Worst unresolved cliffhangers thread

Worst unresolved cliffhangers thread.

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sequel literally never



if you ever get it, it'll be a soulless cashgrab reboot

>Chapters released years later
>ends on another cliffhanger


the ending of the darkness 2

Madness Returns wasn't perfect, but I thought it was a shame that EA put a stop on there ever being a sequel.

Not a cliffhanger, but I still want closure.

It's not a lake.

It's an ocean.

>no more D4
>no Deadly Premonition sequel
I wonder what Swery's doing next.

Can't wait for Shenmue 3 to end on another cliffhanger

It might be wrung through the Ubisoft filter, but don't think they'd dare make it a reboot.

Would they...? Eh....

How were chapters, anyway? Worth at least one playthrough?

Was gonna post this

>Whole game is pretty realistic

Has Ubisoft ever done a remake? Maybe HD ports but thats it.

Dr. Oldman is D. That was pretty obvious.

D4 was an awful game.

Prince of Persia 2008 and Enslaved. Still pissed about both never getting sequels.

At least the rest of you didn't get months of hardcore cock teasing for the sequel.

There's future synagogues and the main character mentions constantly how much straight white men and old people are worthless. The male character is also a gay arab. You tell me.

But muh swery!!!

>How were chapters, anyway? Worth at least one playthrough?
Yeeaah, but with tempered expectations I guess?

I'm glad it resolved Zoe's story arc at the very least, and I think it had a strong start. But the middle chapters flounder a bit, and have you retreading the same two hub areas for the majority of the time, while the ending rushes to answer as many random plot threads as it can.

It feels like they're setting things up for a whole new game in the final stretch, but I don't think they even expect to make another one.

Hopefully it's something just as entertaining.

>the main character mentions constantly how much straight white men and old people are worthless.
No she doesn't. It actually kind of subverts the political message by acknowledging that pretty much everyone who was running for office was corrupt in the end, regardless of which side of reform they were on.

That plot thread's kind of vestigial in the end anyway though.

No, swery is a great developer. Deadly Premonition is one of my favorite games ever.

But D4 sucks. Uninspired, unambitious garbage.

I actually thought the way you interacted with environments and character side-quests in D4 fit Swery's style more naturally than Deadly Premonition, but with the way it ended I guess it's more wasted potential than anything.

What happened to the movie

They're on youtube.




White Owls Inc

>Uninspired, unambitious garbage.
What do you mean? We barely saw where D4 was going and the whole plane sequence was obviously inspired by Jojo part 6. I thought it was cool and was definitely interested to see what was gonna happen.

The entirety of the game itself is unamibitious. It's just a boring point and click with an interesting story. Compare this to Deadly Premonition that was trying things no one else would even dare to (and still haven't). DP is deeply flawed but is filled with spirit and, more importantly, ambition, as all of the mechanics are so bizarrely crafted and unique. D4 is mechanically sound but at the cost of just being... dull.

I love DP but what exactly did it do that "no one else would even dare to"? Games like it already exist. e.g. Shenmue.

Trash Games Thank God They're Cancelled: The Thread.

They're gonna make a sequel to Xenoblade X too, right? Right?

I loved Deadly Premonition's ideas, and I liked exploring Greenvale, but I wouldn't really put its combat, driving, or QTEs, as points in its favor. So I guess I kind of liked the idea of D4 cutting out the extra padding.

The Coop in that game was tge funniest shit ever, and doing it while drinking made me laugh until I couldn't breath.

Agreed, that's how I saw it. I liked the exploration in DP but all of the mechanics otherwise like the combat were pretty hard to stomach. D4 was basically trimming the fat.

Part 3 never ever

Will we ever get the blitzball explosions we deserve?

fuck SWERY for dropping the game because "muh health issues"

Didn't it bomb on both pc and xbone?

I thought it was dropped because no one bought it.

Watch the anime

>muh health
>im a monk now
>look at my yakuza tat
>imma quitting now
>check my new studio

VR games for his new company White Owls. Dont feel bad though, Access Games seems entirely dead judging by their twitter feed, its just a shame we'll never find out who D was or who killed Little Peggy.

You don't want nu-Bisoft to turn it into yet another soulless open world collect-a-thon out of it.

I can't wait to see Harmonia!

A sequel to this would have been incredible instead of something like fucking Triad Wars.

Besides no sequel we still dont have Red Ash either. Legends fans have it hard.

Literally never

So, according to you, D4 was uninspired and unambitious because it was just a point and click?
Just wondering

at least he bought the right back but this is a huge step down from original vision



shit I forgot about this game.

>VR games
Ah damn.

Is Mcgee still making games?

Was sad to hear that Spicy horse shut down.

doesn't looks like it. The whole kickstarter was only raising money so he can buy the Alice trademark back from EA.

The entirety of kingdom hearts is one giant cliffhanger.

Does he still get money from steam sales if the company's gone then?


To be fair, that whole game was a train wreck in every single aspect. There wasn't a single facet of that game that wasn't a colossal fuck up.

those games were made under EA. what do you think

>Look for a pic
>End up reading a dissertation of the symbolism and themes

God damnit. Not a sequel I'm looking for, but a remake.

What the fuck was he doing the entire time?

The forest atmosphere and music were good.

We'll meet again, right? Right? ;_;

Assumed that it might have changed after he bought the rights back.

Of the first game?

Xenosaga series

Vaped until MG happened.

I'm brother.

10 years

10 fucking years

Never forget. When will they resolve this?

Never. Now buy Andromeda, goyim.


>Ends with Hilary Clinton shooting herself

maybe trump's presidency IS the resolved cliffhanger

I'm mad

Yeah, but what's the chance of that happening.

Low. I feel like they kind of got what they wanted to cover with GR2, though it still feels like there were things that were cut down in the end.

What the fuck happened after this?

Dev confirmed that work is back on track for this

>Modern Ubisoft

how the tides have turned, now i want it kept dead

>Chapters ends on a cliffhanger
AGAIN? Are they doing this shit on purpose?

>mfw Suikoden VI never

They should've just stopped after the first game.

No, Doctor Oldman is David Young. It's in the names.

Legacy of Kain: Defiance, although that's both the case of a resolved story and one where cliffhanger remains as to what Kain will do from now on.

Do sequel hooks unresolved count?

Fuck all y'all.

I've been waiting 15 years for a proper ending. Even Samurai Jack's going to get a conclusion before this shit.

I'm STILL mad.


what game? Im sure I never finished it.

Then maybe you shouldn't have killed Tony Jay with your faggotry.

It's not quite as rough of a cliffhanger as Dreamfall, but it's open-ended for one of the major characters and leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

>Buy a neat little game by squaresoft in 2002
>Have to now wait 15 years and games across several different consoles to actually figure out what the fuck is going on

4 hours later but still

The reason why episodic games are a terrible idea

I bought this way back on the 360 but got pissed off it ended in a cliffhanger and they wanted to charge to figure out what the hell happened.

Are you telling me even with the DLC, it still ends on a cliffhanger?


Seriously fuck happens with Bao Dur? Why the hell is Atton with me? How the fuck did we escape? Who escaped? Where do I go?

After the battle for Telos shit stops making any real sense.

That feel when just realized it could have been resolved in a KoTOR III that some horrible monster like EA ruined...