"Oblivion has the best wor-"

>"Oblivion has the best wor-"

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no one thinks Oblivion has the best world

who has ever said oblivion has the best world

OP's strawman

I love oblivion but it's just 20 square miles of english countryside

What is wrong with that?

Can you climb that mountain over there?


Wow, a big, green area of nothingness.

That isn't climbing. That is unrealistically sliding off.

Dude ebin mushrooms and bugs


Morrowind best world

>in a game about space wizards, interdimensional elves, time shennanigans, alien vampires and a literal superhuman mutant either fucking these things, or killing them
Come now, user.


about 11 years ago when it came out

its been surpassed since then for shure

was oblivion your first game when you thought this or something?
because at no point in history was oblivion the best world

>mad slav can't defend his shit game

t. Weeb

Okay, I got a huge empty field. What do I do in it?

What is the best video-game that renders the grass, trees and any other form of foliage realistically?

Yes, reddit loves Witcher 3.

No they don't, redditor. They like Horizon Shitzerowriting New Dawn: Motion Blur Edition
>how to spot a redditor

What were you trying to convey in your post, seriously?

Don't know which game does it the best, but it's absolutely funny that BotW does it better than Horzon Zero Dawn


>muh witcher

Why does it matter if the game has the best open world

shit loot discourages exploration ,erratic level scaling discourages exploration, the story is weak, the quest design fucking sucks it all boils down to following red trails

They can waste 80 million dollars making the best open world geography but the game fucking sucks

so retarded
every universe has a set of physical rules faggot
>when they let 11 year olds on the computer

>shit loot discourages exploration ,erratic level scaling discourages exploration, the story is weak, the quest design fucking sucks it all boils down to following red trails

Oh yea and the combat fucking sucks too, literally no enemy makes use of the open world except a few scripted quests, it's like a bad MMO the enemies just stand there and red barrels is the only thing they could think off, you can't even climb shit while in combat and the combat might be ok for 15 hour game but for 100 hours no fucking way, way too repetetive and very little development

try reading it again. you can do it, i believe in you

>everyone likes witcher 3
>think it looks great
>think the quests are fun enough
>gameplay is meh
that is what really bothers me, holy shit it's a fucking RPG and yet, you can barely have a "build".
it doesn't feel like an RPG at all.
as if they added third person shooting to Heavy Rain or something, yes it would add gameplay, but it wouldn't make the game better.
the generic gameplay of Witcher 3 just doesn't cut it, it feels like a PS2 RPG when it comes to spells and the simple light heavy dodge combat.


nice color saturation.
now i'm blind.

That's not an image of Breath of the Wild.

>not liking le based Witcher

Hello, Sup Forums thought police?

this argument is shit and you should never use it for anything again.

Go to sleep Todd.

go back to

you _thought_ oblivion had the best world, which was an ok opinion to have back then. op is clearly referring to now.

Oblivion (with mods) does have the best world.

repost that pic 200 times more and maybe somebody will give a fuck.

Yeah, standards have changes.

Gothic 2 had size and world complexity of a fraction of W3. You could navigate that world with one fist up your ass.

Fucking drones. G1&2 are gtreat, but don't be stupid.

You would want to spend 350hours in W3 instead of 200?

Witcher was one of the worst games I've ever played. Felt like a single player mmo for 12 year old edge lord faggots.

you need to go back to Modern Warfare..

>playing on easy


>This post

How butthurt can one person be.

Can you climb that mountain?

i clicked on that link but it didnt do anything????

standards have changed because normies and casual arrived, the way w3 (and other today rpgs) manages questing is a shitshow and the game is reduced to fighting monsters with in between some press witcher powers to know where the fuck you should press the button

Oblivion is fucking garbage on all level why the fuck would you bring it up?

Wtf i wanna go outside the house and rent a pony now?

it's better than pic related, that's for sure

>better than nothing

>unironically being tricked into over-saturated colors
>calling other games "too cartoony" and "fagshit" because it's too colorful for you
This is the intelligence level of Witcherdrones.

even Gothic 3 had the better world back then, and better graphics on top

fucking oblivion what a piece of shit even the worst entry in the Gothic series is miles better