I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was disappointed. What did you think?

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was disappointed. What did you think?

It's pretty gay

Not gay enough apparently

>still can't romance Wrex
what the fuck were they thinking?

*fans who never bought any game

I've heard the romance with Vetra is pretty disappointing too... Was gonna play it once the "bugs" we're fixed
And free...

Aren't there more gay romances than at straight ones

The straight romance options suck too. True equality for all!

Is there anyone who liked this game?

Male/male is the only relationship path that doesn't let you romance a party member, only a crew member at best. I'm glad they didn't shoehorn it in, the real problem is that there's only six party members total so if they actually covered all bases with that almost everyone would be bisexual at least.