Buy game

>buy game
>I have to make an account and link it to my Steam account to play
Is this drm? It's weird and i don't like it. I just wanted to play a game. How do I find out in advance if games have these weird extra steps before playing?

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They're not worth it, don't bother.

Yes, Steam is DRM.

Is it? I thought Steam was an app for gay hook ups?

It is. Just download it.

Usually, on the store page, if you scroll down, you'll see a yellow warning that says "Third Party DRM" or "Third Party EULA." Those are big red flags right there, and you should look up if other people have been having DRM issues with the game (Uplay, EA, Rockstar, etc.)

If you want gay hookups, get Discord. So many faggot channels out there waiting to convert people.

Just become part of the pirate masterrace then oyu don't need any accounts.

>How do I find out in advance if games have these weird extra steps before playing?
Easy: ALL games have those nowadays.
What kind of backwater moron has a PC for gaming, and does NOT have a Steam account already?

>insulting someone for not having bloatware/spyware/drm on his PC

Just how is Steam Bloatware? It's the only "social media" system worth jack shit, you got access to your games anywhere you go, and you can make legit money with its in-system economy features.

Next thing you're gonna say is that consoles are DRM, because you cannot play all the games on all console devices?

>Just how is Steam Bloatware
It literally requires you to run it, taking up memory, in order to play the games you own.

Do you not understand what bloat means?

also you can't make money on it, get a minimum wage job at your local donalds if you want to make actual money

>buy game
here, i found your problem

>It literally requires you to run it, taking up memory
Even with the store page, the chat window and friends list all open at the same time, it takes a mere fraction of the memory a single lightweight, modern desktop web browser saps with six Sup Forums tabs open at the same time.

What kind of wormbox machine do you even play on for that to be an issue? Not to mention you've clearly never heard of No-Steam cracks, or even the Offline Mode.

>Do you not understand what bloat means?
Manufacturer installed pointless applications, that nobody uses and potentially unbalance the whole system.

>also you can't make money on it
That's funny... my friend made 70€ after a single play in Counter-Strike, winning one of those silly gun skins and selling it to kids. He enjoyed free games for the whole year.

>it takes up memory, making it, by definition, bloatware

>my friend made 70 in a single day by gambling
No, your friend made 70 store credit equivalent of 70 bucks in a single day
So he made less than minimum wage in a single day by gambling? And he didn't even win real money? Doesn't sound like you can make money with Steam at all.

>Clearly said you can make in-system money within the system

>passively playing vidya and winning in-game shit people lust after is "gambling"

>saving 70€ of "real money" by using 70€ worth of "fake money" on REAL games "does not count!"

Also, you can make money with Steam:
Release a game or software on it.

You said
>legit money
Which isn't the case, you can make in-store credit by wasting your time that has a worse pay-out ratio than any normal minimum wage job.
>saving 70 by gambling
You aren't saving anything because you spend money and are gambling. Also wasting time.

>release a game or software on it
You can make money shitting your pants and by fucking goats I'm sure.

Now this is getting very philosophical: What is *REAL* money? And at what point does it stop mattering?

The system, in this case Steam, is free. No obligations.

The games obviously still cost money, but ridiculously little compared to the "competing systems". In this case, that mostly refers to consoles.
However, with those games, you can generate CREDIT, which you can use to do legit purchases within the system, meaning utilize the funds you've gathered by practically doing nothing, on one of the few thousand games and programs found on the store. Or the countless in-game items for multiple different games, if you so desire.

And again with the "Gambling"?
Gambling would refer to utilizing your own money to RISK winning or losing funds. In Steam's case, you just do what you usually would : play the games, most of which has no money holes of any kind besides the initial purchase of the license.

When you get GIFTED with shit like trading cards, which you can collect, sell for funds, or turn into other collectible trash which benefits the user in other ways, you're practically getting free money. Which you can then use on THE biggest online community and game service system on the planet.

No it's not philosophical at all, store-credit is not real money. It is store credit equivalent of real money. But it isn't recognized by the state as real money. It's a tax evasion scheme Valve is running, I don't blame them, but I blame you for being such a retard thinking your gambling friend made jackshit.

You don't have a job do you?

Go to bed, gramps.

Like a pottery.
And wrong, I am employeed. Shit job, but enough to support me and my wife just fine.

You also still don't know what "gambling" means. Excuse me that I have a legal way of acquiring free games and in-game shit.

>I don't wanna talk
But I did talk, you're simply wrong.
>you must be stupid and jobless
The second statement was a question. The first one is apparent by the fact that you're misrepresenting my points.

>need to delete steam files
not drm free

Your "question" was a loaded Ad Hominem in disguise, a literal personal assault indicating you are running out of arguments about the original topic. Quite many shallow minded people end up utilizing that shit when the discussion goes on.

I on the other hand could make quick conclusions:
You clearly HAVE a job, so what's your excuse for NOT using Steam and buying your games legally?

Faggot it's real simple
If you get credits worth 70 euros you do not necessarily get 70 euros worth in money but you DO get money.

With that money you buy games, which otherwise you would've needed your own money to do so, leaving you with 70 euros more in your pocket.

>Your "question" was a loaded Ad Hominem in disguise
You read what you want to read. My question was topical. And you still haven't answered it. It is important to get a baseline of understanding going and if you don't even understand that I'm simply justified to objectively call you names.

>what's your excuse
Here you go >it's bloatware/spyware/drm

Usually it's stated somewhere on the case/store page that the game requires a third party software to activate. Although, by default you should assume you'll have to activate on steam. Then origin. Then uplay. And the least likely scenario is no activation.

