Vetra is the best girl in Mass Effect

Vetra is the best girl in Mass Effect

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>sex scene was removed due to becoming bisexual late in the game's development

Yeah, nah. She's probably the worst. A lot of her scenes were awkward as fuck too.

How did we get to the stage where bestiality is considered perfectly fine to be in a mainstream video game? May as well have allowed the incest too because the only thing wrong with that is the same thing wrong with bestiality.

Its a fucking alien you retard, holy shit.

What's your point? It's a different species, engaging in sexual intercourse with it is bestiality.

Planet of the Apes did it best decades ago when the ape's response to a request from a human for a kiss is a reluctant concession with the comment "But you're so damned ugly".

the difference is in harkness test

how wrong it is compared to incest depends on whether conception is possible and what would come out of it


>Cora is whiny and a special snowflake that trained with Asari Commandos
>Peebee is a mega autist
>Gil is rude as fuck and expects everyone to tolerate his fucking awful attitude
>Vetra is a cool Turian that kicks ass and gets shit done, and drops her spaghetti when it comes to romance

Verta is best ManRyder waifu.

Fox News pls go

Wouldn't it like, hurt like the dickens to stick your dickens in that?

I guess the grey area is whether the alien is at least 90% human (tits in normal place, bipedal and not abnormally tall or short, human face, etc).

Like I'd fuck a Twi'lek or a Quarian, but I don't understand the attraction with Turians. They're ugly bird people.

Lemme ask you this, would you fuck an elf?

>fucking a filthy knife-ear

>harkness test
Reddit tier memery


>have to do some stupid quest for her father
>die after fulfilling it
>she goes to her version of the angels and begs to let me live again
>spend another entire life just with her
seems pretty sweet desu

as befits the no doubt deep and impactful moral quandary of virtually fornicating with pixels

how the FUCK do you romance her i just wanted to slap my vagina against her

No sweetie

>I-I'm not a pedo, this is FANTASY child pornography.

If you elect to sleep with an alien over a human in a video game you should probably seek professional help, you're not right in the head and it's only a matter of time before you are fucking the family dog.

ok sigmund, I'll keep that under advisement

on unrelated note, what's your mom like?

You should probably seek help about that tism.

>Peebee greentexting

she /ourgirl/

Fuck off Jack, Ianto's still dead

> Luring other people into your abortion of a game with a degenerate image.
Lol, fuck off.

>lives in the escape pod
That makes zero fucking sense

Not going to lie, that gave me a chuckle. But then I realised that due to living in the ships only escape pod, she's putting the entire crew at risk by having her shit blocking it.

Is that at least adressed in-game? I've barely touched the SP because all I wanted was Mass Effect 3's multiplayer except better and I got what I wanted personally.

She's quirky and spontaneous so it's ok

The Asari are dog fuckers. They will gladly fuck animals for their seed.

Actually no romance is best.
My Ryder will stay pure until Andromeda 2 where much cuter squadmates are added because of all the complaints about Andromeda.

>mfw Best Asariā„¢ comes back as a Matriarch

I want to plow her sister

She also jettisons it during her loyalty mission
You can tell her she has to buy a new one, but that doesn't happen in this game, so you go into the giant dangerous battle against the Ket without an escape pod on the Tempest.

Can you manually jettison the escape pod while she's sleeping? Preferably near a black hole?

>Turian threesome with sisters

Fucking space racist

Vetra is pure

My heart melted


>Vetra already wants to live together

>male Ryder

Her sister is also a qt, shame you couldn't flirt with Sid.

Does her sister still call male Ryder a manlet if he romanced her?

>sapient alien species

The fetish is xenophilia user, and it's pretty common in Sci-fi.

can the mods move this thread to ?


I'd not only fuck an elf, I'd fuck a spess elf

Hell to the fucking yes