Explain why you are not playing the best Halo multiplayer in years

Explain why you are not playing the best Halo multiplayer in years.

Because it's fucking garbage. Worse than shitty Halo 4.

because i prefer 3 and halo online is 3 but free

Weapon balance is shit and the actual aiming is some of the worst I've seen in a console FPS.

Send me a xbox s with halo 5 installed + a 3 month gold sub then ill play it.

Im too old for halo.


>halo 5

The last Halo game was 3. The greatest was 2.

You're supposed to say "since halo 2".

>removed splitscreen
>shitty campaign where you play as nigspartan more than chief
>its made by 343

If you think the problem with 5's campaign is the fact that you play as a nigger instead of MC, then your argument has no weight.

The automatic weapons are all grossly overpowered, and the pickup rifles are straight upgrades to your pistol. There's no reason not to pick one up if you walk over it.

>The automatic weapons are all grossly overpowered
Yes at short range, like they're supposed to?

>pickup rifles are straight upgrades to your pistol
I don't see how that's bad, it's better than having starting BRs.

>and the pickup rifles are straight upgrades to your pistol

Isn't that how it should be though? Atleast here the magnum is actually a viable weapon at a 5 shot kill as opposed to 4, Reach and 3 where it was way too weak.

As for the automatic weapons I think they're balanced well for their engagement range. An AR should be a magnum or BR at mid to short range in my opinion.

because watching everyone crouch up and down gives me cancer

ADS and the headshot bonus allow the autos to reach out further than ever, and still have higher DPS than pretty much every other weapon in the entire game. All of this when the weapons are already inherently easier than everything else in the game.
>I don't see how that's bad
Because it puts you at a direct disadvantage off spawn. Why even bother having a Magnum at all if you're just going to drop it as soon as you walk over a better weapon? Halo has never been a game about straight upgrades.

>halo has never been a game about straight upgrades
lol also atleast the magnum is viable here.
>ADS and the headshot bonus allow the autos to reach out further than ever
let me know if you can be a magnum or BR at longer than medium range with an AR

People complaining about automatic weapons in this game either have not played it or are pissed that it isn't pure BR duels.

It's viable, but it's still a downgrade when you compare it to literally any other headshot weapon in the game.

>ADS and the headshot bonus
You forgot to mention descoping, wich nullifies any attempt to take on a BR user outside close range. This is is just how it is, a decent BR user will beat an AR user 99% of the time.

>Because it puts you at a direct disadvantage off spawn
Not really, the H5 magnum is the most capable pistol since CE's magnum, it's useful (but not the strongest) for any situation. There's also a thing called on-map weapons and map control, next you'll be complaining about the sniper/rocket launcher dominating the game.

Will they ever be beaten?

I don't follow esports too closely but weren't those players CLG not too long ago?

No descope gave us the broken DMR and Sniper of H4.

You seriously have never played halo then if you think halo hasn't been about "upgrades" it's always been about getting the power weapons to keep control of the map and enemies spawns.

And if it puts you at a disadvantage you're supposed to be good enough to break it and gain control back baka

Git gud casual...go play splatoon and 2 when it comes out

Think I heard that.
I just know that they've dominated the last like year and a half and just won the world championship last weekend. Fuckers are unstoppable

Why the fuck did Baka come out after back..tf

Every pickup in Halo has come with some sort of downside compared to your spawning rifle, ignoring AR starts because they have always been bad. In 5, the BR, DMR, and Carbine all have similar TTKs to the Magnum, but have more potential kills per reload, better scoped, and higher aim assist. Splatoon is a much better competitive shooter than Halo 5.

>Splatoon is a much better competitive shooter than Halo 5.

>Splatoon is a much better competitive shooter
Your teacher needs to pay more attention to the classroom and take your phone away child.

>Splatoon is a much better competitive shooter than Halo 5
Try harder

>I've never played this game before, but I still feel entitled to have an opinion on it.
You 5shills are making it too obvious.

You're still a child and your autistic screenshot doesn't prove you right

How does it feel play a """shooter"'" designed for 7-12yo's?

I don't know, you tell me Mr. Halofag.

because solo queuing in MM is pure aids.