This game was good for the time, it just aged badly

>this game was good for the time, it just aged badly

is this sentence the ultimate proof that vidya is not an art? art's value shouldn't decrease over time

How high are you?

post thighs

>art's value shouldn't decrease over time
Says who? Art is like a vagina, it comes and goes, when the rain washes you clean you'll know.

That excuse is used for every other piece of art though: books, music, movies etc.

It's just a pleb filter, don't pay attention to the people who says that.

>3-4 year old game is now considered aged

Are NES games like cave paintings to you now

How do you explain those few games whose value doesn't decrease over time then? And how do you explain forgotten works of the past in other mediums which clearly have no value now?

but a good book will stay a good book no matter what

it's quite different with videogames, who can say GTA III is as good today as it was in 2001?

Not all game are art. Games can be art. Anything can be art.

>but a good book will stay a good book no matter what

And videogames are the same. GTA was never good, it was just the open world novelty.

Stop spewing this shit, art doesn't mean anything.

Only casuals cry about games aging.

games that didn't age are mostly cRPG who only suffers from clunky mechanics
and cRPGs are known to be pretty text heavy, and text doesn't make use of vidya's greatest asset : interaction

videogames who tried to do something meaningful through gameplay (like shadow of the colossus) are far too few to save the media from being an empty pastime

But where are the proof that whoever said that isn't just pulling stuffs out of their ass? It just looks like an ultimate bait sentence describing something subjective as fuck.

tetris is still good
space invaders is still fun
system shock 2 is still scary
mgs 4 is still shit

i disagree with you OP

ur a pleb


The android game is good?

I'm probably the most patrician person on Sup Forums right now. Watch your fucking mouth, pleb!

Imagine if in some alternative universe where a book was written when there were only 13 letters in the English alphabet, if you were used to reading books from the future with 26 letters, it would be extremely hard to older material. If the book was remastered to include 26 letters, the writing styles would still feel dated.

That is basically how game are in relation with its medium.

Games that value style over Graphics tend to be eternal in terms of holding up.

Megaman Legends
Vagrant Story
Metal Slug
Viewtiful Joe

A decent art style thats implemented correctly can go a lifetime before looking outdated. Graphics are constantly improving so not do much there.

I guess paintings aren't art then either because cave paintings have aged kinda bad

Bravely Third when!?

Potemkin also aged pretty badly although it's extremely important for movie's history.

It's also an ok movie if you watch it with the right mindset, just like how you play clunky early cg games.

I kind of get where you're coming from but a 13 letters book, although more limited in what it can tell than a 26 letters one, can still be interesting on its own. Unless the original author decide to rewrite the same book from scratch in 26 letters, no other piece of writing will invalidate it as it already has its own purpose, its own identity and tries to achieve something unique.
Most videogames don't work like that, they just strive to deliver "raw fun" (it sounds pretentious but I don't know how to word that better) without much thought beyond that. When a game only wants the player to have fun, another game that can do the same things with even more stuff is all it takes to make the old game feels dated.
That's why all games we consider to have "aged well" are mostly plot-driven, plot doesn't age but is far too often conveyed only through walls of text. That's a shame because game designers should man up and try something fresh, to convey ideas through interaction with a virtual world.

>That's why all games we consider to have "aged well" are mostly plot-driven

Says who?

Castlevania, Megaman, Mario, Metroid, Zelda, GnG, Metal Slug etc

All games that have little to no story, but are wonderful to this day.

Its proof that the majority of consumers are brainless sheep with absolutely zero taste.

>not using the bravo bikini
What's this kind of pleb artist

mainly 2D games, they can't be invalidated since they represent absolute mastery of their own genre as far as fun is concerned,
at least that's my opinion on SOTN and Metroid Fusion. Didn't play any Megaman.

games are games.

Let me explain to you why the value of art can "degrade".
Van Gogh lived his life feeling worthless, and got no recognition until many years after his death, his art gained fame with time, but it was still art.If you look at renaissance paintings you (and know their story) you will see that there were artists who were considered great at their time but hold up very poorly when compared to latter artists work. Evidently you have to take into consideration what was around at the time of release and that things get judged differently as time progresses. DaVinci's art was considered super realistic at the time, but my girlfriend can pain hyper realistic portraits, not saying she is on his level, but things have changed because the world has progressed so much since then that we don't think of it the same way.

Classic arts have all aged badly based on the amount of people who don't care about them anymore.

Also Shakespeare is fucking shit now, I can't say whether it was ever good though.

Shakespeare was way ahead of his time, he invented toilet humor, if you look at his work as some sort of super romantic or mysterious work of art then you are going about it the wrong way.
His work was made for poor simple people, keep this in mind when watching his plays and you will see how good he was. I had a friend point that out to me and it really makes a difference. That being said you don't HAVE to like him, but he really was smart for what he did. The biggest problem is that it can be hard to follow when its all in ye olde, but it loses the charm if you try and translate it into modern english.

Interesting explanation.If i ever look at more of his stuff i'll keep this in mind.

Please look up the definition of art. Fucking Seinfield is art. The fags going "oh but this is so vile it cannot possible be considered true art" are exaggerating elitists.

You know petroglyphs, those stick figure cavemen drew? They're art. Sure, they may look outdated since the art form has since advanced, but it's still art.

Literature hasn't advanced much since all you need for that is a creative mind and a pen. Paintbrushes and paints haven't evolved that much so regardless of subject matter, painting hasn't advanced much either.

Video games "age badly" mostly due to how rapidly technology advances.

people act like bad art can't be art. it's silly for a variety of reasons.

>Literature hasn't advanced much since all you need for that is a creative mind and a pen.

that's the best thing about it desu

Yes actually

It helps if you start with his comedies.

Only casuals say this.

Stop mistaking "art" and "personally valuable art".

Literally everything anybody has ever made could be considered "art". Art is creative expression of human work. All paintings are art, all games are art, all books are art. This includes non-fiction and works made for profit.

What you're thinking of when you say "Art does this" or "Art does that" is art that you personally believe is distinctly of value. That's a very different concept to simply being art though.

that's because video games are bad art