Internet History privacy in jeopardy. Please listen
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*american internet history privacy
based trump will take care of it
trump doesn't give a shit about internet privacy or net neutrality
My bad. But please spread the word.
How's that Land of the Free working out for you guys?
unintentional, I assure you. I just wanted to let more people know.
> he's looking out for the little guy
Good meme xD
Others will follow, they always follow.
According to that video a similar bill actually an even worse one passed in the UK
Can't wait for when the internet becomes such a massive pile of shit, we'll make a new one.
Yeah, they can't even browse sadpanda without getting a letter about how they're viewing illegal material.
>third world internet "privacy" in jeopardy
How will the world ever recover?
That and they can sell the fact that you visit sad panda to buyers now.
This is a normie problem. Just like when wikileaks said they had all the facebook messages ever sent, normies freaked out because all their dirt laundry would be out in the open. Why would I care about normie problems?
>don't look at CP so I don't care if the government has access to the sites I go to
>This triggers Sup Forums every single time
>Can't wait for when the internet becomes such a massive pile of shit
Brother I hate to tell you this but you're already 7 years too late for that. Nets been shit since 2010.
Do you think the NSA enjoys the vore porn on my hard drive?
>Eat Fresh and Freeze Scumbag!
Such is life in a libertarian paradise.
>too dumb to watch a video
>spout retarded """""opinion""""" on the topic anyway
It's about corporations being able too buy all your browsing data you absolutely retarded dipshit.
Governments have access anyway, and had since forever.
I don't care if corporations can access it either. Why would I?
>everyone pools their money together in a crowdfunding campaign to reveal every politician's porn history
Can't wait for Cruz to be outed as a pedo.
Give me one reason I should care.
dude brexit liberation lmao
Oh, fuck.
>According to your browsing history you frequent right-wing hate sites such as Sup Forums. I'm sorry, but we can't grant you credit/allow you to attend this school/rent this apartment to you/...
Except that has never happened and even if it had I could claim I share a PC with an evil right wing racist.
Do you walk outside naked because you "don't care"? Legallity or not is irrelevant, people don't have and shouldn't have the right to just happily spy on anyone they want for profit.
Being directly observed is different than having my browser history. I would have zero problem with corporations having a list of every store I walked into because in the long run it barely effects my life
In jeopardy? more like already fucked to death. First it's our internet privacy, then it's net neutrality. Why the fuck are republican congressmen such huge pieces of shit? Every town hall they appear at, they get yelled at like animals by their constituents
It's not every store you walk in, it's every step you take.
>ITT people don't know what a VPN is
same shit is happening in Britain and others will follow. I guarantee it
This has never happened because the means were not available before now. You can easily lose out on job oppurtunities now because of what you post on facebook. Who's to say that it won't go from there? They certainly aren't going to gain a conscience all of a sudden.
and when they make VPNs illegal?
>implying this bill isn't being pushed by the GOP first and foremost
Democrats like to fool around with the corporations once in a while.
Republicans are the corporations' dirty little whore.
>Except that has never happened
Oh right, dissidents of any sort never had to battle any repercussions for wrong think ever in human history. Thanks for reminding me.
>your isp/living complex doesnt allow VPN's
thanks fixed =)
I am extremely happy Trump is our president, but the biggesr criticism I had with him during elections was how he wanted more internet restriction. I am not sure if he since changed his mind, but I don't think he will fight this battle.
You fags have too much freedom anyway.
pirates and shitposters BTFO jong that you?
If it ever does become a thing, people will use it to further their own agenda, no matter what political party they stand with.
Either by governments or corporations, the last few years you can see everywhere you look the narrative of controlling the internet, under many pretexts.
Notice all the hype about "cyberbullying" even though it took decades for actual real life bullying to be taken seriously?
If you think this will stop piracy, you clearly don't know much about the piracy scene
>Actually believing this
I hope you know Republitards believe the exact same thing of the Dems with the exact same lack of evidence.
