled
Found the ESL troll
It's probably going to be that leaked PS4 bundle
>Xcom 2, 2 months ago
>Total Warhammer
>The Witness
Not gonna lie, the Humble Monthly been worth it at least for me.
Sorry for being part of the true world and not living in a 3rd world country without potable water in every cities
Hoping for gta 5 so i can play with all my bros what about you /V?
Mobile gaming bundle incoming.
They already have those, they are separate from the normal bundles.
It's going to be a Humble Eye Candy Bundle, with shit artsy games and walking simulators.
whoad TB lost some weight. Good for him.
> walking simulators.
Fallout 4 for 10$ confirmed??
>dat filename
>accidently redeemed double fine shit
can't delete it off my account, friends all look at me like im an sjw cuck
please steam support remove it quickly
you can bs your mom but don't try it here.
>right click game
>set category
>hide game
that almost 3 years old
it's actually 7 days
there is NO WAY they'll try to roll on that shitty software bundle for 14 days.
No. Way.
>monthly bundle is The Shitness
>weekly bundle is some software crap
tfw they release a a best of 10's bundle in 3 years
except you can delete game from your account.
>can't delete it off my account
Except you can
mom is my bestfriend she taught me some really cool wrestling games you play in the bedroom while naked
Join for free shit.
Pic related, and it's not the only stuff I've gotten.
Multiple VAC bans on record
>The Witness already featured in Freedom Bundle
>$5 store credit to ppl who bought said bundle
it's way too soon for a thread
>expecting something
>too soon
in what sense? What's the problem?
Better than another Andromeda autist circlejerk.
Had this one saved too.
Rest of the stuff I got were keys so no screenshots of those.
great, thanks for sharing.
Now please- fuck off.
it's going to die before the bundle is even out
I'm only helping beggars like you to get stuff that isn't bundle trash.
It says the current bundle still has 7 days.
Witness is probably pretty neat if you like line puzzles and also don't pay more than ten bucks for it.
I can't for the life of me fathom why anyone would spend $40 on that fuckin thing.
Oh the agony...I just want it to be gone, it's too cringey to handle
then somebody will make another one
Then how about you just stop being so desperate for free shit that you wait until the bundle's about to be revealed?
then what's the point of this one
How is the witness?
Have money for buy this month but i also buy playerunknow battle ground
Can we ban all bundle threads that are posted 10,000 days before the new bundle
They are just alternate begging
look at a trailer, if you enjoy that kind of puzzle then go for it
it's literally hundrets of variations of the same shit, there are some neat ideas in there but in the end you'll keep doing the same stuff all the time
>not naming the file cuckedat24fps
what exactly is desperate?
Free? How paying 8-10$ for a bundle and talking about it's content is desperate, you hillbilly fuck?
to occupy your time, apparently you have nothing better to do anyway.
Not my kind of stuff, just like Stanley and other weird things. But game is not terrible if you like puzzles.
the issue with hb threads is that they are fun if done one or two hours before it drops since that's when people get hyped and then getting salty about literally nothing, if they are earlier they just become begging threads
what leaked PS4 bundle
If you're planning on buying the monthly (and you're subbing for the first time), and want something on top of it, consider using this link
And then throw me an email if you want something for 5 bucks or less from humble's store
>can't delete it off my account
yes you can. even if you can't refund something you can always just full-spite by deleting it from your account. I know i've done it with some truly shit games that I either got before refunds existed or that I couldn't refund for whatever reason.
Fuck off
You're full of shit, you know that?
I don't follow them, but from last I've seen- can't recall any begging. Truth I stopped reading posts about 5min after reveal.
Why would anyone beg for something 4hours before bundle?
Why would anyone care?
Just because of few poorfags no threads should be made? If someone's gonna beg- he'll do it no matter if it's 1hr or 10.
I'm not expecting anything.
They had that THQ for consoles bundle leaked so my guess its that they went and put up the streaming one and this week we will get that THQ one
If only I could do that with some inventory items.
Make alt acc and send them there it ain't so hard faggot
Didn't they used to do like two or three game bundles that rotated? why are they only doing one now? it just means if you don't like the current one you're up shit creek without a paddle for the next week+.
Should have called it the Streaming Pile of Shit - Bundle
Disregard then, I suck cock.
You know you can delet your Dota items ingame :^)
It's not dota.
Repeated numbers for Divinity: Original Sin EE for BTA
It's going to be a Deep Silver bundle again
Both remastered Dead Island games or SR4 full package for 1gabenbuck?
Count me in, coach.
>multiple VAC bans
>discord is full of ifunny tier nazi and trump memes
this is not a sane group
stop shilling your cancer here
It's a normie group, but since it got me more stuff in a few weeks than Sup Forums has gotten me in a long time, so who cares. It's not like you even need to interact with the people.
How do the giveaways work?
you get your main steam account banned. Pretty simple.
NEVER click on join to anything related or posted here.
Sometimes keys are dropped in steam announcements like this
Sometimes the winner is determined by rng on the stream (which get like 10-20 viewers).
And some other variations too.
It's a fucking line puzzle book in 3d with pretentious recordings scattered throughout
>Group admin is a Lolicon
Nah, I ain't joining a group with shit tastes.
>bought the warhammer monthly
>sold the key for 14e
>traded scraps
>kept the ones I like
not even mad
This month I have kept the witness. Pretty good game, and hard as fuck
last two months were great (xcom 2 and Tw: Warhammer) but I'm going to skip the witness.
>I'm going to skip the witness.
wise choice, it's so pretentious it hurts.
>few minutes of optional hidden voiceclips in a puzzle game are "so pretentious it hurts"
Leave it to Sup Forums to have uninformed opinions.
I'm not talking about clips but game in general.
I play games for gameply first. I'm not into puzzles this hard. And also it is one, broad but still, scheme.
WHen I want art I pick up a book or watch painting or listen to great music.
I'm not going to waste xx hours on connecting lines. It will end in one way- forcing through with youtube walkthrough.
>puzzle game is pretentious because I have to solve puzzles
Jesus christ.
projecting much?
It is because it's a line connecting game that tries to be nobody knows what. I'm not agains weirdness and mystery but I'd be done with these puzzles after 20 minutes.
It's a glorified puzzle game for a smartphone/DS that has a ridiculous amount of needless "artistic" padding. It's not like Myst where the puzzles are integral to your traversal on the island in a meaningful way.