Universally acclaimed industry-changing masterpiece

>Universally acclaimed industry-changing masterpiece

"It was OK at best" ---Sup Forums

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Name 5.

>Sup Forums is one person

>seeking approval from Sup Forums

Quake 1
Quake 3
Street fighter 2
Ultima IV
Counter Strike

>claimed masterpiece
>its shit

Quake 3 was a step back compared to q1, and that's because of no airstrafe

Wow it's almost like different people like different things.

I agree except it had better netcode and set a very high standard for graphics vs optimisations.

That's why I play cpm anyway, vq3 a shit

TLoU is overrated

>Video Game Critics
>Never made or participated in creating video game
Really makes you think.

>what are anykind of critics

>Trump haters
>Never tried being president
How dare they!

>times we were right
Bioshock Infinite

Not true,the music industry used to be critiqued by masters of the craft.
Look into Deems Taylor.

>politics analogies

>not true!
>because of this exception that used to be

>a craft you need to master creation of VIDEO GAMES

>a profession when you govern other people
Bud you are lost

>Video game industry acclaim meaning anything

This isn't like the cinema industry where oscarbaits don't automatically win oscars. This is an industry where 99% of the consumer base only has a surface level interest in it and the other 1% is retarded manchildren and they both accept completely average "GOTY" games as the gospel because they're too dumb to think for themselves.

>cleaning toilets is same as being politician
wew lad

I was only adressing the music thing

Jackie Chan

And I was telling you that there used to be weight to was critics had to say.
Video game journalism has none.

RiP Maxis

>marketing and shills told you a game is an industry-changing masterpiece
>Sup Forums doesn't fall for that meme

Always remember, these are the people you share a board with. They will never be happy, they will only ever shitpost and cause pointless, tedious arguments.

Is this where the EA downward spiral began?

ive seen much more retarded things but they are usually by people who dont really play video games.

>Play a game and stop because you don't like it
>"You can't criticize it because you didn't finish it
>Finish a game you don't like to be able to criticize it
>"If you finished it you must like it so you're just shitposting"

I bet you thought your post was really clever.

>New big indie game has a story people like
"Where's the gameplay? It's the new Gone Home" - Sup Forums

Pic very much related

>he believes the corporate media

>story based indie game of any size
>it's nothing but a couple philosophy majors circlejerking into a game engine

To be fair, there is a difference between being a newcomer in the hobby or just a casual player, and then spending a lot of time on it.
If you spend a lot of time you won't be swayed by "the next big thing!™", since you've developed your own taste for what's good and what's bad.
It's the same shit with books, films, music, whatever. You develop your taste and chances are that you won't find the stuff being marketed to as many people as possible as enjoyable as the more niche things you've grown to love. Likewise, you can have more respect for some flawed stuff, if it does something new or interesting, than for a bland, boring and safe product.

It's not that Sup Forums all agree that X is great - it's that they each have their own X that they love because it's something special.
However, Sup Forums will often agree that Y is bad, since they've seen it done before in a much more interesting way.

Don't blame game journalism
The entire journalism industry is dead and has been for years
Gaming journalism never had a chance

what are you talking about you dumb faggot. gone home was nothing more than a story about going homo. its a clear example of a game being used to normalize gayness into a society with the message of "some people are gay, most arent but some are and its ok" being succeeded by "almost everyone is gay, if you arent thats not ok. being straight is bad" just look at the developers

That's probably because those "industry-changing masterpieces" in fact don't do anything new or revolutionary.
I mean, Bloodborne, The Last of Us, Nioh, new Zelda, The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4 and so on. They're undoubtedly great games, they may even be among the best games created in years.
But they're not "industry changing" in any way. Neither of them does anything innovative. They reuse mechanics already invented and that's not enough for a game to be called "revolutionary", even if they're doing that better than any games before them.

If there's an unnecessarily big hype for something, there will also be an anti-hype. So for every person screaming "BotW is the best video game ever created", there will be someone going "BotW is the worst shit ever created."

>Drop the game
>It was shit
>Woah you didn't even get to the best part 8 hours in

>Finish the game
>It was shit
>Why do you play things that you don't enjoy? Do you have autism? You can't criticize a game I enjoy you fuck

I swear you niggers should be rounded up and put into reeducation camps


>philosophy majors
Philosophy, while a worthless degree, does require some level of critical capacity

These people are more often 'game design', social studies or social science majors

>"it was okay at best" - Sup Forums (game a bit after launch)
>"game is an underrated masterpiece" -Sup Forums after its less desirable sequel comes out

Whatever they are, they can't design a story to save their life.

sony nigger please

Name 1 revolutionary game by your standards.

>samefagging this hard
>to an obvious joke

>Universally acclaimed

Some of those? Yeah


Not even a little bit (except for Jackie Chan).