>but you DO get money.
No, you get tax-free store credit.

>open web browser in steam
>lags and crashes

>You read what you want to read.
Nope. You don't think what you're saying, and want to avoid the topic by making prejudiced assumptions whenever people's actions don't fit into your tiny bubble.

Also, assuming your "question" is related to my job, then it was already addressed ages ago.

"Credit" is a synonym with "money".
If you really wanna be such pain in the but, then we should decide now and here that "money" only refers to physical coins and bills you pass via hand.

It does not matter how small the allowed circle is for a currency. When you can make real-world purchases with it, to which games AND devices belong to (yes, Steam store sells hardware too), it's no longer make-believe.

And once more: there's no gambling involved.

Did you read my post at all?
Are you dumb?

Imagine you got store credit for every store you went, for free, the managers just randomly gave you them.

Now how the FUCK did you not gain money there? You literally just got spared your own money from being used thus you are left with more real money than if you hadn't been given the store credits.

Buy your games from Origin instead and you won't have this problem.

>You don't think what you're saying

>and want to avoid the topic by making prejudiced assumptions whenever people's actions don't fit into your tiny bubble
This is called projecting.

>nuh uh store-credit is real money
No it's store-credit.

You got credit. It's that simple. I'm not here to teach you economics you were taught in midschool. I'm not here to do your taxes for you

I don't like ea games besides The Sims tho :/

>all them Ad Hominem bombs
at this point, this console child is just stomping his foot.

There's literally no ad hominem in the post you replied to. And stop saying

But continue to ignore the contents of my post once again.

>What is *REAL* money?
Money I can use to buy bread.

You literally could not counter any points anyone has ever made in this thread

Just kys

any f2p game that isnt made by valve is probably gonna have this "feature." same with most triple A publishers like ubisoft and ubisoft.
i tolerate u-play

Holy fuck the autism in this thread. WHO CARES ABOUT THE MINUTE RESOURCES STEAM USES LOL

Here you go my man

Are you agreeing with me?

Look man, I totally get not wanting invasive shit on your pc, and being forced to run shit. But really, steam is so much better than just about all of what we get from other companies as far as a game platform/social media goes.

Also, I don't like to pirate games that I like, so I don't know how else I'd go about buying my games.

All in all, for what I get out of steam, for FREE, is a pro that outweighs all cons.

>comparing pieces of turd
I gave you my reasons. I'm sorry you feel the need to downplay people that have actual standards around these parts just because you don't have any.

>Claiming to be superior that nearly every other pc gamer for no using Steam

Oh enlightened one, please inform me as to what a distinguished individual such as yourself uses to play his games? Let me guess, a bunch of organized ISOs that you got off of pirate bay. Niiiice.

>Now this is getting very philosophical: What is *REAL* money? And at what point does it stop mattering?
Real money is legal tender that can be used to purchase any form of goods and services. Store credit isn't money.

>claiming to be superior than >ad populum
Sorry for having standards.
>let me guess
You're implying that guessing right would deter from my superiority. Which would be wrong. Also it doesn't matter what I do. Simply not using cancerous practices like Steam doesn't only make my experience better. It's also good for the industry.

You didn't answer my question: what's the alternative?

What if I want to buy games and play with my friends? Wait...that's not a concern for you because you have none!

There's always going to be autists like you, who think they're better than everyone else, for nonsensical reasons. Nothing to see here folks :)

>what's the alternative
not using steam
>what if I want to buy games and play with my friends
you do you?
>you're just autistic you just don't have any friends
I have standards. And the reason is clear. Because I don't use bloatware/spyware/drm. If you consider that reason 'nonsense' then that's entirely on you.

Not necessarily, it's just a game distributor. Yes there's a "Steam DRM" but games on Steam doesn't have use the DRM. Many games are perfectly playable without actually using your account. In OP's example it obviously uses DRM but saying such a blanket statement as "Yes, Steam is DRM." is painting a false picture.

Buy on gog they make it a point to have no drm

If you're playing games, you're on windows. If you're on windows, you have far more bloat ware and spyware than steam alone. And if you're not on windows, and not playing games, why the fuck are you here? Take off your tin foil hat

Your logic makes some weird jumps there that aren't all factual but are you saying that putting bloatware on top of other bloatware is okay because you're already on bloatware?

Thanks, haven't eaten that kind of bread yet. Wonder how it tastes.

Not him, but I use GOG.

>Your logic makes some weird jumps...

Please don't be that guy.

Basically I'm saying that it doesn't make much sense to me to single out steam when your OS has the same issues that you outlined for steam.

But brood war and diablo 2 don't need steam to play with friends.


Okay, I'll elaborate then
>If you're playing games, you're on windows
not true
And there's a difference between having a bloated OS or willingly installing more bloat on top of your OS

The educated side of history is always in the minority.

You're a fucking faggot

kino movie desu

>You didn't answer my question: what's the alternative?

Oh noooo steam, a program that I use every day, is using less than 69MB out of my 16GB of RAM! Look at how bloated it is! Taking less resources than fucking Chrome with Sup Forums open.

I really coud use those valuable 68.7MB of RAM out of 16GB that it's taking.

>this other piece of bloatware I use that actually has a purpose uses more than this piece of bloatware that serves no purpose

pic related

>serves no purpose.

Except I use it often, specially community groups to play online and again, the resources it takes are meaningless. You have to be extremely autistic.

>literally all software is bloatware.

Kek kys.

>you're autistic for calling things by their name
whatever you say cakeboi