is gaming dying?
GameStop to close 8500 stores
No, just a shit store is.
are you guys increasing the number of stores to be sold
It's actually around 150, but yeah, fuck Jewstop, they'll eventually just sell merchandise and nothing else because that's the only profitable market considering how literally everyone else sells games for much cheaper.
Don't forget the shady as fuck practices they take like pre-order hoarding, selling used games as new, and just overall lying to make sales.
GameStop isn't all of gaming, and even then I wouldn't call them dying till they file for chapter 11.
Literally all speculation. Where do you get off spreading false bullshit?
Saw Nioh this week for 80€, thats like $95
Damn that store to hell
I haven't been to a gamestop in over two years and you shouldn't be going there either. There's no point and there's way better options available now. Amazon, buying digitally, local game stores etc.
Gamestop is a little expensive but it's worth it for the knowledgeable staff.
I was a manager there.
Top kek, implying Gamestop hires people who know anything about games. I can say from personal experience, they care more about your ability to push sales/pre-orders/their shitty credit card than whether or not you know anything about games.
One dude I worked with didn't know really simple shit like Uncharted being a PS exclusive or that PS Vita used Memory Cards or that Xbox 360 could play some Xbox games. And he was a fucking Assistant Manager!
>You can find some pretty cheap used games
>You can ask a cashier for free stuff and you sometimes get it. (I got a poster)
>You can play the consoles they have set up like a fucking autist if you are into that
>Usually has a chill cashier
>Used games don't depreciate in value fast enough. If its a brand game (Mario, Sonic, Zelda, etc) expect to pay over 25 dollars.
>Try to get you to pre order
>Try to sign you up for their shitty rewards program
>If your cashier is an asshole, or hasn't reached his quota; he will try to sneak in the warranty on your final price. (This asshole said my purchase came out to 27 dollars. He added a fucking 3 dollar warranty without asking me. I told him to remove it and he looked super pissed. The fuck bro?)
>They got rid of older games, and replaced all of it with ThinkGeek shit
>Too many Funko Pops
>Too much merchandise; some Gamestops now feel like 40% shirts and funkos; and the rest games.
>Prey on old people for warranties and such
>Pick up at location is a guess at best. Sometimes they are just too lazy to find it and tell you they don't have it.
>Treat employees bad / tough quotas for said employees to meet
It's fallen very far from what it once was; not that it was really great or anything.
Sounds like a bad apple, exception to the norm.
Except it wasn't. I saw tons of employees like that. The exception to the norm would've been finding an employee that actually plays and enjoys video games and wouldn't mind just talking about them with you instead of trying to force pre-orders or warranties down your throat.
Wasn't it 250 a few days ago?
>be 10 or 11
>in shopping center with mom
>cant stand her taking ages looking at clothes
>decide to check out gamestop
>see the mounted console thats showcasing some new game for people to try
>patiently wait for one kid to finish
>start playing a little
>30 seconds after grabbing the joystick an employee rushes over butthurt like an autistic Sup Forumsirgin screaming "UNDERAGEB& GTFO" in his mind
>turns off the console and angrily stomps his way back to the desk
Never set my foot in any gaming related store afterwards, holy fuck. Never understood that guys autistic problem.
>Still, the company isn’t putting all its eggs in one basket: The WSJ reports that the company will continue to expand its non-gaming business. Those plans include opening an addition 35 collectible stores this year, adding to the 86 locations already open.
Will they just become a vidya-related-toy store?
at that point, they should just become one with hot topic
they are selling the same shit at this point
>video rental stores dead
>movie/music stores dying
>game stores almost dead
Are we coming to the end of entertainment specialty stores?
>more geek merch stores
How the fuck do these even stay open? Their prices are fucking extortionate
If they didn't do shit like initially hoard switches to sell in bundles only, then take said bundles, cram them full of shit nobody wants, and add $20 to the cost of buying every item individually, maybe I would care.
Hopefully. Time for you losers to get a real hobby.
Why are you here?
Still though, fairly anecdotal evidence.
>Are we coming to the end of entertainment specialty stores?
We're already in that era. Gamestop is a walking corpse, just like Blockbuster was. They simply cannot survive in this era, at least not with their typical business practices. Hence why they moved into funko pops, because even a single impulse buyer makes more profit than five or six new game sales (without preorders).
