ITT: games LITERALLY only you have played
ITT: games LITERALLY only you have played
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I started playing it and then the next generation of consoles came out and I forgot about it
Trusty Bell was nice. It even aged well.
I wish tales series kept artstyle of it. There's like 10years between Trusty Bell and Berseria, and the former had much better character models.
Pretty much.
Encore Mode wasn't that hard.
First Dolce fight was a bitch but that's about it.
The Viva PiƱata games
Trouble in Paradise was dope as fuck
i genuinely loved the mechanics of this game
>turn based but you get to move so you gotta be quick
>light/shade changes yourself as well as enemies so positioning is key
>range distance affects damage.
Not using the name Trusty bell
I wish Konami would have ported this to a newer console or the PC, so it was more accessible, without having a 360 hooked-up.
I played the PS3 version. Was pretty fun.
>that fucking E3 demo with the guy trying his best to sell this game only for that anime as fuck trailer
Neither of these games were even remotely uncommon you autists.
The rarest game I've played is Operation Darkness but even that game gets a mention or two here in these threads.
Was the PS3 version the one with all the extras?
>get archer
>nuke everything
I rented it and beat it. Honestly only remember good things about it.
>True Fantasy Live was cancelled for this game
Thanks for reminding me OP
I swear to god at that time it was good
Considered renting it a few times, but always thought better of it because it reminded me of this piece of fucking trash.
PS3 version was great, had all the DLC and some extra shit too to myk nowledge.
current gen of game developers just dont give a fuck. everyone who knew what they were doing is dead and/or retired, all the new people are people too incompetent to get real jobs and are managed by uncaring corporate profiteers who just want them to follow a formula so they can get paid.
How about THIS for a game only I've played?
Well, maybe only in a non-moon speaking country, since I don't think the game is available in English
The manga is good too
I played the demo. I remember it being comfy as fuck. I must play it one of these days.
That was a great moment.
It was a really fucking pretty game. Greenest game of the gen, that's for sure.
I had the PS3 version but I quit playing because I got stuck in that graveyard dungeon and the game just got really tedious.
god that cat girl gave me such a hard on
Nobody remembers this BIOWARE game.
I can't forget a game with a triangle face protagonist
Time to post this shit again.
Wow completely forgot about that one. Place called Hollywood Video was closing down, and they had a game side store called Game Crazy. Would go in every week to see how low the sales would get. People must've either forgot or just got gave a shit, but by the end I was getting PSP games for $2 and $3 for console. Walked out with a lot of great ones.
On mobile and can't get service for shit, so no image, but sengoku or something like that, you were an Android in a tower that could equip a variety of weapons to hands, chest, and head. Fun time.
fuck off everybody played tricky, it's tricky
Alice was my first vidya fap
Nigga are you even trying? As if I hadn't played fucking Bloody Roar.
Nigga, that game was critically acclaimed and was pretty popular on 360. Game fucking sucks, though. Easily the most repetitive JRPG around.
Its coming baaaaaaaaaack!
Also the manga was cool. But it kept getting canceled and renewed over and over so it became a mess.
Came out only in Japan but it was one of the only region free Xbox games and it had a complete english translation included on the disc.
Nobody I knew did in my area. Most people were playing Madden and Tekken.
I don't know what the fuck this game was but it used to creep me the fuck out.
bravo chopin
I remember maybe 20 years ago when I was in high school some dude came to my school to talk about game design (part of those career workshop things), and how it was hard work cause it required mundane testing over and over, and it's not fun like all the kids imagine. And the example he brought WAS THIS GAME because his company was contracted to work on it and tried his very best to sound proud of it.
I remember high school me was like...FUCK! I don't wanna go into game design and end up spending 8 hours a day play testing Barbie games because the studio I went in was contracted to make shit I don't want to play. This game crushed my childhood dreams.
Such a good game,that no one played :l
>this is where i learned that his name isn't pronounced CHOP PIN
Falsetto, Fredrick, archer lady is best team
counter strike on dreamcast
Got all achievements in it and would gladly do it again.
I raise
>got a cartoon based on it and a couple sequels
>you were the only one that played it
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Worst fucking game i've ever played
I watched the show too.
Here's mine, OP. I wish more people would give these obscure JRPGs a shot.
Fuck I played this back in high school. I loved how battles worked, the music was great.
the only 3d rpg ever, this is how you do turn based combats right and not le shit attack time bar or just mashin attack like the overrated final clusterfuck,you cant take the eyes of the screen or else you will be fucked up and you might, i love this game to death dude
Downloaded this when I had gotten my PSP hacked. Wanted to fuck the cat girl so hard, she never left the party.
My Sims have played this.
I own this, and only because it was a big parody visual novel. Definitely enjoyed the humor.
This game was being given out for free like a month ago on the Xbox store. Cmon man.
>its a "games only you played" thread but everyone posts the same essential Sup Forums underrated games every time like alpha protocol and eternal sonata
I'm pretty sure that's the joke. People like posted common as fuck games
It was pretty solid especially 4 hands 4 smgs
Ragnarok Battle Offline
If you've been on Sup Forums for more than a week you'd know fucking everyone has played this game.
Grandchase i think it was called
It was like a 2D weeb sidescrolling action mmo that was pay2win as fuck but i remember having a lot of fun as a lad
Great scott i've done it, I've created toast!
I bet none of you motherfuckers played this lovable piece of trash
First game I had on the PSP. It was so bad it almost made me regret getting the console.
>I bought it because my girlfirend liked the cover and gave me a doe eyed look.
>It has 2 player coop so I thought yea why not
It's shit
Yeah, it's Gackt
I played this. Fantastic soundtrack.
Average jrpg.
The story's a bit shit but the combat, OST and visuals are pretty high tier famicom.
and if you have played it, you're my homie who knows never to judge a book by its cover.
Oh these! really fun! Did They make more scenarios?
only reason i found out about this game at the time was because i was looking for more games like devil may cry.
i didnt know find out who gackt was until years later
>gives you great party members but only for 5-10% of the game
>splits the party into the ones I used the most (minus the greats because see above) and the ones I never used
Absolute letdown.
This game is praised here all the time
>import game
>turned out to be shit
>bought a k-on game
>expected quality
Best mobile game ever
Base game and three scenarios (two stages each).
I think RBO is still the best beat em up game ever. Pure 2D (no Z-axis movement), lots of jump cancels and other advanced mechanics
Dragon's Crown or Guardian Heroes are not even close to RBO gameplay.
it was a sega rhythm game, I thought I could get project diva quality at least
I've been thinking about playing a jrpg on the xbox 360, what should I play? or ?
play both u stooge
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can't believe someone else played here played this. Are you excited for the new game?!
Which one first?
The PSP was "games only you played: the console".
what the fuck is the ending to this shit
that was some bullshit