I think this is the EoE of Dark Souls. This is Miyazaki's massive fuck you to fans and Bamco for continuing what should have ended with DaS 1. Its poetic. We reach the end of time, and are face to face with the pygmies, only to have this random DLC character kill them before we can talk to the last remaining lore figures.
I think this is the EoE of Dark Souls...
Other urls found in this thread:
>There are people this dislike this fight
Fight itself is fantastic. Everything else about it not so much.
Gael was introduced at the start of Ashes faggot
He didn't kill shit. They were already dead.
Feels good not giving a shit about the lore.
EoE wasn't a fuck you.
It was a clearer explanation on what was happening during the last two episodes because no one understood them.
The movies are a fuck you.
Eleum Loyce was better
Gael is a good character and final boss
i just got to this guy. is he actually the final boss?
I'm currently going through Eleum Loyce. It's definitely the best das2 dlc by far. Shulva was terrible and Brume was bland. I honestly think they were both worse than the main game.
there is an optional dragon boss too
how do you get to him? i feel like i've been everywhere. also, how do i get the item on the Gwyn statue? I saw there's a hole above him but idk how to get there
So they're an improvement from a terrible ending to an ok ending?
That opinion will change once you go through the frigid shithole.
>I think this is the EoE of Dark Souls
EoE? What is that?
you have to first kill the dragon on the bridge
he is in the same place as the Gwyn statue
hint: ride the elevator
End of Evangelion
I never watched NGE so I have no idea how I know this
fighting the dragon on the bridge is the "optional boss fight"? please tell me you're joking
Oh thanks. I barely watched any anime at all, so the reference was completely lost on me.
no you have to "kill" the dragon on the bridge so you can go and fight it properly
it drops down into the arena
>the item on the Gwyn statue
it was a fucking cloranthy ring. holy shit this DLC is garbage
So if you touch the egg you're fucked from getting the covenant?
Don't fight the dragon the 2nd time around, it locks you out of the covenant and covenant rewards.
Yeah, he was a random DLC character. Could have had a ton of other possible characters show up, but no.
>No surprise Ciaran being alive
>No Solaire
>No Benhart
>No Aldia
>No Serpents
>Just the new bumblefuck dude who killed the actually important NPCs
why would that be the case?
Oh for fucks sakes, who wnated Solaire or Behnart? You people have bitched endlessly about this game being a rehash and Gael is somehow just too offensive to take?
oh alright thanks
what do you mean? should i do the spear fight first? i already did that
Yeah, Spear of the Church shit. Justget the covenant stuff and the rewards from Shira.
are you retarded?
killing the dragon is the only way to join the covenant
Sup Forums would have bitched regardless. Name me one franchise that was rather so-so that got redeemed in Sup Forums's eyes. Fuck now memers are saying "Dark Souls wasn't even that good you guys".
This makes no sense. Hasn't the game borrowed enough from the previous games already?
That's just it, it was a rehash in bad places (Not-Siegmeyer, Storm Lord, Artorias' fan club), and where it had the opportunity to bring back something GOOD (Where the FUCK is Aldia?) they fucked it up.
Instead of bringing back things from previous games to actually answer some things, they instead just opted to bring back references that make sense but barely do anything with the story.
how the fuck do I dodge the gay prince's fuck you meteors
Are you saying that the DLC is a shallow collection of imagery stolen from old gothic Christian aesthetics implemented by a hack who didn't understand their actual reasoning and later admitted that if he knew how popular the DLC would become in the west he wouldn't have done it that way because it makes him look dumb to anyone who has a surface level understanding of christian imagery?
citation needed
summon and gank
sorry I don't play babby mode
who fucking cares
they admitted to not really giving a shit about christian imagery in evangelion, it's a different culture to them, I don't think the thor movies really explore the depths of norse imagery
Kill the other one first
>Shulva was good you pleb.
It's in that documentary with Anno and Miyazaki and the other guy.
