I have never played SOTN and I'm wondering which version you guys suggest I should play. PS1 or PSP?

I have never played SOTN and I'm wondering which version you guys suggest I should play. PS1 or PSP?


psp, after that kys

Getting mixed messages here, and I'm not gonna kiss you either you faggot

Play a video game on a console if you think video games are worthy of your time.

Play a video game on a handheld if you think video games are just pointless trivial time waster things to do because you have nothing better to do in your life.

I'm playing on PC one way or another, I'm just wondering if there are any significant differences or flaws between the releases.

PS1, it has the classic VAs that sound goofy for that one line that no one wants to admit are overall actually really good and well done. Also I think there's a different ending credits song that they couldn't get the rights to for the PSP one.

PS1, the PSP remake (The Dracula X Chronicles) changed the voices (and Japanese Voices), and the voices of the original are part of the charm. but it also have some "bonuses" like Playable Maria and boss.

If you gonna emulate i would reccomend PS1 for first play through and then do the PSP versions for a second for the bonuses.

Perfect, thanks.

What a stupid idealogy

Definitely PSP version that's in Dracula X Chronicles. Better translation and voice acting

PSP is probably the most complete version.

>and voice acting

More like bland voice acting. Nothing about it is memorable.

And for all the goofy shit (mostly Dracula's over acting), Alucard was legit perfect in SotN.

Your projection levels couldn't be any higher, user.

I've played sotn about 5 times on psx. Playing the PSP version now and I'll say that the voice acting is more dignified but less fun.

So, there are no differences besides the voice acting? Might as well get the PSP version then because I play on mute anyway.

Either works.

PSP has (slightly) more content and new script.
PSX is the OG game and should be experienced as it is.

Again, either way is fine.

>I'm just wondering if there are any significant differences or flaws between the releases

PSP = Has Maria. Has reworked script.
PSX = Has the original cheesy audio. Has a bunch of exploits that, while can marginally extend the life of the game for kicks, don't really do much. Has perfect pixel graphics -- PSP version is not exact.

I'd say "go for PSP" due to polishing. But there isn't such a HUGE difference.

Good, that's what I was looking for. Thanks. Going with PSP.

"Die monster, you don't belong in this world!"

I think PS1 Dracula's voice fits his decadence really well.

He's right



PS1, the original voices of Alucard and Dracula are god tier, and the fact that its not the same VAs in PSP makes the PS1 version vastly superior.

>There are people who had to use a guide to find the alternate castle

Honestly, as long as you explore thoroughly it's pretty easy to find.

Also the sword of dawn is sick.



You legit have to go the og ps1 version to experience the VA memeage 1st time thru.

It would be like watching TDKR and skipping the opening scene

I don't care about VA. I've already heard it over the years anyway through youtube and whatever anyway.

>PSP version
Isn't that version kinda locked behind Castlevania Rondo of blood?

PS1, either original or jp ver with PSP translation inserted. Unless you like playing anywhere, then go with PSP since it also has Rondo of Blood

"Ahh, sarcasm" "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" "Mark 8:36 I believe" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh