Can we just admit WoW had the best and most fun costumes?
I wish more games would just do the subtitle cartoon style, but play it straight, not " lol, cartoon so ironic, amirite guys" (you know he game I mean)
Can we just admit WoW had the best and most fun costumes?
It's alright.
Much better then when they try to be realistic too
No, I fucking hate le epik cartoony graphics.
They know how to have fun with their designs and yet still pull off iconic silhouettes that are class defining.
>Just want Baine to be relevant
>Gets his sub story cut out
>Magatha's back and no one cares
I want to fuck a Pandaren woman
I want to _be_ a blood elf woman
>Wanting ti be a tranny
>>Magatha's back and no one cares
haven't played in a while, is this fo real?
She's back as a Shaman class hall champion in patch 7.2
>he stills play WoW
what did you expect after 6 months of grimtotem raids on your maestrom hangout?
I just want to be a cute womanly one so badly.
I fought the desire user, believe me, but I'm just naturally submissive. I need a huge strong male to dominate and impregnate me
Wewww I was going to come back as a Shammy too,
I expected them to bend to our will. Magatha is just a really shitty leader which is shoe horned into the story because of "muh powerful and independent cow that need no shaman daddy" agenda.
No , there are almost no bikini-armors past TBC and that's just sad and pathetic.
>bovini negri sumpremacists
I'd like to watch her die slowly for poisoning Cairne.
>Magatha tries to make an ass of herself repeatedly
>Let her join the club because it's the apocalypse
>When everything's over, invite Baine over and let him throw her screaming into the Maelstrom.
I'd say they got armors down pretty well.
That looks fucking stupid tbqhwyf
At least some sets show off the belly plenty. I don't know if they're ever going to again since they are going for bulky and detailed now.
Demon Hunters are pretty skimpy, though. I had forgotten because I don't play one.
most nu-T6 looks stupid because technology allows to place more 3d pieces on armor now.
Post something better from another game that isn't the same as everything else from more than 1 foot away
>witch hats are dumb, top hats are dumb
It's an mmo, it's meant to be fun
TERA looks better for startera
So does BDO
> Vol'Jin got felfire running trough his veins
> "Spirits" tell him to put Sylvannas in charge
> Meanwhile on the other end of the line, a bunch of Dreadlords have to try not to break out in hysterical laughter
"Holy fuck he bought it! Look, he made her Warchief!"
Both of those games are complete shit though.
All MMOs are shit.
That's not being discussed. Both those games look objectively better.
/wowg/ please
Some of Mythic Tier 20 looks a bit off in comparison to the Tier 6 due to what said and that they usually have some kind of extra effect, though the other variants have a lot less flair.
Can't find the proper Normal version (Which is the Tier 6 coloration), but here's the LFR one.
Yeah, that's why I still play it. The style is fantastic
What? At least not that set. It looks great, especially the gloves and boots. No longer cylinders that you attach to your limbs. The new details on the feet is perfect.
Literally every high level character and major plot character has gigantic shoulderpads.
Even the fucking healers look like they're strapped ready to play some American Football.
>He doesn't know about the magical properties of PAULDRONS
No it's garbage.
Why the fucking floating hammers?
How the hell did they make the glow from the shoulders look worse?
Why the huge fucking glitter?
It's shit, why is subtlety entirely lost on these artists?
This game looks like shit. Well I guess that is the standard of most americans.
See All the Mythic sets are a little over the top.
After 13 years I'm still mad that US gets their patches one day earlier than EU
It takes time for the data to travel to get to EU you dumb fucking asshole idiot read a fucking chemistry book sometime
>Lor'themar replaced his eyepatch with a Goblin robot eye
I forgot about that.
>been here so long I can't even tell if people are baiting or not anymore
Oh, I'm just goofin'.
I miss WoW