>b-but nintendo charging for online makes perfect sense, it means they will improve their service!
I don't play online shooters
What's a tick rate?
who cares, it's still the best multiplay game of the last 10 years.
nintendo cares about fun, not tickrates. stay jelous, sonyeger
how fast the server processes what happens
So glad this shitty new IP is dying an early death. I look forward to Arms being the new spotlight, with a rep in Smash 5 and Inklings being tossed into the assist trophy bin
So the game basically has everyone lagging constantly?
Can't believe they have the balls to charge money for this garbage service.
>Overwatch beta has 20 tickrate
>shitstorm of a lifetime
>Splatoon has 12 tickrate
>this is good, this is fine
its not like you'd get any benefit from higher tickrate when you're stuck on a wifi only console
Isn't that the current year guy?
Good luck, I mean it.
>start charging for online
>online gets worse
Splatoon is an actually arena shooter unlike mobwatch.
>inb4 autistic blizzcuck rage
It didn't, even though that's what's being implied here. I didn't play too much, but i never encountered a single problem.
Not necessarily, it just means shit like hit detection has laughable accuracy
For comparison, a casual shitter game like overwatch has 60hz, competitive csgo is played at 128hz
that's actually really good for a handheld
you should calm down
>All these faggots itt
FUcking kill yourselves you losers, it's going to be another great Nintendo game and it'll be fine. It's probably more optimal for it have such a low tickrate.
>Splatoon is an actually arena shooter unlike
Remember that your paid online monthly fee goes directly towards funding this downgrade!
It's a kid game for kids.
What are you autistic manchildren sperging out for?
>competitive e-sports has a shit tick rate
>children’s game has shit tick rate
Which one is worse?
More like a server stress test. What was the tick rate of Splatoon 1 test fires?
Who the fuck will even play online on the fucking switch? PC is literally the only relevant multiplayer platform.
>This mad
942 x 530
Nintendo is planning on turning Splatoon into esports with tournaments and shit. Remember the Nintendo Switch reveal trailer with the pro players playing Splatoon?
Citation: Literally who
Method: "I checked my own wifi data after playing this game once for like an hour"
>It's a kid game for kids.
>when most people who play it are 20+ years old
It's not the kind of lag that makes characters warp around. This is about making shots land. You can not have a competitive shooter with low tickrate.
Yesd this is a Nintendo casual shooter, but 12tick is horribly low by all standards.
I'm pretty sure there is no service currently.
__ __a_ _h__ ____e___ __ __
Splatoon, since tickrate is more important for a competitive esport than a children's game like Overwatch.
>he thinks I'm defending the switch even though i'm shitting on it
Overwatch also had a low tick rate during release but they increased it. Splatoon can do it too.
>implying people won't bitch
People would have bitched even if it had a higher tickrate for not being as high as other shooters. The only fucking way people wouldn't have bitched about this would have been if it had the higest tickrate on the market.
Personally I think we should wait till it's released to see if that's still the case when it's released and not judge it from a stress test.
Also it's not like this game is like overwatch, it doesn't need a high tick rate but 12 tickrate inexcusable if it ends up being the case after release too.
you really think Nintendo will bother when they're known to be god awful at online support? It took them this long to finally get a account system and they still fucked up as people are pirated games directly from their 3DS/Wii U eshops.
>Also it's not like this game is like overwatch, it doesn't need a high tick rate
What? It's a much faster game than Overwatch so if anything it needs higher tick rate.
>Nintendo makes games for Nintendownies and Nintenbrotoddlers
>people are surprised that Nintendo doesn't make games for anyone over the age of 5 or an IQ higher than a potato
In comparison:
CSGO: 128Hz
Splatoon 2: 12.5Hz
No, it means in can only refresh the game data - what happened in the game - 3 times per second (or 6 if the game is 60 fps)
For example, if you shoot the opponent and the opponent shoots you 0.3 seconds later, the game will think that you both shot at the same time.
I haven't played it myself, but Splatoon always looked like a pretty slow-paced game.
I have heard a ton of stories about ludicrous lag issues and dropped games, though. The Testfire is apparently even worse about it.
Most pedophiles are 20+ years old as well ^^
That's kind of the point of the test fire, it's a stress test
That was the point of the original games test fire too
spot the cuck
I'm getting sick of this "I-its a handheld" excuse
>implying this isn't by design.
Splatoon is a kids' game. The skill ceiling is made low by design so even shitters can get kills during matches.
>3 times per second
do you know what a hertz is?
12hz tickrate means it updates 12 times per second
it's really shit for a handheld actually.
even killzone on vita has higher tickrate for its online multiplayer
What's your NNID? LEt's duo and see how well you do in S+.
>he says in a thread where people are also shit talking it
So were you dropped on your head or just born retarded.
Testfires have been pretty good about lag. You're right about the dropped games, though. I rarely saw games with 4v4 the whole way. At least one person would inevitably drop every game, putting their team at a disadvantage.
