Wtf that even mean? It not even sounds like ukulele what they want you to think. It should be Uooka-Laylee instead
Wtf that even mean? It not even sounds like ukulele what they want you to think. It should be Uooka-Laylee instead
Other urls found in this thread:
>The word 'ukulele is Hawai'ian, not English. In Hawai'ian, the language of origin, it is pronounced "oo koo lay lay". Most English speakers say "yoo koo lay lee" or "yoo ka lay lee".
They are going with the English pronunciation of the word. Yooka-Laylee is literally how the pronunciation is spelled out. Fuck you.
wtf im a furry now
it's pretty common nowadays user, just accept it
probably the chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay
Who the fuck pronounces Ukulele with an "uo" sound?
I agree, they should call it Cucka-Leftie
back to r the_donald
>it's common
you don't leave the house much, do you?
I've met enough furries IRL and online to know that it's gaining traction for some ungodly reason
I'm a "furry" and I'm probably just as upset as you are
Make me
What is the context of this image? I have a feeling its cosplay, or is it?
Its about fucking time the fursecution ended, shitlords
Yeah, it's about time we finish the job and load them all on the next train to Auschwitz
there were some trump rallies a few days ago
I think it's completely harmless but also intractably weird
it's not something someone should be "out and proud" about
along with everyone who doesn't agree with your painfully narrow worldview, you capo shitstain
Back to e621
I'd rather argue with you wonderful people in this miscarriage of a thread
It's all cute how it's raising its finger like "right-wing cis scum will not get a refund, now go read some feminist litterature"
Anyone spending a single cent on kickstarter should be scammed and fucked with, rightwing or not
Pre-order cancelled, I will not support censorship of ANY kind.
Why do people keep shitting on Yooka? What am I missing
>burgeritos butchering other languages
What else is new?
Big empty worlds and a game engine that makes everything look like shit