The great debate

The great debate

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What debate?

P5, if only due to production values, visual design, OST and other such stuff.
From a gameplay standpoint, I'd say the two are like apples and oranges, but P5 oozes style, whereas ToB has the same bland Xillia art style that Tales has been running with for a while now, and has a kinda forgettable ost and some really bad problems with how much walking you do.

Is Ber/ss/eria good?

What debate?
You like Tales gameplay more than turn based you buy berseria
You like turn based more than active you buy Persona
or you stop being a poor fuck and buy both

I liked it, but it has some issues that might be difficult to overlook. Its basically just a less fucked-to-shit version of Zestiria.

If you do decide to try it, get it on PC, get cheat engine, and get the cheat table that lets you double your movement speed.

>Better music
>Better map
>More content

>Better story
>Better characters
>Better pace

It's really meh but the cast is really great so if you're into lots of funny convos with husbandos you'll like it, just don't expect much in the story department since it's subpar

Lel the tales series fucking blows

Persona for the story and music
Berseria for the combat gameplay

First time I agree with someone here

I prefer Persona 5. There's actually been no fucking comparison between the two series since Vesperia.
Compared to Zestiria it has better characters and story, but the dungeons are same shitty hallways that Tales has been since Xillia(and arguably Graces).
The cooking system is arguably worst it has ever been with recipes being locked behind minigame where you press button to send crew away for half an hour hoping that they'll come back with some loot, but it's still functional.

There is no debate.
P5 is the ultimate JRPG.
Tales of is good, but not the highest quality production of the genre.

Why? You have an overboard

>better pace

Why not both?

The even bigger great debate.

This remind me of the topic when people were comparing FF15 with P5.
As if modern FF stand a chance.

I honestly don't know how to answer


What makes P5 the "ultimate JRPG"? The way almost every scene is presented with the same static camera angle? The lack of voice acting? The uninteresting (and not terribly consistent in terms of tone, thanks to having over a dozen scriptwriters) dialogue? How every coop story ends up feeling like the same shit since they're almost all solved in the same way? The ridiculous villains with absurdly cliche lines like 「道の蟻を何匹踏んだか、いちいち数えていて目的地にたどり着けるか?」 making me laugh in the middle of scenes that are supposed to be serious? Maybe it's how I can feel the smugness emanate from my TV screen as the writers go out of their way to overexplain the scheme the protagonist used to evade Akechi's attempt to murder him, maybe it's the way Ryuuji is an incredibly irritating character whose only purpose in the narrative is to spark up conflict when the writers can't think of any better way

Berseria is the better game, you have no taste.

They're both kind of shit though. Persona 5 is, you know, a Persona game and Berseria is still nowhere near the late PS2 or early PS3 Tales quality.

Chronicles X. It's less flawed.

Haven't even played it but I vote Xenoblade. XV's combat was pretty embarrassing and the whole game was full of weird design choices.

turn based combat put me to sleep
so berseria wins by default

They're about equal in terms of production values. P5 has higher quality music and art style, but Berseria has better cutscene direction, animation (both in engine and the anime cutscenes), and more voice acting.

Wew lad

Is Persona 5 locked at 30FPS on PS4?

I only know a bit of Japanese but wouldn't that line be the equivalent of using a saying like 'apple a day keeps the doctor away in english'?

Personatards just got BTFO holy crap

I'm all for learning languages but I sure as hell hope you use Japanese language for a career if you're chuckling at cliched bits of dialogue.

I liked it. It has some flaws but nothing outstanding that makes you go "wow that's god awful". Worth a playthrough just so you see Velvet suffer.

>XV's combat is ba-


Better than P5.

I kind of regret playing P5 after Berseria,
since Berseria's characterisation blow P5 out of the water.

I'm unironically think that berseria has the the best written characters in JRPGs ever. Every aspect of their personafication described, no questions left unanswered, lots of character development. I don't know how I'm going to enjoy usual halfassed writing in other games from now on.

That's cool as fuck.

That's because you're 18 and never played any classic.

P5, how is that even a question?

calm yourself moogy

persona combat puts me to sleep, follow a flow chart and you win everytime.

>Good writing
0/10 bait underage.

Play Xenogears or Suikoden 2 and then we'll talk.

>I'm unironically think

I'm unironically think you're a retarded ESL faggot.


XV still needs to be patched, and X gives you way more freedom.
Story and characters are equally meh though. X beats it in gameplay/variety by a million points.


As opposed to the EOP who has to wait 6 months for shitty translations


Nice inspect element.

moogy pls

Are you talking about yourself here?


How visual novely do you want your story driven nippon stat grinder?

You get that like 30 hours into the game...

I've been saying all of this since it came out. P5 is trash.


Got a link for that movement speed cheat table? I can't find it anywhere. Only can find cheats for infinite items and gald.

It's just using warp strike over and over though, the monsters and weapons don't interact well enough to do anything particularly cool.

Not him, but berserias pace isn't that bad.
It takes forever to get shit going but once it does the slow start actually works for its benefit.
The first hours are kinda like the first season of babylon 5 - mind numbingly boring but gives you good and subtle eposition for what comes later.

P5 on the other hand is like Persona games always are - kinda all over the place in the pacing department.

Both are great games, but I enjoyed Persona 5 the most out of the two.

Why did they have to come out so close to each other Sup Forums, I haven't had any game to look forward to since September.


Tales is shit all around comparatively. It doesn't come close.

stop being a faggot and get both

Buy my game.

Or else?

Maybe you should play more games,or more jrpgs for that matter.

I think I'm going with Xeno with this one. The world building was pretty good


Your Japanese is bad. Stop it.

>comparing 2 turds

After the mediocrity that were Nier Automata and Xenoblade Chronicles X you weebs still never learn

You should get some lessons. It's like I'm reading something a 3 year old Mongolian weeaboo kid wrote.


Berseria is 60FPS. Another point in its favor.

Eh you barely look at berseria while playing it if you have leveled a bit and p5 is 50% visual novel anyway.

60 fps wouldn't do great things for both games.

Pretty impossible for Persona 5 to be worse than Berseria, they'd have to try making the game bad on purpose for that to happen, maybe they'll get it next time when they finally leave Zestiria's design choices behind and stop making annoying shit characters like Magilou and Eleanor.

>annoying shit characters like Magilou and Eleanor.
Nigga you went too far

I'm afraid you have shit taste my friend.
Thus your opinion is automatically invalid.

Don't let this face trick you. Nothing good can come from consorting with the Lord of Calamity.


>berseria is bad
kys faggot

Let's check the review tomorrow together user-kun since you are sooo smart :)

>Still needs to be patched

Wasn't the game released half a year ago?

What the fuck do you mean by "debate"? Buy both
P5 is the priority but Berseria is the first good Tales in a fucking good while

I love Velvet


60fps speeds up the game and reduces input lag, something that should be necessary if you plan to speedrun through dungeons or powerlevel.

Buffering fight input is best fight input anyway.

But my PS3 broke and only berseria's on PC :(

A bioware redditor seems super mad