This man's career is basically over right? Pretty mind blowing how one mistake results in him getting blacklisted. From making Mega man to mgihty number 9.
Really makes you think.
This man's career is basically over right? Pretty mind blowing how one mistake results in him getting blacklisted. From making Mega man to mgihty number 9.
Really makes you think.
What career?
>What career?
Kids these days don't know about Inafune's 30+ gaming career. The Myth, The Man, The Legend. He's one fo gaming's godfathers.
>Special thanks/Producer
What did they mean by this?
What mistake?
That Inafune was the driving force behind the mega Man series from day ONE. From making the designs, to ensuring the series stayed healthy at Capcom. Notice how as soon as Inafune leaves, all the MM projects died? Not a single one has been made since.
>What mistake?
You know he didn't actually do anything useful on the mega man games, right?
Frog looking mother fucker.
soul sacrifice was great
He was largely the driver of the series from the business side. Nothing really on the creative side. Thats not to downplay things, videogames are frankly businesses ventures and do require that side for it to happen, but my god this man has been wildly misatributed, dosn't help that after years he started to just run with it and say that he was Megaman's "Father".
>dosn't help that after years he started to just run with it and say that he was Megaman's "Father".
He never said that.
If he just delivered a bad game he would be fine. However he blew millions of fan donated dollars, it was a faith project and exposed himself.
His career might not be over, pretty sure he could probably get hired somewhere else with his resume, but he won't ever get another opportunity like he did with MN9.
Give me a quick rundown please
>give me a quick handjob please
In 2013 it seemed like every major creator was doing a kickstarter for dead IP. Inafune announced his Mega Man clone Mighty no. 9 in the same time period a Mega Man game got cancelled and many fans dumped their cash into it without understanding what kickstarter was.
Quickly they found a woman to attack for feminist views and started demanding refunds or tried charge backs. The hatred merged into the gamergate blob.
While that was going on, the actual gameplay started coming out and it didn't look like a piece of concept art which seems to have had people expecting an illustrated 2d sidescroller and not a 2.5d sidescroller.
The community votes also seemed to not matter and a vote for the girl robot was rigged from the start.
So finally the game comes out and it's not the super awesome game they imagined with their capcom hate boner.
I swear he looks exactly like a kappa, but I haven't seen anyone else make the connection.
its ok he can keep appearing as special attacks in nep
>"""making""" mega man
Wait, how does that attacked feminist connect to the mighty 9?
It's just one mistake in his long and pretty cool career. Do you fire a burger flipper because he accidentally made a sandwich once?
90% of Mega Man games, Lost planet, and Dead Rising wouldn't have existed without him.
I think people are unnecessarily hard on him.
Shouldn't have hired Dina.
if the customer complains, likely yes, especially if the sandwich contains things that may trigger a food allergy that were not supposed to be in the burger.
It's just a gratitude.
>megaman only
So he's known for a single series, of which he personally ruined in the end and then ruined the spiritual successor.
He made a few good megaman games then went senile.then end.
Lost Planet was good before he got involved.
The demo on 360 was amazing, then we got involved and ruined the actual release game.
I have a steelbook Lost Planet, I played it for an hour and turned it off, never to play again - after being intrigued and played the demo like 100 times.
Wasn't a mistake, he's a conman AKA "Jew of the East"
He's the reason why Capcom is the way it is today because he wanted the CoD crowd, this guy has a major flaw in business philosophy.
With his new company, gamers had his back from the beginning and even then he managed to fuck it up somehow.
For someone who claims to love Mega Man as much as he does, he sure had no problem killing it.
He did Soul Sacrifice which is the only actually good MH clone that exists, whatever that's worth.
She was talking about wanting a female character in the game and ran the message boards as community manager. More than enough.
>This man's career is basically over right?
I dont know user, many people on mighty no9 threads claimed they would give Inajew more money for a sequel, because now HE knows what not to do to make a good megaman style game.
Im afraid there'es enough retards that will support his next abortion
Not to mention dina got his job because her "bf works on the game" (she later claimed she was refering to her best friend), she was community manager but she also claimed to work in the designs of the robots, she didnt even knew what a mega mans was, yet she was the link between the supporters and the developers.
She banned people for posting things like "we community manager now" claiming it was "racist af".
When people critized her actions she always gave a reply that had nothing to do with the criticism.
Inafune didn't even get enough money for Red Ash from fans.
I don't doubt that despite MN9 he will get sufficient funding for his next project like Mr. Shitface though.
Did the vita and 3ds versions came out?
creator and father are different things gooby
>Did the vita and 3ds versions came out?
Nope. And they never will.
Is there a way to get my shekels back?
His lips look fucked up.
Frog/human hybrids never turn out right.
holy crap, I cant believe it
maybe it's because he left Capcom like a retard
If Fīru fisshu was a little bit of a business man himself scalebound would not have been canceled
I dont think so, most banks have a 1 year limit to get a chargeback