4 Problematic Things in Breath of the Wild
>shilling your own videos on Sup Forums
how do i know this is already gonna be about some social justice warrior bullshit.
>cutting to an anita sarkeesian video
If this wasn't the son of Dob, I would've stopped the video right there.
Because the internet is SRS business.
Fuck off.
>This is how Tom Preston's voice sounds like
Wow, his voice is even worse than you could possibly imagine.
godspeed user
Fucking dropped right there for libtard terminology. Oh, look at that pic, another pathetic bald numale with glasses and facial hair to attempt masculinity or hide a double chin.
>grown ''man'' using the word problematic
Is it time?
I sure as fuck never would have this video brought to my attention if it wasn't for antiSJWs who need to spend every single waking moment thinking about what liberal people are saying and doing, so... here (You) go.
>love trans people
>hate pedos
I swear Sup Forumstards go out of their way to look for things that piss them off.
This because I don't visit neogaf nor tumblr
>4 problematic things in breath of the wild
funny, i struggle to find 4 redeemable qualities of tom preston.
le horseshoe face :)
>Making fun of Andrew Dobson is now Sup Forums
>literal nobody fat bald egghead beardo
Yeah I'm gonna put my care meter at a big fat zero.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
1) When you go into the Jair-Udo village and pretend to be a woman, you can't even inflate any women while you sneak around!
2) During the love letter sidequest, you can't inflate the letters
3) The great fairies touch you and even though they are quite large you can't inflate them further!
4) Zelda is not inflatable....AGAIN.
The funny thing is these people actually expect me to watch a Tom Preston video. Why would I do that? Why do they do that? We all know it'll be a waste of time and he'll be wrong
>but the luuuuulz xD
Fuck off, stop paying attention to these shitheels, and stop shoving their shit in my face
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Nice try, Son of Dob.
>can't make fun of Tom Preston on Sup Forums anymore that's just not allowed
Fuck off, Sup ForumseoGaf.
I stopped the video there. I couldn't take it
It might be time for Sup Forums to consider coming up with a new memeword. It's good to switch things up every few years.
i not going to watch it but let me guess
>dansel in distress plot
>breakeable weapons
>no female link
>frame rate
This thread is for mocking Andrew Dobson, anyone who is angry here is confused.
How is Dobson a real person?
I feel like if there was a scientific initiative aiming to genetically engineer the most infuriating human being imaginable he would be the end product.
Oh. I saw Anita and closed immediately.
I find Dobson fascinating and I don't think he relly is even SJW. He doesn't believe this shit.
He just wants to belong somewhere, that's why he panders to feminists. Too bad that nobody likes him.
Explain how he's wrong.
>treat them with gravitas
he definitely didn't know what gravitas meant when he wrote this comic
also he has a horrible habit of putting the bear's arms farther behind his body then they should be,despite going to art school
>this never would have been shown to me if it wasn't for people showing it to me
thanks for the insight
How is problematic a childish world?
So Dobson is off-limits now? too touchy for Sup Forumsumblr?
Fucking this
>breakeable weapons
>frame rate
You're giving him too much credit to suggest that he would comment on things that actually effect the gameplay. It's all SJW nonsense.
>SJW cuck infiltrators pretending that laughing at rage-inducing bullshit is a new trend on Sup Forums
Fuck off and don't let the door trigger you on the way out.
Not getting angry over people's opinions is tumblr
So is anyone going to post the 4 problematic things?
>SJW cuck infiltrators
do you realize how fucking insane you sound
he saw some one that actualy play the game and asked for the bad things
And you think this is a Sup Forums thing? How new are you?
>They don't make this a bad game
Then why make the video
>Play Time 568:48
>Times Played 7
So you run your game over 81 hours each time you start it? Holy fucking shit this video is 100% full of bullshit and this guy is fucking gay. LOL
He is literally trans phobic in assuming that links surprise is horror. He is showing that he thinks the only way you can be surprised over someones actual sex is through being horrified. Hilarious.