LAMEstream media amiritre?

>the Democratic club
lost hard and loud, as it basicly represent the state of the world at the moment

True dat. Writers are desperate for attention and have tunnel vision on their subject so they use hyperbole. The word "revolutionary" needs to be reserved for very exceptional cases, or it loses meaning.

I love BotW to death, but calling it revolutionary is just plain silly.

Not that guy, but maybe there aren't any. Most change is gradual, actual revolutions are rare.

>Universally acclaimed industry-changing masterpiece


>new Zelda
> not "industry changing"

But I am a liberal though
And journalism is fucking dead
It's goddamn hard to come across a well thought out, researched and written article

The only thing it's changing so far is the emulation scene.

How does it change the industry? Devs will start making even more open world games? Even more towers you need to climb to reveal the map?

In what way? It's a departure for the series, but it doesn't do anything that other popular games haven't.

I genuinely love the game, but it doesn't have to be world-changing to be good.


It's exactly as hard as it has always been. There was no time in the past when journalism was better.

The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
Bioshock 1
Final Fantasy 7
Spyro 2
Fallout 3
Farcry 3
The Last of Us
Phoenix Wright: Justice for all

to name a few

Zelda isn't revolutionary. It just does established open world really well.

>How does it change the industry?
Because the game came out a fucking month ago, retard. If it changes the industry it's way too early to tell. And it doesn't just do things better, mentioning it along shit games like TW3 and Uncharted 4 is retarded.
>but it doesn't do anything that other popular games haven't.
Right, that's why other developers call it a masterpiece, mmmmhhmmmm. Kill yourself.

those usually get forgotten in like 2 months

But there was
Prior to the internet you had to be a professional to get a job and you had to prove you could write research and articulate
Now literally any random jerkoff has a blog and half of those idiots are hired writers by clickbait websites
inb4 don't read clickbait trash, I don't but it should be easier for the public to access quality information not harder and those sites make it harder

What do Bioshock, TLOU and JFA do that System Shock, Uncharted and Phoenix Wright already didn't?

That's enough right there m8
I like Zelda more than most people but shitting on the Witcher makes me think you haven't played it
It does a lot of different things and does them very well

Think about the meanings of words for a moment, child.

A masterpiece is a piece of outstanding quality. But an industry-changing revolution is completely different. It does things in such a novel way that it creates entire new schools of thought. It's like Van Gogh or Picasso saying "fuck it, I don't want it to look real anymore" and taking a hard right from everyone's assumptions of what "good" even is.

If you say BotW is a masterpiece, I agree. If you say it's a revolution, I say grow up.

>It does a lot of different things and does them very well
It's an action-RPG with fucking awful combat, and I say that as someone who loved TW2.

>I got so buttblasted after \V\ criticized my favorite shit videogame I had to start a thread about it. ---OP

Why on Earth would you compare games to fucking art? It's been 2 decades of nothing but fucking awful open world games that was filled with Ubisoft games and Rockstar copycats. Pretty much all of them are either mediocre or terrible. Nintendo BTFO all of them with one game. That's not really something you would expect considering they of all devs followed conventions and their own series tropes to a T.

>Now that the dust has settled, do we all agree that this absolutely decent game at the very worst is absolute shit

The awful combat is blown so out of proportion it's absurd
The world is extremely large, the game looks very good on any platform relative to games on the same platform, there are tons of side quests and NPCs that make the world feel more believable than most games and more believable than any game of similar size and scope, the writing is about as good as any video game writing can get (which I know sets the bar pretty low, but they still do it better while doing a million other things)
The game does a lot right, just look at something like Skyrim for comparison, they tried to do the same thing (although Witcher had the advantage of being the later game) the Witcher blows it out of the water and makes it look amateur in comparison

Argumentum ad populum, not an argument.

>Zelda fan comments on other game's combat
Laughed out loud.

>It should be easier for the public to access quality information

I guess, but again - in the past, before the internet, there was plenty of printed trash that people were too gullible to question. If a person WANTS to find quality information, it has literally never been easier in the history of the world; just don't read any blogs and subscribe to quality publications. If they want to find garbage, that has also never been easier.

I'm really shocked that a loose conglomerate of autistic and contrarian faggots will constantly underrate things or blow the flaws of a game out of proportion.

If you want the real judge of a game's worth, just see how much Sup Forums actually discusses it (not just NMS or Tortanic levels of "haha this game suuuucks let's post webms making fun of it" shit but authentic discussion). Even if some people are shitting on it, if there's constantly people talking about it in anything even remotely resembling a positive light then there's generally something to it. BotW is a great example where people even had to make threads to say "NUH UH IT'S NOT A PERFECT GAME IT'S ONLY REALLY GOOD AT BEST".

