Triggerer Sup Forums with one image

Triggerer Sup Forums with one image


great, now i'm pissed

so what's that in OP's pic and why should it piss me off?



>:( I'm mad now, hmph!

Is that loss on the bottom?

what am i looking at




Ah, is that the casemod a bunch of 12 year olds threw a fit over because it would "help making emulators"


That's not the right picture.

>literally the first post
great work

The only one who is 12 years old here is you apparently.

Woah, such a strong comeback, I am devastated

Why do people on Sup Forums love to talk about shit they know nothing about.

That symbol is retarded, once you know that it's forward, down, down forward it's easy as fuck


Superiority complex.

It wasn't a comeback, it was a statement of fact that you've now just confirmed with your childish worldview of everything being a competition.

I'd love to have someone care that much about my birthday.

Ow man, he was serious about me being 12. Crying myself to sleep :(


>pear and chocolate crumble
the only off-putting thing about this 2bh

Other than being quite cringe worthy, this just made me jealous.
>tfw no gf to do nice things for me

>they broke up 2 months later

sounds like a single mother household, no mention of father, mother is a cunt and only respects the daughter.

yup, also that person who wrote that is probably a tranny by now because the only dominant figure was a woman.

Your last post was confirmation enough, you don't have to keep going.

cringe as fuck but ain't too bad.

90% of Sup Forums don't have a 4/10 to buy them out of touch geek shit.


This random stranger on the internet angers me!

Nah, that's cute as fuck.

They're huge fucking losers, but at least they can be losers together.

Well, i mean, that's pretty cute

that code triggers me

Why is Hayao Miyazaki on there?

It's a bouncy castle. Who the fuck calls it anything else?

"Anime was mistake"

This is so fake it hurts

>Triggerer Sup Forums with one image

You fucking bitch.

Enjoy your last (You), child. Doubtless you'll keep replying anyway because you just can't stand the thought of "losing" or whatever.


it's a bouncy castle... what the hell

luckily i am too damn tired to get triggered over this shit but damn.



What is that?

It's called a pumpyjump in England you fucking twat

Can someone post the comic where there's this random dude and Mario and they fight and when the guy realizes Mario has the upper hand he uses a "forbidden word" and says "NIGGER" and Mario's eyes and ears start to bleed?

Feels good to not have Americans as parents.

What's this? Guessing it's from BotW but what?

It's a bounce house.

You're embarrassing yourself.


Chateau gonflable

If you get triggered by this you're probably a bitter virgin manchild

>That symbol is retarded

It's not retarded at all if you're using a square gate.

Feels good to not be this obsessed.

>What's his name again.jpg


uh, excuse me, but we ALWAYS know what we're talking about, kid...
maybe you should return to reddit if you can't handle the facts

>tfw you will never know this feel


Bounce house.

M8 pear is fucking top tier. Apple fags get out.

I want Sylvia to moonwalk into my dick.

Sleepycabin is good though




>regularly get my ass kicked by my inexperienced friends playing chunli and blanka because I'm constantly fumbling to do tiger knees


That's just fucking pathetic

any context?


This didnt happn. Its obvioislt bait


One picture?
My, my... I might just have what you seek




Balloon castle?

I was more triggered by the blatant Reddit astroturfing than the act itself.

That only works on /k/. Sup Forums doesn't know shit about guns since they're all lefties.

Just posting this video game webm. This is a video game, mods.

what the actual fuck

If Anita's nose wasn't so big, and she wasn't such a huge tool, she might actually be attractive.

No words about the guy on the right though. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling.

I could've sworn it was called a jump cushion...


I really hope this isn't real. How can people be so cruel?


Thats pretty sweet of her

Mt gf got my horizon zd and a zelda amiibo. I dont really want any of it but at least she tried.

All i really want is a bj and to sleep in anyway

You don't have to be a gun nut to see what's wrong here

Rich kids?


You son of a bitch, you got a lot of nerve making a post like that here

I don't take getting gifts very well. I get way too flustered and it's also usually stuff I don't even want. I definitely wouldn't feel happy getting all this useless junk and I'd feel bad for not being grateful.

Please don't give me any gifts, anons. Especially (You)s.

Is this one of those takes a picture of your face and tries to generate your character errors?