Its official, Totalbiscuit /our guy/ loves Mass Effect Andromeda


Other urls found in this thread:

Sir, that's clearly Armake21 with classes.

>its 2017 and people are still confusing the two
please stop making fun of boogie.

Leave Johnny alone, he's done nothing wrong

wowcrendor's really gained some weight

dunkey needs to lay off the pizza rolls

Fuck man, as much as I dislike TB on issues and don't really watch his vids much anymore I was hoping the dude would get better.

It's from eatin' all that Pupa Johns Pizza

Is Johnny the comfiest reviewer? No one comes close to his writing and voice delivery IMO.

When did totalasscancer become a nu-male?

He's a fat manlet, what's right about him.

Johnny doesn't deserve this

As long as he doesn't have a guest, he's pretty decent.

Grow a pair
Actually seems pretty chill and has some good opinions.

Plus also seems to be the only sane Sonic fan since everyone else is either under 14, deviantart fodder or currently macing gamestop employees.

Nathan is best guest.

You grow a pair

Why would anyone want to view two hours of someone's opinion of a game?

Our...what ?

I'm not giving you views, is that pic new? I thought you had cancer and were going through chemo.

He is great, just wish he wasn't such a Sonic fag, so many interesting games coming lately and in the meantime he is re-reviewing fucking Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Racing games.

FAKE NEWS and you are believing it, what kind of retard are you?

Who knew that chemo could turn someone latino?

Still waiting for him to tackle more Pokémon and Kirby.

>Tfw no one talks about Clement whenever Johnny is brought up
I like Clement

Stop making this threads stop caring about what he says he is just a random guy on the internet

stop listening to e-celebs

>a random guy on the internet
a bit of a understatement.

go back to

if it was pewdiepie, he is some one.
A scrub with less then 3 mil sub should not matter, do you care what the freaking yogscast says about games?

Really most of this random youtube e-celebs are just cancer and there payd opinion is shit

>not understanding the impact of a person on a industry
>must be from reddit
for better and for worst TB has had a impact on various parts of gaming.

me too user


I use to before reading his twitter.

>an even bigger sonic apologists than Johnny who insist Sonic and Secret Rings and 06 are good games

nah he's a fag

>Listened to BSC, HFC and Clement for years
>Stopped caring sometime back in 2013
>Look at what happened since then
>The other members of BSC have become insufferable faggots.
>HFC is so pathetic now it's sad to watch
>Clement finally did a playthrough of ZX Advent

Wow TB looks so ugly in this pic, what a faggot

>Says its a true 7/10 game
>Mediocre but some may like
>"AAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking shill!!"
>"He loves it!! What a loser!"

You guys are fucking stupid as fuck, that review is possibly the most objective review of the game I have seen. Who the fuck buys 7/10 games anyway?

Because he is a loud mouth that some times get it right when it's obvious, does not mean he had impact. Might have been able to bully indy games but his is a shill with a payd opinion

BSC and HFC have always been boring as hell. The only funny times to be had is when they had a guest of from the actual game play. Everyone bar Johnny and Garth are boring and Lewis is way to much of a rabid SJW to look past. Half the stuff which comes out of his lips are 'Oh of course the girl got kidnapped' 'oh of course the girl has fanserve shots' 'oh of course girl this'. For a videogame fan he sure doesnt know his shit.

>Two hours
Fuck that

Anytime Johnny's with someone that ain't from Brainscratch or SGB, shit's pretty damn annoying. Save for the rare Clement or Hellfire guys. Him on his own is usually the most informative, if not as funny.

the game is amazing, why would i need a 2hour video to tell me something i already know lol

johnny > clement

i like both but johnny has less videos on sonic and megaman.

7/10 isn't mediocre, the fuck is wrong with you

Total biscuit is literally the poster boy of reddits gamers, and /r/pcmasterrace.

He's about as far from our guy as one can get.

And on top of that, he has some of the worst opinions of anyone in the game industry. Every time I hear him open his mouth I feel a bit more retarded.

He never said 06 was good user. Guy did a nearly 4 hour review of 06, did you just forget that?

What does he post on Twitter?

When's the next donator's marathon you fat fuck?


I still say Nathan is one of his best guests, watch his streams some time.

Standard SJW opinions which weren't really thought out.

Really gets the ol' Neurons afirin'.

>Looks like downie Markiplier

>had a impact on various parts of gaming.
That's going in his obituary (not buttcancer joke, everybody got to die).
His entire legacy is muh framerate and some setting toggles in AAA games nobody gave a shit about 3 months after launch.

Take a wild guess.

Total who?

He's still alive?

Yes it is you fucking retard. The current grading system is stupid as fuck and 6/10 means almost unplayable and 5/10 is same as 1/10


I'm looking over Clement' Twitter on my phone as I type this. I'm only seeing Hobbit tweets and other game related tweets. Nothing political so far

typical leaf stuff like social justice

if you subscribe to that system then you're the retards

Leave Johnny alone, faggot.

This was like mid 2014/2015 stuff, he recieved a bunch of butt hurt fans going 'wtf' and mass deleted a bunch of them.

Non of them where really what you'd call Sup Forums worthy bait.

Clement's a complete faggot:

Johnny tell Matt to stop being such a fat fuck

really makes you think

>Hating the Sonic 06 review.
You ain't my nigga

>missing the point
Typical of a Clement apologist.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

>3 and a half hours for a review of Sonic 06

and I thought Johnny's almost hour long review was too much time wasted on this shitheap

What even is your point?

> Rants on about how it's impossible to go into the game without some kind of preconceived notion

And why did that take 4 whole minutes to say that? I get it, people will have their biases going into this. You don't need to tell me over and over for 4 minutes straight.

It wont happen. The moment these people get there own fucking board devoted to them is the moment they all cum inflate there egos to omega levels.

Watch the first video and connect the dots yourself. He's a hypocritical and condescending cunt.

You gotta understand, Clement played it his Junior year of High school I believe, and he was a theater manager or whatever, he needed a game to relax and what he got was Sonic 06.

Sup Forums really needs eceleb board, it's pretty clear at this point that eceleb thread are never going to vanish from this board.

Anyway, I never got this argument. Why should I not listen to an eceleb opinion, but should listen to some random anonymous? If I should not listen to any opinions, why are you even here anyway? It's not like listening is going to prevent me from making my own decisions, and if it does for some people then they should probably start from fixing themselves, instead of demonizing some random dude who makes money by spewing his shit opinions on the internet.

>He's a hypocritical and condescending cunt
of course he is from canada after all

I wonder what the pee tastes like haha

at this point the userbase of plebbit and Sup Forums has such a massive overlap, i don't think there's really that much difference anymore

it's pretty difficult to connect the dots because second video is THREE HOURS LONG!

>says the current grading system is stupid as fuck
>uses that rating system anyway while calling a dude a retard for using a better 1-10 scale

Really activates my almonds.

THREE HOURS of whining about a Sonic game, which Clement "bad gameplay is just a nitpick" J64 seems to be so opposed when it comes to the Sonic fan base and their criticism to the series.

>Intentionally using a retarded system wrong as an argument