What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

This is the worst puzzle I've ever done in a video game

Other urls found in this thread:


>even apes can do it


This puzzle is easy. Reminds me of kotor in the tomb of nagga sadow.

Want to know how to trivialize Towers of Hanoi puzzles?

1 3, 1 2, 2 3, repeat. meaning the only logical move that can be done between those two towers (ex. in your image you can move from 1 to 3 but not 3 to 1, so 1 to 3 is the logical move). Solves any Tower in 2^n - 1 moves, with n being the number of items to move.

Really? If you had trouble with this puzzle you should be ashamed of yourself.

Why did Bioware have such a hard on for this puzzle

Oh, wait, I forgot that's only for odd numbered towers. If it's even, flip the first two steps.

That was bad because it killed you if you got it wrong.

Easy to code.

>people on Sup Forums are so dumb that they have trouble with tower of hanoi puzzles
I bet you fuckers start crying at layton games