What video game made you think "Wow, this is art!"?

What video game made you think "Wow, this is art!"?

Art is fucking useless.

>be about to hook up with girl
>take her shirt off
>ready to see some titties
>pigeon feathers

bitch what the fuck is this shit?


It would be worth it to fuck samus


>implying you wouldn't

The only games I can recognise as art are the isometric dnd games.

They're beautiful.

The fastest way to destroy a medium is to label it 'art'

See: food, cinema, music
Videogames are quickly descending and television will eventually follow, though it's experiencing something of a renaissance at the moment

It'd be like fucking a dryad

I'd be hard as a goddamn diamond

t. Angry, bitter and jaded

Humankind would be nothing without art

>well those are fake as fuck
>they're real

How hasn't her spine snapped already?

Art is a contradiction.
Art must be a way to show the pass of the humanity through time and it should be iconoclast about that too.

El Shaddai.

that game was the tits.

But food, cinema, and music aren't destroyed.

I'm not seeing a down side

He's probably american, where food, music and cinema are all destroyed because US culture does not exist.

There was an ex actress that had even bigger tits than hers that is now 80 years old and still didn't get a reduction,while backpain is not a myth it is seriously overblown.

>implying 'art' hasn't become a catch-all term for the excretions of creatively bankrupt hacks and talentless political activists

The Last of Us

Hearts of Stone

so are video games

Grim fandango

the human back has muscles to prevent this

and any muscle can be trained


>feather pubes
>im fucking plying

World of Goo


>he hasn't seen the state of gourmet restaurants
>he hasn't seen the state of the music charts
>he hasn't seen the state of the oscars and trendy independent film
The fact that appreciable and amiable pleb alternatives still exists doesn't change that fact that the 'high points' of each medium have been co opted by pretentious contrarians and business interests only concerned with design by committee

Delete this degenerate picture

Samus is a pure, chaste angel.

>he hasn't seen the state of gourmet restaurants

Does the food not taste good? That's all that matters.

is this what happens if you're stupid enough to stop O'Dimm from taking his soul?

godhand mc animations


It's bad when even Hitler had better standards than you.

Yeah that's how you get the best ending.

I just wanted the sword.

She is a slut

>this is a bird penis
Cant tell if a shittier tongue is good or not.

I get it.

After mission Samus goes to a bar, gets trashed, and laid by some guy she doesn't know and will never see again

You're using reductionism to wave away the verifiable fact that gourmet restaurants use presentation and pretension to justify prices and exclusivity that are not appropriate to the quality of their product
If you don't see the parallel between this and the use of 2deep4u bullshit and marketing in videogames I'd argue you're being deliberately disingenuous
The problem is not with gourmet restaurants or gourmet culture or fashion food in general, it's in the widespread acceptance that they're superior to 'pleb food' like a traditional roast or pie or barbecue simply because of the smoke and mirrors around them. It's their perception as 'art' that is the issue.

The term "art" still has a legit meaning even if it's been frequently misused.

art has literally been that for all mankind history.
What you see as "art pieces" from years ago it's merely what's considered "the best".

Plying with what?


My trade.

None because I'm not a faggot

I've always figured.
>keep 20lbs of worthless shit in a purse
>hang it on one side of your body for years
>complain about back pains
>better get tits chopped off

Dropped it at the motorcycle level ages ago, is it actually worth finishing?



>the bobomb is shocked by something and is holding a hand up in front of his mouth

It's canon

>The vocal chord parasites migrate into the lungs causing sores on the victim's chest as they are consumed from the inside.


This is what's wrong with the video game audience

They're all bitter loner nerds

There's people out there that are fat as fuck, but only when talking about tits do people somehow think humans are frail as fuck. The spine thing is a meme.

t.Oscar Wilde actually.

It's called back exercises.

Actually it made me think "Wow this is fucking beautiful", but I guess it fits.

>Chloe Vevrier

>Freckled chest


Ariel Winter got breast reduction surgery

i see what you did there

every vanillaware game

>even Hitler
nothing wrong about hitler you alt-right cuck

That's the entire point of it my man


Because wanted to shop at the same clothing stores as other people her age and only sought advice from people she knew would support her. Sofia Vergara is around the same cup size as her but Ariel didn't ask for her opinion.


I liked the overall style of this game. Someone derail the thread further by posting Dragons Crown.

She cited back pain. Don't know if she does any sports but big breasts are a huge hindrance for active females

>When she brings a guy home

She is a super slut

That is fanart my friend. On top of that in the canon there is not a single guy and that bartender is remained unknown.

all of them art, if you know meaning of the word "art".
here's an handy guide:
>is this item made only thinking about its pratical use, like a chair, a fridge or a roof?
not art
>is this item also made to inspire emotions? did they think also about its appearance, for example?

even non-art item can have an artistic design if it is made thinking also about the appeareance of it and not only about its functionality.
and every item with an artistic meaning is art.

for example food is a tool made to provide nutrients. but if you also think about the taste and the appeareance while making it, it is art.

this is what art means, its up to you understand/believe it.

you give the word "art" a meaning it doesn't have.
you think the tag "art" is an elitist reward only a few should deserve. but it is not.

that's the point.
art doesn't provide anything but emotions.
that's why we can say it is useless.
having a pratical use is exactly what art isn't.

>implying Samus is a turbo autist who drinks alone and never gets hit on

Which could've been solved with simple back exercises. Ariel is young and rich, and was insecure about the mild inconveniences her boobs caused from having to special order her clothes and shopping at Lane Bryant to the stares that came from the boys at her high school.
I just don't think a young girl should get a reduction unless they're Punky Brewter levels of huge by 15.

It really activates my almonds

what the FUCK

Ori and the blind forest

Sure they weren't staring because she's a celebrity?


They were 34F user, you can't expect everyone to have enough self-control not to stare, especially creeps and kids straight out of middle school.

That is canon my friend. It was posted too.

Nips are intimidated by girls that are 5'8 or taller.

They must think Lily is an amazon

She'd be tall in that she's around the average height of a Japanese man. Goku is "tall" and he's 5'9.

>I truly have a The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone
What did he mean by this?