>Wow, what a huge world I get to explore! I wonder what's behind that mountain?! >a) Korok; >b) Hinox; >c) Stone Talus; or >d) Shrine >EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
What the fuck, Sup Forums. I thought you said I'd be constantly surprised by this game? Feels very formulaic so far for an "open air" game. I'm 20 hours in, does it get better?
Luis Diaz
Nintendo has your money. That's all I care about.
Jaxon Powell
e) a village f) a stable g) a unique minigame h) a treasure chest i) a useful item you needed for a recipe j) a shrine quest
Not even including other monsters like Lynels
Blake Jackson
I can't deny that I would have liked more 'unique' content ala the dragons, Eventide Island, etc. But it's still the best open world game yet.
Lincoln Kelly
>boring garbage by zelda standards >boring garbage by open world game "standards" shit game is shit, news at 11
Ryder Turner
Sorry best open world is dark souls 1 even if the game is kinda shit now it's still the best world
Colton Baker
if you don't enjoy the exploring more than the finding than you should probably stick with loot driven games.
Nolan Hill
>exploring around Horon Bay >randomly come across two chests out in the open wth 300 rupees each >weird >suddenly shock arrows rain down upon me >Silver Lynel switches to melee and slaps my ass >Game Over
Didn't even see that nigga. Guess he didn't take kindly to being robbed.
Zachary Butler
Really, man? Cookie cutter Villages, stables that look the same and TREASURE CHESTS that don't have unique loot 99.9% of the time?
Really made me think
Austin Young
That's fucking stupid.
Exploring is only fun if you have the possibility of finding.