>Only major character in the series that isn't 'Muh Dark' or 'Muh Flame"
I bet you fuckers still wanted Kaathe to actually be alive.
It's a fucking spectacle, that's for sure. I'm not sure why it was Gael, though. It didn't feel like a fitting end, and I'm sure they could have crafted something better for the ending to the franchise.
>miyazaki intentionally made a shit game and shit dlc to show that bloodborne is the true ending and his swan song
>Implying Miyazaki did anything for Bloodborne aside from put his name on it
Aldia isn't even in any of the games unless you were stupid enough to buy the same game twice
>finally make it past the angles and kill the demon prince
>reach the ringed city
>weird hollow fucks talking before and after arrow rape bridge
>reach first bonfire
>encounter those ring knights
>well those aren't too bad
>reach the stairs at the bottom
>has an army of these bullshit fat humanity fucks patrolling it
>fuck this shit just run past this
>giant in swamp at the bottom, insects and a boatload of the cunt clerics
>kill everything around me so I can stop running for a second
>well maybe the next bonfire is over there
>no it's a dragonslayer armor that takes 95% of my health with one it
>get rekt ashen one
Somebody please tell me where the bonfire is so I don't have to make the bullshit journey through the fatty stairway again and again, these cunts are not fun to fight have way to much HP and more often than not I can't even sprint past them
SotFS costed less for anyone who already had the game than either of the DS3 DLCs. And it's better than both of them combined, too.
turn right when you get to the bottom of the stairs
it shouldn't have cost anything
no one cares about Aldia or any other forgettable DaS2 character for that matter
That's funny, because DaS3 doesn't have any characters of its own.
yeah onionbro and sunbro for life xD
artorias is so coooool I'm gonna cosplay him at wizardcon :D
DaS 3 confirmed to be the part one of the trilogy
who was aldia again?
one of the shitty DS2 DLC bosses?
>implying anything in this fucking DLC is on the level of Asuka's last sutando
>DaS3 babs this mad that their SECOND DLC is just as bad for the story as their first
So what exactly happens in the DLC? I haven't bought it because I bought Mass Effect: Andromeda™ and I'm waiting for Persona 5.
Everyone can have opinions but yours is objectively shit
>Little painter girl needs new paint
>Guy in OP's pic goes to kill the actually important NPCs to take their blood as paint
>Turns out they don't have blood
>He does some shit with their hearts or something so you can kill him and take his blood
>Painter girl paints new world, names it after you, you go and live in there, the end.
Only roodypoos and retards didn't like EoE.
thanks man, this was starting to get annoying
>it's a fetch quest for paint
i love how you pretend everyone knows what you're talking about...
what does EoE stand for you fucking autist?
There's one at the bottom of the stairs. Turn right. When see one of those hollow insects, yes that's the one.
But Souls is Hidetaka Miyazaki, not Hiyao.
>This is literally the point of both fucking DLCs
>It has almost zero impact on DS3's vanilla story.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone give Brume anything but shit.
It was my favorite part of DS2 by far.
DaS 3 still is the best game of the trilogy though
Zankoku na tenchi wo youni
Shounen wa shinyo ni nare
Is there a way to make these angels fuck off eventually because I'm trying to explore this area but it's proving impossible
Aldia was added to every version of the game.
SotFS hardly has any exclusive content if you don't count the item/enemy placement remixes. Beyond that there's just a couple items and an armor set.
I genuinely had a level of certainty that Aldia would be in the DLC. I was sure of it. He'd be part of the Dreg Heap right? Of course he would!
Fuck Miyazaki, fucking idiot. They added Aldia and his entire ending and whatnot and didn't even fucking acknowledge it in the sequel. Why the FUCK did they go out of their way to add stuff that they would ignore later?!
Man, gotta listen to that OP again.
>Don't fight the dragon the 2nd time around, it locks you out of the covenant and covenant rewards.
This is completely false.