BotW has very interesting combat though, but then again, it's only as interesting as you make it. That sums up BotW in general.

>>Woah you didn't even get to the best part 8 hours in

Wolpaw's First Law of Vidya Criticism: It doesn't mater if the ending is awesome if the beginning is tedious shit.

That doesn't really say much about quality, especially for hyped large scale releases.

"Hi, I'm a shithead who doesn't know what he is talking about" the Post

But the standard of the industry has dropped significantly and you can't convince me that there was equal amounts of yeah pre internet as there is post internet

Pic related would never happen before the advent of the internet

That's rich coming from TW3 faggots considering Zelda invented 3D action combat. Shame TW3's combat isn't better than a game from 1998.
>The awful combat is blown so out of proportion it's absurd
I could do better than that. The gameplay is mediocre.
>turn on witcher sense for every fucking quest
>crafting is pointless, just buy new gear at each location, remember to buy repair kits or else your gear is useless
Every location it's the same thing, even when the game is fully patched I came across bugs. I lost my saves, too, which was extremely annoying but did any of the reviews reflect that? No. And now we have all the Witcher faggots who proudly boasts that the game received game of the year. Well, so did Overwatch. Nobody cares.
>The game does a lot right, just look at something like Skyrim for comparison
Skyrim is really, really awful. Is TW3 better than Skyrim? Of course. But it's a Bethesda game, that's not saying much.
>the writing is about as good as any video game writing can get
Mean the main game or the expansions? Because the main game's story was pretty bad in my opinion. I think the expansions was better.

The same could be said about the Witcher 3 combat
You have an absurd amount of tools at your hand and just because people are shit at the combat doesn't make the combat shit

>Why on Earth would you compare games to fucking art?

I didn't even compare the games themselves to art. I used an example from another domain to demonstrate what a revolution actually is. Do you have any reason why the example is not relevant, or are you just incapable of abstract thought?

>blah blah blah some other shit

Fine. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what BotW did that is completely new and revolutionary, as opposed to simply being very high quality.

>you can't convince me

Truly you are a being of pure logic.

this the problem isn't the information that's available. it's the intent of researcher. most people just want to back up their own beliefs and not be wrong about anything. That's easier than ever with the internet.

For combat see. If you mean locations as in "question marks on the map" then sure they're all alike
But there are lots of varied locations like the tower of rats and it's entire island, Novigrad and oxenfurt, the vegelbud residence, crookbag big, nilfgard camp, crows perch, the kaehrs of skellige, muire trolde so on, the lighthouse

It's only fair to compare the Witcher to games that try to do the same thing, it's not fair to compare Witcher to a driving simulator, so comparing it to something like dark souls, where combat is the main focus isn't all that fair either, and skyrim tries to do the exact same things the Witcher did about as well as anyone can ask as of 2017

The main quest suffered in being rushed in the second half but there is plenty of quality writing in the main game just not the main quest

>I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what BotW did that is completely new and revolutionary
Nintendo already invented 90% of the precursor elements to most video games back in the 80s & 90s, before they got skewed around by others later and then corrected again by them after the fact.
Nintendo created the chicken, it laid the egg and then other people made some omelettes and the occasional quiche out of them.

Nintendo then decided to examine and taste those omelettes for themselves, and then promptly went back to the farm and got their chicken to just fucking lay a cake instead.

>An age where virtually everyone in the developed world has computer and internet access produces less journalistic garbage than an age where you actually had to go out and get a job to spout garbage
Prove statistically that the amount of bad writing was the same, and as readily available when articles were almost entirely print as there is today where literally nearly any human being in the developed world can post literally anything they want whenever they want and have access to every single other individual with a computer and internet access
It's not statistically possible m8

>opinions that differ from the mainstream aren't allowed

Reviews over the last 10+ years are bought. This isn't news. This was exposed a while ago.

>This is what Nintenbros actually believe.

You've got your burden of proof backwards m8. You are making the positive claim, that things are different now than they were in the past, and I am taking the skeptical position that you made that shit up because it feels right. So where's your statistical proof?

I'm really struggling to figure out what the point of this analogy is, but it's definitely not a response to this:
>tell me what BotW did that is completely new and revolutionary

Didn't you read any of the reviews? youtube.com/watch?v=vmIgjAM0uh0


I did not. I played the shit out of the game instead. It incorporated the best qualities of the earliest Zelda games and modern open-world design. It's wonderful synthesis of existing ideas, not a paradigm-breaking revolution. That video says exactly the same thing.

>That video says exactly the same thing.
Ah, so you didn't even watch it. Nice.

I literally just watched it right now. He points out that it takes the design philosophy of the original Zelda and applies it to open-world design, which is completely true. Nowhere does he use any of that garbage hyperbole about how games will never be the same.