IF a server has a tickrate of 25 that means it checks for the current state of EVERYTHING 25 times a second. So when your bullet is going along it's trajectory it will check to see "where" it is 25 times a second. With a lower tickrate therein lies the possibility to shoot through walls or around corners etc.
So it's just like Overwatch?
Which is more casual btw, Splatoon or overwatch?
what was the tickrate of the testfire for the first game
i highly doubt they would make the servers worse AND charge money for it after all the lag complaints about the 1st game
this is an 18+ website, why are you asking someone to play a game for 5 year olds with you?
So we are just going to ignore how the Splatoon 1 test fire servers were severely flawed and broke down Atleast twice that they extended the hour?
Of course they aren't going to tell you the tick rate of the first games test fire
>1v1 me right now said unironically
>-1000°C knife
Is that even possible?
To see if their opinion has any merit?
Thanks for proving you haven't played the game. Duos aren't 1v1s.
>So it's just like Overwatch?
The thing is Blizzard fixed it we have no guarantee if Nintendo will do it when it comes out
No, did you not pay attention to basic chemistry? Absolute Zero (0 Kelvin) is aprox -270 Celsius.
don't worry user
i bet almost half people in here didn't even end the primary school
No, absolute 0 is something like -270°C. It's a joke in the vain of "a sun made of lava collides with a sun made of ice" kind.
-273,15 celsius
skill required in overwatch varies greatly from character to character
mercy and lucio are far easier than any splatoon weapon to use, symmetra and winston literally require no aiming, but mccree/widowmaker are far harder than chargers in splatoon
splatoon is more directed for kids while also providing a good experience for adults as well though, so splatoon is probably more casual
No, at least not in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.
Absolute zero is called ABSOLUTE for a reason, user.
Whatever, nerd.
Considering how big the character hitboxes are, and that the main point of the game is to fire at stationary terrain this doesn't really matter.
Splatoon wasn't very competitive to begin with anyway, since anyone with any shooter experience could solo a game against 4 people if kills were the objective.
i dont remember getting killed around corners so i dont care.
>he doesn't know the cheat code to unlock the temperature range
>huge budget AAA "eSports" FPS Overwatch with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize pots on the line has a shitty tickrate
>casual kiddy Super Mario Sunshine multiplayer with huge hitboxes to begin with has a shitty tickrate
he doesn't know the tick rate, unless he somehow got the source code of the servers.
>the main point of the game is to fire at stationary terrain
Plz stop pretending you know what you're talking about, thanks.
Can we PLEASE give mobile shit its own board? Nintendo literally doesn't belong in video games anymore. They belong with Angry Birds shit.
Don't they have a rejoin system?
user, where did you even pull 3 times per second from? And how the hell do you figure fps has anything to do with response from and to the server.
you can measure tickrate with wireshark
The only thing separating a S+ and a C+ is how much they can spam splat bombs and use blasters. Splatoon takes no skill, I am SHIT at shooters and managed to climb to S+.
>shots land
>in splatoon
>where the speed of the projectile is a tenth of a gun game
But everyone complained about the low tickrate at the OW test fire
Oh I forgot Nintendo fanbase love using the victim card
Nobody defended Overwatchs shitty tickrate.
Correct, and it has nothing to do with framerate.
In other words, if you kill someone the instant a new cycle starts, and they kill you .08 seconds later, the server counts it as happening at the same time. For reference, that time period is about how long it takes the average person to blink. On top of this, most of the time players will be somewhere in the middle of a cycle and that time is cut in half.
Playing a normal game with like 15 ping, you might notice it (most likely a simultaneous death that shouldn't happen every 5 games). Playing on shitty Splatoon servers with everyone connected through wifi, it literally doesn't matter. There are so many larger issues from lag that they could cut the tickrate down another 75% before anyone even started to notice.
Blizzdrones did. They said the game was good so "it didn't matter." Keep in mind they also defended the auction house, SC2 being split into three games, etc.
you can't have a half tick
I would have preferred an in-depth examination of the network protocol myself.
Relax, its just a test fire, im sure they will increase it for the final release. This was just to test the survers.
Im excited about this game, pre-ordered !
Splatoon easily. It's designed for kids after all.
Do we have the tickrate of the testfire from Splatoon 1?
>t-they'll fix it.jpeg
Fuck off """"""""""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>nintendo flips on the paid online switch
>have to pay a sub fee to play splatoon multiplayer
>game still uses P2P for battles
Not to mention they're probably going to censer the game again. Can Nintendo do anything right?
Splatoon is more competitive since the stages are designed better, you contribute to your win more individually, you cannot switch weapons mid match so coordination is key, movement is directly tied to your map control so matches can slowball, players have the same health, death = loss of alt (can be offset to an extent with gear), ults are not "press Q to win" game changers and have counters from all guns instead of some.