It wasn't all that bad

It wasn't all that bad.

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it was alright

out of the 'new' RE games (i.e. 4, 5 and 6) it probably is my least favourite, though

definitely a lot better than the garbage that is the Revelations series, though

The logo is a giraffe being blown. It's objectively shit and in poor taste.

yeah it was good.
People just don't know what they want anymore.
Silent Hill Origins was also great but people still had to complain.

but re 5 is the worst


7 is the best RE as of this writing.

7 > Remake > CV > 0 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 1

Prove me wrong - you can't.

re7 lover here. your taste is fucking trash.


REmake > 2 > 1 > 7 > 3 > CVX

5 > 4 > Rev2 > Rev1

The game was good and really fun.

Best gameplay in the series.

It was pretty bad.

I especially enjoyed the skinless T-rex monster. I've been saying since the beginning that these survival horror games needed skinless T-rex monsters.

Claire should've been in Helena's place and i'm still mad she wasn't

>CV and 0 above all of those games

7 and Remake are my favorites too, but the rest of that is just completely wrong.

DS Claire best Claire. But true, it should have been Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, Sherry and Jake, or switch Jake for Rebecca.

great taste, although 4 should be above 5 desu.

It was all that good either.

I know people hate it when you say a game is "fun with friends," but if it wasn't for fun, ridiculous co-op I wouldn't have any motivation to play it at all.

Now you've made me even more angry
Fucking hell Capcom surely is shit at fanservice

7 is great but 0 should be last and 6 should be in front of 5.

I cant unsee this now

I have a history with RE5, some really great times on co-op with my bro.

Everyone should play this purely based on the merit of its gameplay.

This is one of the single most mechanically satisfying and complex third person shooters ever and just because it came in a shitty package doesn't make it any less good. And the sheer amount of enemy types that this game makes Mercenary mode a game of its own.

Capcom should make an action spinoff with this fucking combat system STAT.

The campaigns were really hot turds, though. Fuck.

I suppose. I just prefer re4 because it was my first violent video game and I have major nostalgia for it.

This is how they could have retired the original roster and moved on with RE7 with a whole new cast.

>The campaigns were really hot turds, though.
Just Leon's. And it's mostly because the zombies don't line up well with the game's mechanics. They are too slow, J'avo feel so much better to fight.

If they don't retire the original roster with a game where all of them are together i'm gonna be salty

Aren't the C zombies fast? They move like in l4d, don't they?

>Capcom should make an action spinoff with this fucking combat system STAT.
I've been saying this for years. Capcom seriously need to make a Mercenaries standalone game with the entire RE cast, with levelling, skills, tons of weapons and levels/areas from all the previous games. Basically a mercenaries/raid mode with RE6 combat tweaked to perfection.

It's what Umbrella Chronicles or ORC should have been, and it would have sold a fucking shit-ton purely for fan service, add a ton of unlockable costumes or random DLC, maybe even a few 'story scenarios' and I bet it would have been their most successful RE game.

I played CVX when it came out and I couldn't even finish it. It felt so cheesy, stupid and removed from RE1-3 (which I loved)

yeah. while the combat system in itself was fucking amazing, the level design was not only dogshit, but it failed to complement the combat system.

True, such a tough game to get through. It's one of those that you need to force yourself to play and complete.

and make wesker the protag with all his matrix powers and shit.

>Leon getting cucked by Jake

>blocks your will to continue playing

>Hunnigan keeping Leon informed

everybody knows RE2 and REmake are the best resident evil's.

you can rank the others in whatever order you want because they are all the same level of crap

whatever happend to Sheva?


I like to think 1-3 and REmake are in their own little category as the original classics/trilogy.

Giraffe getting a blowjob

Getting blacked in Africa as we post.

What's wrong with the original?

Sadly she got infected with the HI virus

he's just being contrarian.

>tfw it's impossible to leave Rockfort with the sweet GAWLD LUGHARS

I can accept that.

However, I would still prefer Leon's campaign to be solo like in RE4.

My favorite scene is the Leon and Chris confrontation. Which is because, well... they just met for the first time... yet they know they can trust each other, despite what both of them went through.

Having Claire there would have under minded this (because Chris would be trusting her and not Leon instead), and that's why I'd rather not have her there.

But yeah, having Claire (or perhaps even Jill) would have been FAR better than Helena. I'm still mad that we learn so much about Helena and NOTHING new about Leon. Damn you, Capcom!


Girafe blowjob lmao

Is this kino?


I can accept that.

However, I would still prefer Leon's campaign to be solo like in RE4.

My favorite scene is the Leon and Chris confrontation. Which is because, well... they just met for the first time... yet they know they can trust each other, despite what both of them went through.

Claire being present would have undermined this (because Chris would be trusting her and not Leon instead), and that's why I'd rather not have her there.

But yeah, having Claire (or perhaps even Jill) would have been FAR better than Helena. I'm still mad that we learn so much about Helena and NOTHING new about Leon. Damn you, Capcom!


>Having Claire there would have under minded this (because Chris would be trusting her and not Leon instead), and that's why I'd rather not have her there.
This is where you place a part of the story where Chris and Leon end up having to work together, along with Claire and Jill.

>they just met for the first time
uhhh no

Claire introduced them to eachother offscreen sometime after Degeneration

When will this meme die?

