What in the holy mother of FUCK is she wearing? Is she TRYING to get herself killed out there...

What in the holy mother of FUCK is she wearing? Is she TRYING to get herself killed out there? Is she pulling the 'hurr durr I've got no clothes to distract the enemy!' shit?

What the fuck is wrong with her?

Other urls found in this thread:


She's a bahsahkah. Light armor only.

Warrior is a high strength low defenses class. Wearing next to no clothes and showing off muscles conveys that.

Fuck off back to tumblr

two things:

1 - she's a berserker, berserkers don't wear armor
2 - she's trying to attract a rich noble husband

>needing armor when you have a 100% crit chance

shes hot when you turn her into a berserker
best pairing for xander

Seriously a horrible choice of armor. You should post more of her so we can laugh at how vulnerable and impractical her combat attire is.

People who unironically things this need to watch some pro-wrestling and learn about kayfabe.

its honestly like criticizing pro wrestlers for doing shooting star presses or moonsaults because you would never do those in an irl fight

If she is a berserker why does she dress like a hooker in armor.