Dragon Age

Is this series worth time ?

First one yes.

Other two no.

First one is pretty good. Second one isn't. Third one is in between, and probably a result of oversteer in response to fan criticism.

I really don't want to jump into series and quit after first game knowing that there is more story.
Can you give me pros and cons ?

Inquisition is definitely the best game Bioware has released in the last 7 years, but it's just fucking boring
I played 24 hours of the bloody thing and most of them were spent doing mindless grind, it's almost MMO tier

The second two dont really even carry on the story of the first one. Its better to just pretend they dont exist and enjoy the little closure you get from the ending of the first.

It's worse than any MMO i played in the last 4 years.

actually I like Grinding so it's not a big deal for me.

i'll give it a go and then think about the rest

Honestly, all three have their problems.

The first one is the best of the lot though, the second is a mess and the third is ubisoft open world.

Yeah, they carry on the story of the world rather than the group of characters from the previous game.

The second is actually the most interesting storyline I thought. Or at least it carried on the stuff that most interested me from the first game. But I still wouldn't recommend playing it. I can't even remember what happens in the third one, a bad man does bad stuff and you have to stop him I guess.

Origins is excellent. It's DLC expansion is pretty good

DA2 is dogshit

Inquisition is meh, not good but not bad

First one is acceptable. The second and third are shit. Well, the second one is absolute shit, and the third one is kinda shit.

As a huge fan of the Tolkien-esque fantasy dwarves, I hate that the dwarves don't have a thick Scottish accent. I just can't get into it when the dwarves have American accents. It ruins it for me.

the first one was trash, storywise. At least DA2 had a more personal story, with politics and an interwoven plot. Granted the game was unfinished. DA:I was meh.


Pretty sure the dwarves in LotR don't have any specified accent.

1 is great.

TFW when playing as a dwarven noble and strong arming whores into a threesome.

I remember the dwarves all having Scottish accents in the LotR movies.

Anyway, if not LotR then Warcraft, Warhammer, etc. It's just the common fantasy dwarf trope.

True, if you are talking about the literature

Here is Sup Forums's stance on the games

Dragon Age Origins:
Overall: 8/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Storyline: 7/10
Difficulty: 8/10 (unless using gamebreaking mage tank)
Freedom: 6/10 (unless you mod in a few things to help respec)
Humor: 9/10
Sexuality: 7/10 - 10/10
Graphics: 4/10 (modded 7/10)

Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
Overall: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Storyline: 6/10
Difficulty: 6/10
Freedom: 4/10 (unless you mod in a few things to help respec)
Humor: 7/10
Sexuality: 6/10 - 7/10
Graphics: 4/10 (modded 7/10)

Dragon Age 2
Overall: 4/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Storyline: 3/10
Difficulty: 7/10
Freedom: 2/10
Humor: 9/10 (sarcastic choices)
Sexuality: 3/10 - 5/10
Graphics: 2/10 (modded 4/10)

Dragon Age Inquisition
Overall: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Storyline: 5/10
Difficulty: 5/10
Freedom: 2/10
Humor: 4/10
Sexuality: 2/10 - 3/10
Graphics: 2/10 (modded 4/10)

I am actually in the middle of playing Dragon Age 1.
just arrived at the dwarves after doing Redcliffe and Tower of Magi and a little bit of Denerim.
the party members are cool
combat mostly sucks (playing on hard makes it okay, but still not very fun)
lots of talking and some choices to make.
all of the sidequests are really fucking bad though, the fact that you get them from
>a board
>a sack left by mages
>a crate from some mercenaries
that's probably my least favourite part of the game.

i also decided to roll rogue, and rogue sucks, especially the archery skills.

I honestly like them.

But then again, I'm a tasteless pleb. Ignorance is bliss.

except gameplay in inquisition is dogshit. Completely broken when vivienne unlocks her specialization

nobody cares about your review.

It is passable and far better than 2.

Oh right, I didn't even think about the movies.

I think Scottish Dwarves was a D&D thing.

This is all wrong.

If you care about a good crpg? Yes. Dragon Age Origins is on the level of Baldurs Gate, in 3D.

DA2 doesnt have an easy mode ability where the game becomes legit impossible to fully wipe unless you are facing a dragon like DA:I

>Dragon Age Origins is on the level of Baldurs Gate

It's really not. They should never have mentioned Baldur's Gate when they were hyping up Origins.


Archery becomes super powerful

Two of the abilities give guaranteed crits

It's clear from his 'review' that he didn't play DA2. Not sure why you're bothering with him.

Not sure why they ditched the Rival System.

It was fun.

>Enemies appear out of nowhere
>Gameplay: 9/10

Plebs should be forbidden to play vidya under penalty of crucifixion.

hmm okay.
still felt very underwhelming.
i came in expecting more fantastical abilitys, the way i like it.
but the only class that gets the really cool stuff seems to be mage.
i was a little dissappointed with my characters moveset and usually just end up controlling morrigan during encounters.
once i get to DA2 and 3 i will probably roll mage or at least Warrior.
but yea, the sidequests are so fucking bad in dragon age, it made me wonder if the game would be more enjoyable if you just play on normal difficulty and mainline the story quests.

How would you improve the combat, Sup Forums?

I dunno what you were looking at but it says DA2 had a 6/10

>only control main character
>no limit on tactic slots
>can tell your allies wich target to attack, but not actually control them
>make all classes viable, unique and needed
>as usual, make it so hard that you need to buy all the health potions and a bunch of bombs and poisons to make it through the game

I dislike the controlling of multiple characters, it results in you always running around as your tank, so that when you get into a fight your tank always stands in the front, wich for me meant i never ran around as my actual main character.

remove the tank/dps/aoe party comp focus. that shit is the most stale mechanic in wrpgs

>i dislike the controlling of multiple characters

Play the Origins + Awakening. Fuck the sequels