No, it doesn't look like that. You guys are so easy to manipulate.

i've done RE2, RE4 (almost), RE5, and am working my way very gradually through RE6.
the amount of scariness in a game directly correlates to how quickly i can clear it, which doesn't necessarily apply to RE4 because it's fun, but rough, and a real slog through the castle. i also suck.
RE6 is fun, and when i wasn't playing coop with a friend i was pretty spooked during the leon campaign in the city, with the winchester-style bar holdout and the other bits like the intro event hall and the campus.
really it's maybe not the best badge of honour to say 'this game isn't scary, even i'm going through it and having fun and laughing at all the fucking stupid shit happening like leon causing 9/11 in star wars episode 3'.
it's a good game, but not a good X game!

What? Source?

I didn't know that. Did they meet in person or did Claire just talk about Leon to him?

>re6 is good

So you didn't play 1/REmake and 3? Do it faggot.

>this party sucks
>everyone here is a loser
>why is Ada talking to him instead of me
>my feet hurt
>I wish I was still a t-rex
>I bet these guys don't have the latest cube phone
>how do I get the little blond one to give me the WiFi password

RE6 files. The "Chris and Leon" one.

Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy work for two different organizations, and have no reason to interact with each other. But they do share one connection—Chris' sister Claire.

Following the Mansion Incident in 1998, Chris set out for Europe on his own, determined to bring down Umbrella. Before he left, he neglected to inform Claire as to his whereabouts, so she came to Raccoon City to find him. There she met Leon, and together they fought their way out of the horrors of Raccoon City. Claire was then reunited with Chris on Rockfort Island.

She loves and respects her brother, and she considers Leon a trusted friend.

With Claire as a mutual contact, it would only be a matter of time before the two met. Although the interactions between their respective organizations are highly restricted, when they finally met, both were able to understand each other's deep convictions, particularly those related to the eradication of bio-organic weapons. The conversation that followed between the two is confidential. However, Hunnigan wrote down the details of their meeting into a report she sent to Adam Benford. Below is an excerpt from that report.


Terra Save member, Claire Redfield, introduced the two and they shook hands firmly, smiling. It looked almost like they were two friends who hadn't seen each other in 10 years. They didn't say much and it was a short conversation, but I believe they came to understanding of each other's hardships in their battles against bioterrorism.

I believe this meeting was an important step in breaking down the barrier between the U.S. government and the BSAA.

More like you are Too autistc to see a joke

The Jake and Sherry campaign was pretty cool and had some great moments. The combat system was fun but you never got to do the cool parries and melee attacks because almost every enemy had hard hitting hitscan weapons and perfect accuracy. Thus you were forced to play the game like a boring first person shooter. Mercenaries was fun but short as always. Overall I'd rate it a solid 2/10

Who /hypedforVendetta/ here
fucking 2 full months left hold me bros

>Resident Evil 6
>6.7 Million units
No fucking way. I don't know anyone who bought that shit

This is the Japanese translation I think. If you read the files from the localised version we got, it doesn't even mention Hunnigan or them two meeting shaking hands which is a bit retarded.

More like you don't know how to tell funny jokes.

Yup. Makes you think doesn't it. I bought it twice, come at me

i actually want to get REmake on steam if it goes cheap, because ~~~Sup Forums~~~ tells me it's better to play that than 1 if you've not played either or zero.
i've downloaded 1, 2 and 3 for epsxe a while ago but currently enjoying a few other games and slowly completing RE6 to the point where i'm satisfied with it, so probably campaigns and custom modes.

*blocks you fags*

why do so many re characters have jewish last names?

Campaigns ranged from weak to acceptable.

Mercenaries mode and agent hunt were both really fun, though. It feels as if the gameplay was made for mercs and poorly adapted to the campaign.

Play 1 first and THEN REmake.

why is pewdiepie on this movie

You sure? On the wiki it says this is the "official localization"

fucking hell is that leon

>You sure? On the wiki it says this is the "official localization"
Maybe it is, but I read those files and I don't remember that shaking hands bit.

>tfw accidentally played through REmake on fucking Easy

I was wondering why I had 20 healing items near the end

It wasn't. I actually liked it more than 5. It is just the purists and sheep who say it is complete trash.

I remember this, but I also remember reading that this file is not in the Japanese game... so this might be an error.

i bought it three times

that scene sucks. that movie sucks. that saga sucks and paul ws anderson should die

Yeah, the black guy is Sheva.

The wiki is terrible. There is dramu all over on the supposed fan translation and collation of anything related to the games.

It is a mystery

It surely is on the japanese game, m8.

Jesus christ why

I bought RE5 three times

How can that scene suck when it was lifted verbatim from re5?

The difficulty select in REmake remaster is pretty misleading. It makes you think the bottom choice is hard difficulty when in reality it's just the normal difficulty.

I'm still sad that there will never be another classic RE with three dimensional item boxes. Real Survival mode was tense.

I googled it and apparently:

>Every files has some sort of letter, transcript of a conversation, or something as part of it. But you can't see these extras in the game.

>On there is a Summaries/Files section that lets you view all the files you have unlocked in the game, but including these extra bits.

>Watching any of the movies past the 2nd one

1 and 2 were alright for vidya movies, the rest were a pile of fucking shit.

I bought it 4 times.

Step beneath me.

i got it back on release, got one for my brother as a gift and got it when it came to steam

That makes sense then. So just adds the extra fan service.

I bought RE4 around 12 times i think. Maybe 1 or 2 more.

Which characters? I can't think of any offhand.

the worst thing is bonus weapons are unlocked only after completing the game on normal

I bow down to you user. I got it on PC/PS3/PS4, 100% on all of them just because.

>tfw no Vita port

Well, the fanservice IS canon.