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>used to play the fuck out of this in 09
>visit once a year and every time it gets worse

i remember there were maps with people circle jerking about the old days

good times

Anyone selling horns of the netherworld? I need a pair.

It's still fun, but they're retarded for getting rid of being able to give your character multiple colors.

I have a pair for you right here
*unzips dick*

Did they ever say why they're doing it?



*Tap tap tap walk*
*Stock explosion*

this is the only good roblox game

Probably the shittiest tastes I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing

>I was scared and my pants slipped a little

Buying horns of the netherworld for irl money.

Post it.


>scaring your kid like this, permanently so
His mom doesn't get it.

He deserves it desu. I had an older friend when I was that age and I blamed the porn on him. This kids a faggot.

>joined 07
>still playing

such life

>joined '08
>quit through the eggs and all the good shit
>came back and everything's fucked

>joined 2007
>still hop on every once in a while
I'm 21 years old and I'm still playing a game geared towards kids. Nostalgia makes you do weird things.

Gimmie money

M8 I'm 25 and still buying robux. Send help.

So can you buy individual colors?

How did this Roblox thing get so big after being dormant and under the radar for so long? I've initially heard of this game back in '07 and it's been under my radar up until the last couple of years.

YouTube, mobile ports of the game

This. You can get children to make you irl money by being famous.

Post your avatars, me desu

I don't play preschool games, but I'll take a quick rundown of why you fags like it.

I remember Roblox getting somewhat big in 2009 until Minecraft came out the following year and began to steal a lot of its thunder. It kind of remained under the radar again until popular Youtubers started picking it up out of nowhere and attracted legions of their young followers towards it.

I'm not even sure what happened to Blockland. That game's just dead as far as I'm concerned.

I literally saw gameplay of this for the first time today.
I completely missed the boat on this and never even bothered to find out what it was.
How do people even spend money on it? What do you buy? Is it like pay for cosmetic shit like Maplestory?

Even I'm not this heretical. Please go die.

Blockland had so much potential. It's not fair, damn it.


Sometimes. Sometimes it is to get premium content on a user created area. Think pay to win.

What kind of shitty mom shames a kid for masturbation? Like seriously. Shit parent.

The kind who isn't contributing to the destruction of civilization.

A lot of user made games are designed like mobile games, where you can play normally and slowly or spend some cash and get a boost. It's awful, and it's the devs fault. They had Tix, which was your reward for plays on your places, and they removed them. Now the only way to get monopoly bux is to make people buy stuff from your own store.

woops, sorry


GayPurpleMan did nothing wrong.

What the fuck is wrong with masturbation and how is that contributing to the destcru- oh wait, you're pretending to be retarded.

Fuck off retard.

Found the degenerate.

So where in the world was this Roblox game popular? I've never heard of anyone I know in my country ever playing it.
We're more of a Runescape/Adventure Quest type of people.

I remember always going to this build your own car server where you build a car and race on different tracks. I used to make giant pink flying fucks and fly around to trigger little children.

>ywn talk with strangers at the Iron Cafe again
>ywn explore Moonlight City and find bizarre weapons ever again
>ywn curb stomp other children at Sword Fight on the Heights ever again
>ywn defend the underwater UCR base from X-101st ever again
>ywn roleplay as Goku at the universe rp ever again
>ywn delete rafts as they go down the river ever again

Back to Sup Forums.


ywn play paintball with good ol' miked ever again


>ywn curb stomp other children at Sword Fight on the Heights ever again
feels bad man

Hide n Seek, Sword Fight tournaments, and Paintball were the best maps ever.

You can't refute this.

never played, always that that this was an alternative for kids who couldn't use their parent's credit card to buy minecraft.

Came out before Minecraft though.

I learnt of it from a Youtuber called fleskhjerta around 10 years ago.

I would've never heard of it if not for him until probably years later.

>Frequent Roblox threads

>joined in late 06 early 07
>tried to play when a bunch of old friends got on to play it
>forgot my password for that account was leaked from some other website
>someone else got on it, changed the password and got it banned

>fapping makes you gay
you have to be retarded

Somebody make a game like good roblox already. Seriously, just fucking do it. I need my fix of multiplayer build-and-script but modern roblox is so fucking awful and there's literally nothing else like it to fill the void. Why?

Was the game just a product of its time? Will there ever be anything like it again?

You're a man that causes yourself to orgasm.

Show me where I said that, faggot. /You're/ gay, not everyone who masturbates. Although I guess I shouldn't expect much from your kind.

You could always try Graphicatoria but the devs are cunts.

>jerking off a penis
>not gay
The only winning move is to fuck your ass with your own penis.

you're a retard

he links to lesbian, gay, bi, trans board because I said masturbation is normal

the guy is seriously mentally challenged and obviously from Sup Forums hive



they ported it to Xbox and it kind of just became really big

>You will never be on classic Happy Home in Robloxia and fuck around in the models list ever again

My Dad caught me watching porn when I was like 14 years old and he just pretended he didn't see anything. I don't understand the point of overreacting to it. Back when I was in 7th and 8th grade only the most socially inept retards didn't watch porn, they were weirdos.

This hurts me more than anything else

Blockland didn't have an easy scripting interface like Roblox did with Lua so it was a lot less moddable, that's probably why it died.

FUCK ME, that mother fucker is the reason why I started using youtube, just to watch his dumb mario 64 bloopers and roblox videos.




>tfw those servers that let you type lua scripts in chat and autorun them are completely dead
Those were fucking incredible, if only for how crazy shit got.

>open model list
>spawn some npcs
>search for a shotgun
>spawning it causes a million messages to pop up and all the objects to be renamed to "virus!"

It's still active people. Plenty of mods to download that have been generated over the years. Only bad thing is not many servers are hosted constantly. It's like everything is cycled every once in a while.


Blockland wasn't really that good imo, the movements controls to it were floaty and the control layout itself didn't make much sense to me. A lot of the minigames I remember were simpler and less scripted than the obbies you see on ROBLOX, but that might just be my personal experience.

>liking halo is considered underage but people ITT play roblox

>somone runs a script that makes it rain a thousand teapots

Roblox is a mature game for mature gamers such as myself


>ywn delete rafts as they go down the river ever again



well I feel old after watching this.

>tfw they changed the insert models system and all my scrips broke

So when's chapter 2 coming out?


Classy suits are classy

Post good ROBLOX games.



Are there any porn servers? Asking for my wife's son.


I gotcha, same age, joined in 08

The game is still fun but it's just more and more visible how Roblox is greedy, can't go on a game anymore without paid options.

Fucking hell, the loonies you find on this fucking game...

You know I'm surprised with how ROBLOX is so fucking nazi over being family friendly but they actually let this shit through. anything for money I guess.

Talking of Family Friendly, I'm 110% sure the word filter bullshit exist because they don't want to hire anyone to take care of the reports, which is retarded because there was already a bot behind it.

>he doesnt have it

Why wear something nobody can see?