Specialty stores can only survive now if they offer some sort of service on top of the products. There was a reason Radioshack used to have computer and radio classes, back before they became a cellphone accessory store. Related:
Gamestop has become this weird mix of some fucked up birth baby of best buy and hot topic. Selling a mix of random ass gizmos, gadgets and games you'd see at best buy and some adolescent, hot topic tier 'gamer' clothing. All crammed in a nauseating oversized closet. I feel ill every time I walk in there anymore.
rising internet speeds and larger/cheaper hard drives are going to kill gamestop eventually. publishers are probably excited for this, because they can still sell the same game for the same price as new, without all the overhead of manufacturing and shipping the disks.
gamestop is already aware of this, remember when the xbone was announced and was supposed to be a DRM machine? gamestop was mad as fuck and was one of the groups responsible for microsoft rescinding on that shit.
gamestop will die it's inevitable
I've literally never had a problem in gamestop.
im gonna miss prank calling the same gamestop and harrasing the same guy
literally this, Gamestop has been pure shit for at least a decade now and now they're finally dying
there's been plenty of evidence to shit like this
I'm always surprised at how inept their management is. They could at least try something new, like having a few arcade machines or maybe rentable VR headsets. Maybe they could start offering game design classes. All of this may sound stupid, but here's the thing: it'd actually make money because it'd turn the store into a thing people would actually want to go to, rather than a place people too stupid for walmart use.
EB games isn't as bad as the stories I hear about GameStop on here.
It's still shit, though.
I'm going to throw a party the day they file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Seriously fuck that place, they stopped being relevant years ago.
In the one hand, the margin on this shit is so tight that even with their shitty business practices they probably just stay afloat at many stores.
On the other hand their business practices are fucking vile and have caused me to cease all business with them. I have not stepped foot in their stores in years and never will again. The last time I was in there, I asked for a brand new copy of DoA on PS4. The guy walked out from the counter and to the PlayStation section, grabbed an empty display case from the shelves, with stickers on it and fucked up markings, comes back to the counter and pulls a paper sleeve out from under the counter drawer. There was the disc, just chilling in this sleeve. No manuals or anything paper wise inside. He rang it up as new and I laughed having watched this whole thing. I told him that's not new and I don't want it and left.
Fuck GameStop.
Gotta fund those rapefugees somehow my euro friend.
I'd be inclined to visit a game shop that had arcade cabinets and shit. The problem is, all arcade games that are worth playing are no longer being made. Now you've got shit like angry birds and fruit ninja.
I really like the Gamestop in my town, i am even asked how the store should look like.
But ye merch is taking over about 1/4 of Gamestop is now covered in it.
Before Funcoland was bought out, they had something like that; cabinets of different systems, and you can basically demo anything as long as it was M rated
i love my game informer subscription though. i dont want that to die....
>local game stores
last I checked it was 9200 stores OP
Buying used games is worse than pirating.
No, just Gamestop
Fuck them though.
I never understood why they didn't adjust the pricing of their physical stuff based on condition. There were so many times where I saw a used game I wanted but the case was beat to fuck and back. if I had received a couple bucks off because of it, I would have spent my money.
Last I checked it was 255. What the fuck happened
Fuck Gamestop and all, but I feel awful for the employees.
i'm always curious when a post like this comes along hardly anyone comments on it.
150 stores idiot.
really makes you think
>weird mix of some fucked up birth baby
I don't have an image, I just want this phrasing to stick
I am pretty sure that every chain store that used to be in the business of selling disc-based or otherwise material media has had to adjust in the same way. There's still a market for independent "boutiques" that sell used games and systems going back further than PS3, that have arcade machines and community events, that have employees who give a shit about the store and the product. They're too rare, though. With GS on the wane, maybe it's time for the neighborhood game store to rise again.
eh, im ok with it
sometimes there isn't anything else to say other than "this" or "nah"
some comments dont get replies at all
No, retail is dying
This isn't a site where you give likes/upvotes to good posts.
Amazon is just better. 20% new games and free shipping with Prime. Better selection of older games, too.
the future is digital
This desu.
Shit is there a list of stores? I don't want my P5 TYH edition to be cancelled
It takes more than a week to close them.
>Used games don't depreciate in value fast enough.
At least they depreciate. Digital never does so you can expect to pay full price unless there's a sale going on and then half the time they do like Steam did where they jacked the priceof the game up then applied the sale price.
There are 8500 Gamestop stores?
Yup. If gaming goes 100% digital say goodbye to going into GS with $20 and walking out with 5 ok games. Digital never goes down in price
What is the profit margin for new games sold at Gamestapo?
> people are not allowed to sell their own old shit when Gamestop is dead
not anymore :->
There's only 1 Gamestop in my area that I care to visit. Aside from all the lame thinkgeek merch they have, the cashiers are super cool and never pressure me into additional sales or preorders. I hate when sometimes the cashier tries to act like he's your friend, only to turn around and start telling you how to spend your money on shit you don't want.
