If it's full price and released any later than August, the nope.
Other urls found in this thread:
Doesn't the Nintendo version have Shovel Knight or some shit?
>The Switch version better have more content/features to make up for this shit because this is ridiculous.
lol, never gonna happen. they backed the same amount on kikestarter.
this is what you retards get for being fucking retards sweetie.
All versions do, I believe.
I was waiting for Wii U version, I'm glad the Jontron shit happened so I finally have an excuse to drop this game.
>dropping a game over e-celeb drama
Sup Forumse-riding little bitch detected
>unoptimized Unity engine shit that can't even run at a consistent framerate on PS4
How badly are they going to butcher the Switch port?
The bat would've looked inifinitely better without the red turd nose on it's head.
Someone shoop it out.
>I was waiting for Wii U version,
they announced that wasn't happening a long time ago
> I'm glad the Jontron shit happened so I finally have an excuse to drop this game.
Expect more lockups than BoTW.
>they announced that wasn't happening a long time ago
No shit, he clearly meant he was waiting for it from the very beginning when it was announced
>supporting censorship
>buying a game from SJW developers
>supporting developers that shit and make fun of their own customers
>supporting politics in game
Cry more.
I know it wasn't happening, but by the time the switch version comes out, nobody will care.
The only reason I wanted the version on a Nintendo system was because it just felt right to play the nostalgia bait game on it's "home" console.
>The only reason I wanted the version on a Nintendo system was because it just felt right to play the nostalgia bait game on it's "home" console.
again, 18+
>giving a shit
Right? Them taking out Jon's well-deserved camero role was a total disaster. I talked to a lot of people, and a lot of people are really upset about this. Jon's cameo was their whole bigly reason to buy this game. Fake games developer Playtonic are scamming their own fans! Sad!
Keeping Jon in after he attracted bad press to himself like an imbecile would've been political too. It just happens to be the politics you don't agree with.
Does that hurt you user?
What a mess
just fucking ignore them man
No, it hurts you because you're the only one seriously triggered by the fact that some faggot e-celeb with shit tier opinions was booted from a small role making grunt noises in a video game.
is this bait or does this person actually believe dropping jontron is censorship
if he got thrown in jail and had all of his posts/content blocked then it would be censorship
Who cares its comfy XD
holy fuck lol so mad
I think what drove me off from the game was not removing Jontron's cameo's but later handling of people demanding refunds.
>Pandering to a crowd of people that don't buy your products.
>Not that diversity is wrong just useless pandering that tends to annoy the actual fan base.
>removing somebody based on his opinion
>banning people left and right for having a different opinion or asking for a refund
>not censorship
That was actually the game's publishers, not Playtonic/the ex-Rare devs directly.
Settle down there autist. When the game flops hard because 3d platformers are a dead genre. Know it was because of the company caving into liberal peer pressure
kickstarter =/= preorder
you're literally funding the development of the game when you fucking pay for a kickstarter game, you're not reserving your copy
why do people STILL BITCH ABOUT KICKSTARTER when they don't fucking understand how it works
just fucking pre order through a retailer and you wouldn't have to bitch about refunds right now
When do backers actually get the game? Like, as in a code to put into Steam.
I've checked their FAQ/different sites and seen nothing saying a specific date.
Full price?
I would be surprised if it didn't launch at an inflated price the way Rime and Minecraft have.
This game REALLY should have launched on Wii U first.
probably when the game comes out you tit
When you purchase it. Backers have to buy the game just like everyone else.
Yeah man, playing Banjo-Kazooie on the N64 the year it came out makes me underage.
They get them the day the game comes out
He's talking about peopled who backed enough to get a copy of the game
Only underage people take offense to being called underage
No, your
>muh gamefeel
tier garbage makes you underage. Fuck off.
That was my impression of it. It's really bad too cause I remember Team 17 from their Amiga glory days and what happened is just bad.
It actually depends on the kickstarter. Like for FTL it was pretty much preorder + HEY FUND ADDITIONAL FEATURES, for Pathologic it's pretty much a preorder with additional goodies, for shit like MN9 it was funding development.
These kickstarting sites are very lax in a definition of what is funding a project and per-order for various reason.
Can't wait for Retro's 3D Donkey Kong to save platforming. Playtonic can fuck right off.
And only an SJW would take offense to being called an SJW.
yes, you can get a copy of the game pre-ordered through kickstarter but it's in exchange for funding the game. it's not a retailer and it's never been one. you can donate without claiming any reward whatsoever. you're not putting money down on your copy, you're giving them X amount of money, and if you hit the mark, you can claim a reward. that isn't the same as going into gamestop and putting money down on a preorder.
I'm sorry you can't get immersed into a fine video game, son.
Ok? There wasn't anything that prompted that.
