>horizon zero sales, they said
Sup Forums btfo again. Brand new IP outpaces all and everything.
Horizon zero sales, they said
Everything except Zelda.
>implying those Wii u numbers aren't double dippers
>this is only physical. Psstore probably same number
>implying that zelda isn't going to sell over 10 million copies by the end of the year while horizon has already sold as much as it ever will
Into. The. Trash.
>Horizon, an unkown IP made from a dev no one has a passion for, releases on a console at a time where other amazing (arguably better) games are also coming out pratically week after week, even within the same genre
>Zelda releases after years of hype, including an E3 event wholy dedicated to it, and is a very well known and beloved classic IP, it also comes out in a time of drought for the WiiU where no other meaningful games have been released for MONTHS, and at a time when the next Nintendo console is coming out, being the only system seller of that new system, literally selling alongside at least 95% of all Switch units
I mean, there is quite a difference here. It's impressive Horizon sold this much
>a time of drought for the WiiU
The wii u is irrelevant. It was discontinued months ago and is considered a retro platform now.
Hzd is good. Fuck some stupid faggot who spouts out "sjw this and sjw that" I personally don't give a flying fuck about any of that. I just want to kill shit with my bow and enjoy the gorgeous scenery.
>>Horizon, an unkown IP made from a dev no one has a passion for,
history revisionism is bad, you fucking fanatical sack of underaged shit.
This desu, the whole "SJWs under-the-bed" has gotten real fucking old.