Why haven't you bought her game yet Sup Forums?
Why haven't you bought her game yet Sup Forums?
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She reeks of period blood and shit
Because it's as shit as the first one.
>rent game from redbox
>beat it in a weekend
>return it
Sony games are so short that you may as well rent them instead of buy them.
I don't know who that is and I don't care to find out either. But that pic makes me want to hook up my Saturn and replay some classics.
Not on Vita nor is it less than $20
Gonna skip over it until the second one gets a $1 sale too
I only play good video games.
I did. I hope she moves out of the sewer soon!
>I hate videogames
I platinum'd both of her games, there's nothing more I can do for her
Hurts my eyes when panning the camera.
Also controls are even less solid than it was on Vita.
Literally the opposite which is why I don't feel the need to shill her game
I have. In fact I've platinumed Gravity Rush, Gravity Rush Remastered and Gravity Rush 2. They're some of my favourite games ever.
I got bored playing 1 on my vita
I keep telling myself to give it another chance but don't really bother
No PC, no buy.
I want a game with a similar gravity bending mechanic, the only reason I tolerate this series is because of that. A game that got carried through concept alone. Kat is okay too, I guess.
>arrive in the city of the first game
>game is kinda boring now
>sidequests are usually pretty bad gameplaywise
i dunno, i think it's slightly overrated on Sup Forums.
it's still a good sequel to gravity rush 1 and has a ton of content.
Loved GR2, but can't help but feel that the first game had more creative charm.
Was looking into getting a PS4, now that the standard ones go for ~150 used, and was appalled by the gameplay videos for most of the shit that's being shilled around here. GR2 and Bloodborn aside, what is all this cinematic trash? Will get these two eventually, but if not for my brothers interest in unchartered and tlou, I wouldn't bother with the fast-forward-through-the-movies-to-find-tiny-game-sequences-station 4 at all. You people have the gall to shit on Nintendo? Get fucked and thank god for youtube.
This post doesn't read like a legitimate person, it reads like either someone actively trying to get people upset, or someone so stuck up their own ass they can't just ignore games they don't like.
However if you actually are just getting a PS4, do get Resogun, it's a great game.
Where can I get one for that price? I want one strictly for remote play to my Vita. Once it's set-up I don't even have plans to maintain the TV connection
Remote Play isn't that great, at least on the Vita. There is a not insignificant amount of input lag..
Is it really that bad?
Is grinding for gems the only way to fully power up Kat?
bought it the other day lad
It's not great. The first game I had for my PS4 was Destiny. All I would ever try with remote play was things like dailies and easy shit like that. Couple that with the fact that either R2/L2 or R1/L1 being mapped to the touch screen, it has some serious drawbacks.
Now, that being said, I absolutely cannot wait until next week when I'll be playing Persona 5 from my bed, my shitter or at work.
The climb to Eto is nowhere near as good as the descent to Boutoume, which is a shame
the descent might be the most overrated moment of all video games on Sup Forums.
you niggers never shut the fuck up about it holy shit
Craigslist or your national/regional equivalent. Look for those without gamepad, they're especially cheap. Apparently the DS4 breaks easily so these offers are not rare.
Because Gravity Rush 1 was bad.
>They're some of my favourite games ever.
How is it possible to have taste this bad?
Not a weeb.
I have, that final chapter was amazing
Eto was nowhere near as good either. The lack of exploration really killed it.
>be Alua
>Get overthrown
>Watch friend/boytoy get shanked
>fall a few miles
>lose your memories and run around town in your underwear
>Become smelly hobo
>Chill out with God
>Get beaten up by glutton with a bird
>Go to bottom of the world
>Get imprisoned by Lord of the Flies
>Fight annoying boss 20 times
>Become lesbians with pudgy raven
>Get knocked into parallel dimension when rescuing orphans
>Become miner
>Overthrow oppressive regime, murder 100s of human soldiers in the process
>Get back home, beat up 2 angels
>Impale dumb pink haired prick on helicopter
>Go to top of the world after apocalypse begins
>Finally get your clothes back
>Dickhead heir tries to kill you again
>smack his shithead face
>kill Lucifer after becoming one with the lardass
>Sacrifice self to stop black hole eating the world
>Chunky steals your hobo hideout
being kat is suffering
>implying I didn't preorder it
>implying it isn't my GOTY so far (though to be fair Yakuza 0 is still in my backlog)
Not forgetting that time is travelling years at a time whenever she leaves any of the cities so people forget about her/die in the timeframe.
Anyone else think the ending would have been better if you got to play as Kat going down the tower while she narrates how she has to merge with the darkness and reminisces about everything leading up to it?
It was all too sudden to make me feel that sad.
That would have been great, also that final chapter with Raven could also be longer because Kat appeared again so suddenly
I really liked all of the improvements but the game has so many annoying moments and rushed ending that I just feel like it's ok at best for people who liked the first one.
Because I didn't like empty level design and gameplay in the first one and demo didn't seem to improve on it.
And I can apreciate overall style and music without playing the game.
In a few years when I replay GR, I'm probably going to choke up when the opening song plays with the apple rolling around.
Of course I bought Kat's game.
Gem farming is fucking terrible though. They're more scarce than GR1 and everything costs more. I'm 70-80 hours deep and I still need 30,000 more. Collecting 80,000 and buying all of the power ups are the last 2 trophies I need, other than one from the DLC I haven't done yet. I'm so close.
Kat had a hard life.
Wtf is that controller?