Demon Prince was like they got a fucking intern to come up with a prototypical Souls boss
>Let's give him an annoying 2 vs 1 gank first phase
>The camera will be really bad but that's OK
>After you beat him, he gets a second phase after he pretends to be dead! The players will never see this coming despite the fact we did it for every other boss in 3 as well!
Between the angels and this garbage fight this DLC is kinda bad so far
>EoE was a massive fuck you
perhaps, but it was the most beautiful and euphoric fuck you I've ever been on the receiving end of.
You'd have to be an idiot to actually say EoE was shit in any regard.
>tfw you were exploring a ruined Earthen Peak from Dark Souls 2
>faggots still deny DaS3 didn't reference DaS2
that fight was so fucking easy if you just stick to the beast boss strat of sit by their side, they cant touch you.
If paint end is "true end" then the BotC is better then the Ashen One.
Ashen One runs away from the problem that is "The world is super shitty and on the verge of death". While the BotC actually ends up finding a cure for the curse.
Ashen One runs away from his problems like a beta.
When I reached Earthen Peak I was kinda hoping for the dimension elevator to show up and be revealed as a major plot device.
>Worst replayability
>Even more linear than Vanilla DaS2
>Worst enemy variety
>Worst build variety
>Absolute worst Invasion PvP
>Absolute garbage story
>Garbage DLCs
>Bad balance in general
But hey, you got Bloodborne graphics and some cool fights going for you.
Except for their overhead two hand slam that you cant see because he's so big and getting caught in the flames takes away like 80% of your hp so if you got chip damage you're ohko'd.
>do a lazy callback to Earthen Peak so you have an excuse to add in Slut Waifu armor
>completely ignore a major plot thread that you spent a ton of money on retroactively patching into every copy of the previous game in the series.
It's a great example of the attitude behind DaS3. Fanservice and nostalgiabait before all else. Fuck Fromsoft for ignoring Aldia.
so can we all agree that this was the greatest and most fun dark souls boss and a decent closure to the series?
aldia is a character that they patched into a nonsense plot to try to salvage it
he really doesn't occupy a very important place
Roll behind em, Read the very obvious telegraphs friend.
Vanilla DaS2 had a better plot than DaS3.
Fucking fight me.
*tenshi (天使、angel)
*no you ni ("like a")
*shounen yo (as in yo, this guy doesn't know shit about Japanese)
*shinwa (神話, legend, as in you are a legendary failure)
It's not the difficulty, it's the fact that the boss is the embodiment of two of the most overplayed boss gimmicks / mechanics in the series (ebin second phase with full life bar and obnoxious multiple enemy/enemies)
If the whole fight was just the second form it would have been a lot better and left more of an impression
Autistic fanfic tier plotting incoming
>DLC should establish the existence of an old character in the world
>they're connected to the world and a constantly reformed Soul, always seeking a way to end their own cycle
>turns out to be Solaire, no longer searching for the Sun, but now searching for the dark
>seeks out dark souls to vanquish them in hopes of the cycle never being repeated, freeing himself
>appears in some locations but isn't as friendly as he used to be, knowing his own fate
>final boss of the DLC is an amalgamation of Manus and Artorias, distinct yet deformed and now an abomination of fused dark souls through the worlds colliding with them at the core
>will sometimes move like Sif, jumping across the boss arena, anguished howls, and launch back to attack
>is absurdly difficult, and the second phase has the dark sign in the sky begin to set over the horizon
>upon death, which will almost certainly happen, you are about to be consumed when Solaire steps in to help
>you get back up and fight alongside him, the boss using full mobility so it doesn't feel ganky
>when you kill the boss, Solaire stands and looks over at the sky
>you can talk to him to start a fight, but he's weakened at this point and says he's certain he'll fail, and he's forever destined to suffer the cycle of rehashed shit
Honestly though, really felt nothing emotional about a lot of DaS3. They could have just pulled some Dragonheart shit for cheap feels, and I'm perpetually disappointed they didn't realise the original plans for Oscar when given as many chances. Being a bit of an unstoppable force, with no true equal, got a little uninteresting.