They both hop in bed with corporations, then whatever push the other party is making, they oppose, regardless.
Sup Forums likes to shit on academic socialism but it's worth remembering that the only reason the internet didn't suck cocks from the get-go is because it was invented by scientists to share their work for free. a capitalist internet would never tolerate this website
user, nobody cares. I make posts about these kinds of things all the time, and nobody cares.
It's the internet, user. There are no jurisdictions. If America is doing it to its own citizens, then it's already doing it to the rest of the world.
>it took decades for actual real life bullying to be taken seriously
Because there's no money to be made there.
I doubt Trump is competent enough to find his own ass with an atlas in the political arena, not much will change except a few kickbacks for his suckups and buddies, don't worry.
non-americans effectively have less rights than americans on the internet because your data is stored in american servers but you don't have a citizen's rights
>people think this is about government surveillance
This is about selling your data to advertisers.
ISP's want to triple-dip. They want to charge you for access, sell your information, AND gouge content providers for "fastlane access"
Your internet history ALREADY isn't private. Your ISP can already see every domain name you visited. They can see every thread you've been to on Sup Forums. The only sem-exceptions to this are websites that use https:// instead of , which prevent your ISP from seeing any part of the url beyond the domain name, so they can see what website you visited and when, but they can't see what pages on that website you visited.
That's a fair point, I suppose. I'm not sure how you could justify discrimination for visiting websites though. At least Fqacebok posts and tweets are things you wrote, so you do have to accept the responsibility of making that public.
>both sides are bad
Eat shit. One's worse, you know which one, and that's all there is to it. Even if we're pushing the angle of "both just oppose what the other party pushes", one pushes worse policies.
We got Trump thanks to fence-sitting fucks like you. We also got Hillary as his only competition. Because no one cared for better.
Bullshit. The internet was invented by the military-industrial complex.
Claiming both parties are the same is middle school logic. Why is it that it was majority Republicans who passed it? Because Comcast and other fucks contributed huge to their campaign
Good thing they cant do anything with that information other than safeguard it from anyone who would want to buy/look at it. But youre right, thats stupid anyway
The bill is about selling your info, not monitoring it.
Right now they can't do anything with your history. If the bill passes they can organize and sell the data.
They are just gonna make the real piracy (paying for cds/usbs with downloaded/copied content) bigger than it is.
>someone speak about internet privacy problem
>everyone is outraged for a week
>everyone forgets and nothing happens
>repeat every single year since 2008
thanks op
youre both wrong
IT WAS I who invented the Internet
>I don't value privacy because i have nothing to hide
I bet you have blinds on your windows and passwords on your email accounts. You value privacy. Everyone values privacy.
And what's different this year as opposed to 09-16, right?
What bill is this, exactly?
I don't care if the government knows about the weird fetish porn I'm into, but I would care a hell of a lot if the general public and potential employers could access that information.
unfortunately, this is the truest thing posted in the thread. It's a shame but people are inherently apathetic
president does not matter
the outrage will be over in a month max
Whatever happened to the Supreme Court saying that it thinks people should get a portion of the money when companies sell your information? Why can't the Senate be more like the supreme court?
So what? internet privacy is just some scumbag reason internet racists and bigots hide behind just like MUH FREE PEACHES. if you have done nothing wrong there is nothing to fear. the only reason people defend this is so they can be racists online.
If you use chrome, your browser history and personal information are already being sold
not video games
Why don't I just come watch you through your window 24 hours a day. IF YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG, WHAT ARE YOU ASHAMED OF???
Well now they can. I bet it won't be long before someone buys truckloads of this information and creates a subscription based lookup service, similar to those whitepage or background check websites, so people can subscribe to it and view the history they pay for.
We're living in cyberpunk-tier digital corporate bullshit but without the cool parts like android waifus and cybernetic enhancements.
>president does not matter
Trump won't veto
Republicans have a majority in both the house and senate
Unless some repubs refuse to pass the bill it's going to be made into law this time.