Could of atleast made it a DS4
Shes a playstation exclusive ffs
i'm out of money, maybe next month
You know, even if it's bait then it's still a sad comment.
Hope no one is so retarded as you.
It helps that it was completely out of left field in the first game.
I liked the Eto chapters in GR2, I just wish they had a bit more time dedicated to them.
Yeah, I get that the restriction of the area was part of the theme, but I thought it was a shame that we couldn't see more of the actual city and people living there in the end.
How'd you manage 70 hours of gameplay? I'm 99% at 30 hours. Estimated I need about 2 or 3 hours of grinding to get the platinum and that's it.
What? Care to educate me fag?
She is brown.
And a playstation exclusive.
Treasure hunt, mining, just flying around and collecting gems I would say
You had enough time in school to get educated, Jamal.
Time to grow up.
Her styles are Lunar and Jupiter. So work out from that.
some of her fans were mean to me so I decided to not support her game
>DS4 controllers and DS3 controllers break often
>DS3 controllers are easier to fix while all the DS4s tiniest, most delicate parts are basically held together entirely by the screws you use to open it
I did, I have been pleasantly surprised
The shift in the style of Eto was odd too. The first game made it seem like a sunny yellow/gold coloured place. From Kat's clothing to the level in the first where you see Kat from the past. It's like they just suddenly decided to make it all white and snowy to match the nevi.
I saw it at my friend's house, and it looked like complete trash to be honest.
I did but I could only get a few hours into the game because I couldn't stop masturbating.
>It helps that it was completely out of left field in the first game.
That's part of it. You'd heard drips and drabs of something about a schoolbus falling off, but you start what seems to be a filler mission, until you're climbing down this pillar for ages, as Raven chases you the whole way
One of the few times I've never expected what was coming in a recent game
Also is it me or is the fight against the Light and Dark spirit during the Raven DLC the toughest in the game?
>tfw I thought my controller was broken during the entirety of Gravity Rush because I kept accidentally swiping the touchpad
>Kat mining ? Or being a minor ?
I'm playing the first game now is this something excusive to GR2
>please don't talk bad about this game I'm shilling!
"mining", which is just kicking a rock for those power-up crystals. Yes
Even the chapter was called Castle of Sand, which is kind how I always imagined it. But yeah, white nevi = snow apparently.
Because games need gameplay. I'm not a permavirgin weeaboo, so I don't buy video games to fill the void of their lacking social and romantic life.
Oh all right, I was thinking of some kind of sidequest that had Kat wondering around caves and underground stuff wearing a hard hat with the light ontop and using her gravity powers to help the local mining industry or saved trapped minors
Thought the Yunica/Permet boss was one of the hardest. Angels can be hard if you haven't powered up enough.
>Giant a are you faggot fucking
You could at least speak English. Also, why is that generic sameface animu having a seizure? Do you think that trash looks "cool"?
>rushed ending
considering the first game just kind of abruptly stopped I wasn't expecting a satisfying ending. The mere fact that they tied up (most of) the loose ends from the first one is more than I expected honestly.
Not like I played these games for the story anyway. I was there to just relax and enjoy a fun, charming little world where I could fall with style and I got that in spades.
It's a Saturn 3D controller. Don't let the butthurt old fags bring you down, if you don't know retro, it's not your fault. Shit, even people who were alive during the Saturn's launch barely know anything about it.
>Light and dark spirits game, hard
Are you 3 ? Just dodge
Don't even need to dodge when the claw kick attack infinites them.
Did Kat ever get a girlfriend GR2 or maybe go out on a romantic date with a girl ?
Why is GR2 so bad?
Loved the first game on vita and the second game while has nice graphics and good soundtrack, and animated cutscenes.
The main core of the game was still bad, even felt more clunky then on vita, missions especially those side quests were just tedious and frustrating at best, repeating the same cookie cutter mission 3 times but faster and harder difficulty is hardly fun and engaging.
Ending was not satisfying too, all that stuff about time stop and new enemy plus getting to know your past was good hype for the ending but it was just the typical anime power of the friendship wins
I want to be protected by that smile.
It's a game that didn't need to exist.
My money is spent on better games.
>My moms money is spent on better games.
Fixed that for you ;)
But it's mine now and i don't intent on spending it on bad console exclusive games.
I'm the guy you were replying to. I'm sure I'm guilty of leaving my PS4 on for a few hours while away, but I did almost every treasure hunt I got, I went back and got all of the trophies (except for the gem-related ones), did all the side missions, and all the challenge missions.
I'm poor and other games which grab my attention more keep coming out.
Also canadian dollar.
>tfw i remember going to college in mexico and see buses advertising the game no one ever played
Then what good games do you intend to buy then, my friend?
I'm still playing automata, ff15 and nioh but once I finish those I will get Kats game
peasant plz
I know nothing about it.
All you people talk is how Kat is cute and perfect but never about the game or if it's fun.
Probably if this game didn't feature anime girls you wouldn't even care about it.
>Light and Dark
I did alright spamming dodge and gravity kicking whenever I got close.
There's a guy who ships Kat with Spike from Ape Escape
Yeah, I didn't think the class wars in the GR2's new city really compared to the more surreal and otherworldly conflicts of the series.
>Raven was the only one waiting fro her to return
I wounder if the reason the game ended that way has to do with everyone, even Syd forgetting about Kat to the point this could make her upset.
I'm not intending on buying anything right now but i'll be sure to look for some good games later this year, what good games do you recommend?