Not true, I'm SJW and I wear it proudly
you need to be over 18 to post here user
How does it feel to be a seething cocksmoker?
I would like to know I'm writing a novel
Found the SJW.
Now now, I know it's hard being 16, but you don't have to project like this.
So you walk your 600lbs fat ass around with litteral shit encrusted to your lowerback? And you do it proudly? That's pretty gross imao.
not a thing
armchair psychology is a texbook charactaristic of being an underage redditor though
It's probably not on Wii U because they used an amateur game engine that isn't compatible with it and would need a lot more work to get it on there. Not that I'm defending the Wii U either, but Unity is also to blame.
Except the game isn't finished in one scenario and in the other it is.
Are you sure about that?
It's the Publisher though, not Playtonic themselves. Team 17 is the one you should hate.
I might buy this solely for the butthurt it caused over all this shitty youtuber.
Son, please go tell your mother you love her, it would really make her day.
Projection is a thing
How does it feel to be underage?
the kickstarter terms of service don't hinge on that
and a game being under development =/= "finished". the kickstarter funds would still be used to distribution, marketing and production.
kickstarter isn't a retail store for pre-orders, never has been, and has never claimed to be. if you don't read into it before you put your money down it's no ones fault but your own and you're entitled to literally 0 recourse.
Are you offended?
You sound offended.
>Conservatives aren't fat and don't shit themselves
Have you ever been to Walmart?
Reminder to wait to by a used physical disc if you still want the game but not support the developer. That or pirate it.
Nah, I'm fine supporting the developer
No I haven't because I'm not poor
Playtonic isn't completely innocent. They shouldn't have gone and grabbed a publisher after being crowdfunded. Every game that does this turns out to be a god damn disaster. It is possible to hire a publishing company to just handle the physical versions of the game, that part I understand. But they made them a complete publisher, with that blue haired faggot even in charge of the Steam forum, where the game is distributed digitally.
>mom jokes
O fuk he's onto me
>reddit spacing
Sup Forums alt-righters and SJWs are as bad as each other. They are all perpetually offended pussies.
>game fails due to lack of interest in genre
>kEK iT was CUz of EsSS JaY dUBYAS!!11!1!1
You could at least follow your own logic idiot
>They shouldn't have gone and grabbed a publisher after being crowdfunded
You're fucking so incredibly stupid
geif cute foxface bat ploix.
I'm not telling mom jokes, I feel bad for your mother because she had to raise you.
It must be hard, but if you show her a little affection, she'll realize it was all worth it.
>missing the joke
It's their own platform and they're allowed to take any stance they want. If they were forced to shut up and let JonTron stay without any consequence, that would be censorship.
I backed the game on kickstarter because I wanted to see it get made. This was way before any of this shit so your point is moot.
Yes I get that when you back a project there is an inherent risk that the creators can do any number of things wrong.
>They shouldn't have gone and grabbed a publisher after being crowdfunded
That's pretty much they only way they could have had a physical release
Nice argument
Thats the joke of the post idiot.
I mention that in my post. You can hire someone to handle only the physical versions and not have any say on the actual game. Valve has done this with EA many times. Distribution is not the same as publishing, though publishers take care of that end.
Jon was this game's only shot at making a profit, because nobody gives half a shit about collect em ups besides him and his underage "born in the wrong generation" fanbase.
they are going to have amibo dlc so good goys can pay even more
>SJWs and Sup Forumstards arguing about some drama
>What's this game? Looks good.
>Preordered it today.
Fucking loved the Banjo games on N64. Real hyped.
I wasn't joking, please go tell her.
What impact is Team 17 having on the actual game? Isn't moderating the Steam forums (badly) the only thing we've seen from them?
It's a tumblr nose for their target audience.
It's more just damage control
That looks worse. Honestly, I'm fine with the nose. It could be a bit smaller, but it doesn't bother me. The way Laylee's mouth stays open constantly is what bothers me. Looks like she has brain damage or something.
I hate that yooka doesn't have pants.
Or even a shirt. Honestly I think an unbuttoned red Hawaiian shirt would of looked pretty cool
I have a feeling they have some power as the game's outright publisher. It's not one of those things where they just publish for certain platforms, I feel like they're taking big cuts and want to ensure the time they're investing in the game is worth it, like maximizing sales by removing Jon "Literally Hitler" Jafari.
Also, pic related is what I'm talking about. They could have just had a contract with them to print the physical versions, but remain publisher. "Publisher" should mean exactly that, but the term is so broad in gaming.
Sure thing Anonburgsteinmanskyvitz.
>And only a-
So you don't deny being underage, again,
Oh I read your "isnt" in the previous post as "is", my bad.
Found the SJW
From a consumer standpoint, Laylee looks tons better not looking like shit.