A pair of degenerates thieves are now legally making 300k/year

A pair of degenerates thieves are now legally making 300k/year.
Do you think this is fair Sup Forums?
Honestly, how does this make you feel? Honest question, without trolling.

I'm benefiting off of it and it costs me nothing
Doesn't make me feel any different than the existence of any other emulator desu

Makes me feel good. Emulators are a vital part of archival efforts for video games and I have a ton of respect for people who work on archiving media, especially in light of corporation's efforts to block them from preserving history in the name of theoretical future profits.

>giving your money to strangers online with the promise of 'X'

This is bordering on twitch donation levels of stupid

nintendo will sue them honestly.

i pirate and emulate as much as the next guy but to make money off of it is just asking for you to get fucked up.

It's a legal service that's in demand and it's not like they don't do work.
Kinda sucks for Nintendo, but I'm not Nintendo so I don't really care.

I bet you would have mourned the death of the calculator industry once they released the first version of excel if you would have been even remotely alive at that point.

>emulation is just for pirating games

aren't at least some mods aware of this shit

oh fuck already

at least their doing something productive. not like your lazy ass