>Fake news
The one local game store here doesn't sell new games
Is there a list of the stores that are closing?
Did you know they would rip the plastic off new Xenoblade1 copies to sell them at ebay prices. so instead of them selling it for $60 it was $90. I know they did that because whrn I bought my copy the disc and manual was in perfect condition
>digital games never go down in price
Have you ever used an online service for games in your life?
No digital distribution is putting a huge hurt on retailers like gamestop. Good fucking riddance to gamestop they were one of the first places to start shilling exclusive pre order bonuses.
No, the popularity and ease of digital, platforms having steam-sale tier sales frequently, and the frankly scummy practices of Gamestop themselves are catching up to them.
Why drive to a game-store when I can order it online and have it shipped same day for a nominal fee(sometimes given with membership like Amazon) Why should I trade in a game for 10 bucks but still have to spend 30 to get a 3 year old game when Sony has already marked it down to 20 multiple times?
Pay the piper you shitty store.
It's their own fault.
They sometimes don't have enough copies to go around to those who preorder
They only order just enough to cover preorders so unless if it's Madden or Call of Duty they're not guaranteed to have an extra copy launch day
"New" games are unwrapped on the shelf
Used games are $5 less than new
Trade in values are half the price they sell used for at most
It's usually cheaper to order a game from amazon new than it is to buy it new in store, even if you don't have amazon prime
Amazon Prime or the Best Buy game club give you 20% off new games making it even cheaper than buying used at gamestop
What game was it?
>Used Nintendo games don't depreciate in value fast enough. If its a brand game (Mario, Sonic, Zelda, etc) expect to pay over 25 dollars.
FTFY. World of Final Fantasy was like 18 bucks used after a month or two for a bit. Nintendo games barely go down in price in the used market.
>industry releases shit for a decade
>retailers feeling the heat
>MAYN, FuCk GameStop and there Tshits
but this is a thread about gamestop
the industry is still shit but this is about gamestop
Fuck GameStop. They will sell a used game for the same price or more than a Walmart or a Target across the parking lot will. This is why they're dying.
Stop buying shit from those faggots who use a restroom as storage. Let them die so the pre order culture dies with them.
Yea, just a shitty store is dying!
>so the pre order culture dies with them.
>so the pre order culture dies with them.
come on guys, no it wont
there will just be online pre-orders with ingame skin bonuses instead
GameStop closing 500,000 stores what a time to be alive
gamestop is shit because the industry is shit. Gamestop had tshirts and toys at the end of the PS2 era as well because no one was buying shovel ware and the only AAA game people wanted was Halo 2
Quit lying. I've seen 2 different numbers floating around, 150 or 250 are closing. Not fucking 8.5k.
There are too many anyways. I can get to 2 Walmarts within 15 minutes of my house. I can get to 3 Gamestops within 15 minutes. I live in rural fucking nowhere.
If you think "pre order culture" will die if literally every Gamestop closes, you are fucking RETARDED.
t. Gamestop CEO
This is only really true for console gaming like PSN and the nintendo eshop, PC gaming is incredibly cheap.
Gamestop is literally the only place to get used games in my town. Now I gotta buy everything online.
PSN has decent sales. The discount is doubled or increased if you have PS+. I got Uncharted 4 for like 70% off not too long ago digitally.
>pre-order hoarding
I honestly have no idea what this is, but fuck anybody who pre-orders anyway.
>overall lying to make sales
Literally every business in the history of ever.
>selling used games as new
This one is real, and is why I never shop there aside from the fucked up prices. I'm not paying full price for a game that's already been opened, so some minimum wage shit can put whatever he wants in there.
To be fair, when i worked there parents would leave their kids and go shopping. Guy may have had a bad day, either way fuck his attitude. I didnt mind it so long as it was every so often or they acted like humans and not apes.
I ended up calling DCF on some dindus
because they left their kid at my store 3 days in a row from opening to close.
Its dying because things are becoming more and more digital. Better deals on websites like greenman etc. There is a reason gamestop no longer does midnights and releases games at 9:30pm.
This already exists.
yea I know, meant to say there will be more of it
>8500 Store
That don't even have that anywhere near that amount of stores.
The real money makers are those geek stores. There is on in Clearwater mall that sells Zelda figurines and Funko Pops. It's always crowded in there.
GameStop is out of touch with their customer base and should die. Fuck then for putting stickers on games, selling new games without shrinkwrap and asking 500 questions.
7,117 to be exact.
Also another thing, Gamestop owns thinkgeek so they may be closing down gamestops stores to reopen thinkgeek ones.
i went there yesterday for the MH4 sale and it was my first time checking out the "nerd" section. shit was gay