we had this here a few days ago
scalebound got cancelled for this
so who won the million dollars?
They canceled it. No tickets sold = no prize money.
Isn't it the sale of req packs that funds these tournaments?
I hate this forced esports meme with a passion. An esports scene appears naturally around a well made game, you can't design a game as an esport.
We didn't get any big team battle maps besides some forge crap post launch because of this
But nobody has cared about halo in more than 5 years
More like gaylo hahahaahah
This is not true at all actually but enjoy your shitposting. I'm going to hide this terrible thread now.
Scaledbound got cancelled because Microsoft wanted Platinum to make top of the line visuals surpassing PC quality, at above 60FPS in an open world multiplayer RPG format for that glorified toaster piece of shit Xbone.
Warzone my dude.
is halo and the xbox one really doing that badly these days ? or is this just some corporate fuck up unique to the event?
>those balloons make it more depressing somehow
PC wins again, baby.
Literally no one gives a fuck about Halo esports, people did back when MLG was still a thing but not anymore
The fact that nearly every Xbone "exclusive" is also on Windows 10 nowadays should tell you everything you need to know about the current state of the Xbone. It's still somewhat popular with normies, but otherwise it's fucked.
MOBAs. Who cares? Other than the Chinese.
As well they called for multiplayer, before the game had any set up for multiplayer, I'm guessing Kamiya said no, we just can't do that and Microsoft cancelled it. They were literally gonna turn scalebound into a piece of shit multiplayer game.
Co-op isnt versus
probably for the best really...
CS:GO, bitch.
also Optic won for those without google search.
Again, who cares other than 3rd world teenagers with PCs from the 80s due to embargos keeping them from getting anything worth a fuck.
shit game
QL is where its at
dont @ me nigger
That's the overflow tent. The space that they got wasn't too big.
don't be mad honey. its ok.
keep trolling i guess.
your really good at it
The Xbone is a waste of time. I own one and it's shite.
The problem with xbone games is that they are all corporate as FUCK. Its so obvious that they are designed and made with a profit first shareholder mentality. Problem with that is even normies are against this now. You can only rehash so much for so long before people start demanding more. The cancellation of scale bound REALLY hurt them more than I think they know. Normies want new IP's something Microsoft does not want to do.
Normies are also getting mad at microsoft over windows 10 being shit and them trying to force their one ring mentally linking all their shit and trying to corner the market on PC.
Pathetic. Lookz like fighting game poverty.
games being made as a service and trying to appeal to everyone is really every triple A game now though but i agree people are getting fed up with it
As someone that loves Halo, I would never watch this.
Hell, I would never watch any FPS tournament because they look so fucking boring. Only tournaments I ever watch are LoL or Fighting games
>console fps scene.
Jeez. Why not have street fighter pc tournaments and allow only using mouse input?
There isn't a reason CoD is the most cringe worthy of """esports"""
I have one of those IR extenders plugged into my Xbox One so it can send commands to my TV, A/V Receiver, and Cable Box. Basically, all I do is turn on my Xbox One controller, and it turns on my Xbox. My Xbox then turns on everything, and bam, I'm watching cable, and can use the controller to change channels and shit. I can also use the Xbox for Netflix, and to play Blu-Rays.
This is literally all I use it for. I cannot think of a single game that I own for the Xbox One that I actually enjoy playing, or wasn't some sort of remaster/collection that I bought on sale for less than $10 that I already own a superior version of on the PC just in case my PC dies and I'm without it for a few weeks and really want to play something
This console is a joke. It should have just been a DVR without the Xbox name attached to it and with a real remote instead of a controller because that's all it's any good for, all I use it for, and I only use it for that because I'm tired of it sitting on my shelf collecting dust. It took me a fucking year and a half to work up the motivation to even set it up for this because of how counter-intuitive the dashboard is, and how impossible it is to find anything you're looking for.
And I use the term DVR very, very loosely here because Microsoft actually cancelled their upcoming feature of being able to record shows off cable because I'm apparently the only person in the world who uses this feature of the Xbox One, and "muh piracy".
I honestly can't even say that I've played more than 20 hours of video games on this piece of shit. Waste of fucking money.
>competitive console fps
I don't want to sound like some pcmr faggot, but playing a competitive fps with a controller is a joke
Literally all the big esports games are pc. Hopefully the halo 7 port wont be shit
sweden is 3rd world?
US is 3rd world?
germany is 3rd world?
what is halo?
normies go where their friends go which this gen is xbox
For many halo was their first fps (ugh) so it was popular until cod4
Cod4 grabbed all the normies who only buy that and madden/fifa every year
>sweden is 3rd world?
>US is 3rd world?
Most of it.
>germany is 3rd world?
Getting that way
3 things here
1) sunset overdrive
2) why aren't you happy that you can finally play the exclusives on pc, 4k 60hz. Instead of fucking bitching they aren't exclusive to your shitbox.
3) the console isn't for you. Most people who buy consoles don't use them as exclusive machines. They buy them for multiplats because they are retarded
How can a game establish itself as an esport when the next BIG GAME comes out every other fucking month? How can it establish itself when there is another sequel coming next year year? Esports started in a time where games werent replaced every three months
Sweden will be the first first world country to turn third world sometime this century
1.) It came with the system and I wanted the sexy white version because Microsoft said they'd never do another white console release. Then the white MCC bundle happened in Japan and Europe. Then the One S turned out to be white anyways, so that just pissed me off even more.
2.) I'm not subjecting myself to Windows 10. Once 7 loses support, I'm just sticking with Debian.
3.) I actually bought it for KH3 and FF15 because at the end of the day, the Xbox One was cheaper than a PS4, especially on Black Friday.
Hindsight is 20/20, but damn I'm retarded
Games that get big tend to be ones that aren't quickly replaced and have devs that are willing to throw millions of dollars away for tournaments on the chance it becomes big.
And even if you do this you might just end up like Heroes of the Storm and fail miserably anyway
where do you live?
neck yourself.
Why do people go to esports tournaments?
Like when you see the dota or lol tournaments and there are some 40000 people in the audience, many sitting 500 meters away or some shit and they have to watch it all via screens anyway
But they paid top dollar for it.
Why? I don't get it.
is that the lassie from Brave?
>Developers still don't understand if the game is FUN the esports forms around it not the other way around
has anyone here been to something like this? what does it smell like?
If only CS:GO Tournaments were actually good.
Thank god their game division is failing. They truly are cancer
how is that any different from regular sports
you go for the ambiance, to get the crowd energy and have 40000 other people gettin hyped up with you
No, not by today's standards. Companies like Riot, Blizzard and Valve put up multimillion dollar tournaments on the regular to make their boring games esport relevant. That's way more important than actually having a fun game.
sweat,tears, cheetos, cheap energy drinks, puberty.
>have to watch it all via screens anyway
While this doesn't address your point, even people sitting in the front row have to watch it on a TV screen. It's not like they are watching the players physically play, they are watching the gameplay.
With regular sports I can actually see something. I can see the ball being shot into this goal, I can see them running around, all of it.
With esports you see nothing. Just some guy clicking on his mouse.
yep that looks like the average Scottish bird sadly...