Drumpf is the reason this happened in the first place.
Lol hi South Park
My semblance of normalcy is ruined.
People have that right, right.
There should be consequences for what one says and does, but if you go to a section of the internet with anonymity or use an online identity simply so you can be anonymous, it seems wrong you should be punished for what you say when you're not "you". That seems more private.
investigatory powers bill
Lmao. He's ""DEREGULATING"". It's a good thing right!? LE FREE MARKET :^^))
explain pls
seriously, just curious not trying to prove anything
>if you have done nothing wrong there is nothing to fear
It's not about fear. Ever heard the phrase "dance like nobody's watching"? We behave differently when we know nobody is watching us. We're more comfortable when we know nobody's watching us. We're more free to speak what we want when we know nobody's watching us. Even if nobody's actually watching us, we behave differently if we just feel like somebody is.
Please stop shilling on this board. I don't know how much the republicans paid you but this is sad, man. Being a whore would be a more respectable job
May as well get it over with and make filming yourself 24/7 a legal requirement.
Anything that qualified as controversial searches dropped like a fucking rock after the PRISM leaks happened.
I guess technically Trump could veto it, but he's probably not going to. Other than that, Trump doesn't really have any bearing on it since he's not part of the senate. I don't think that guy actually knows what he's talking about.
>I don't care, I don't do anything wrong!
>you can spy on me all you want!
>I don't care if third parties can purchase my information for whatever purposes they want, who cares!
Cheers, pal. Seems dodgy as hell.
Why would he? His chief tech adviser is Barron, who is very "smart with the cyber."
I know how much of Sup Forums likes to cheer on Republicans because they make SJWs mad, but they often conveniently forget that Republican "government" is all about selling people out to corporations and ramming CEO cocks down our throats.
>Bullshit. The internet was invented by the military-industrial complex.
the networks that were merged to create the internet were research projects at universities and laboratories around the globe. some of the most significant ones in the united states were FUNDED by the DoD, but this is completely mundane; the DoD throws money at everything in computer science, since it is, you know, one of a country's most valuable strategist assets. i receive money from the DoD
I'm guessing he's going with the "Trump's victory encouraged the GOP to push this, because they believe their president will sign it when Hillary would not".
I kinda agree with that, but Trump himself did nothing.
well, we all know trump is a big baby and with congress shutting down his healthcare bill, he might just veto the internet security bill out of spite. Please trump. Please be petty
I'd argue a businessman who runs hotels would give someone a better understanding of the value of consumer privacy regardless of any amount of technical experience with electronics.
If you work for the government and have reasons to suspect me, maybe its for the best someone does?
? i dont watch that show
Then maybe we should get rid of internet anonymity? people should have an internet passport like they have an passport in real life. this passport would be used to play for example online games like league of legends and the passport would be tied to your account. say clearly illegal/bigoted/racist shit? lose internet right and face the law
"free to speak" for who? straight white males? alot of people dont feel free at all in this society. maybe security for those is more important then some abstract concept like freedom and will make everyone more equal and happier?
Im democrat and support censorship for differing reasons then repugnants. they want to ban freedom so they can feel powerful. i disagree with it because it interferes with equality
The Republicans controlling the Congress AND the white house is why this happened. They know Drumpf won't veto it, so they can pass whatever garbage they want.
what the hell can we do about it?
fuck's sake, this is getting to the point where the only way to fix things is to strap a bomb to yourself and rush the nearest Comcast building.
This doesn't affect just americans, it affects everyone.
Problem is, only americans can do anything about it.
not only that but theres no decent politicians that are leaning towards liberalism. i mean bernie but idk what hes doing. even then, hes the only fucking one the rest are morons. the republican party are all morons. i dont understand why were still using a political system from 200 years ago. even the fucking founder of this country, george washington, dislikes political parties and said they would divide this country. nigga he was correct then and hes correct now
>support censorship
That's where you fucked up.