Nintendo has what is possibly the most "open" open word game of all time...

Nintendo has what is possibly the most "open" open word game of all time, with groundbreaking simple features like climbing, no handholding, can beat the game whenever you want, that make a 11/10 experience. And this was pretty much their first time making a game like this, meaning it will only get better

Xbox has what looks to be an incredible sandbox game, with fully destructible buildings, walls, etc, with actual destruction physics, both in single player and versus mode, with tons of different weapons to destroy with, as well as coop. It's also looking to be a fun collectathon with the orbs and whatever other goodies they will place on the map.

Playstation has... a generic far cry clone where you play as a strong independent womyn who don't need no man, and the main objective is to kill whiteys. Featuring shitty voice acting and facial animation.

...Remind me why PS4 is the console I'm "supposed" to own?

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Nothing FUCK gooks and FUCK sony

Skip the console wars.

But you're right about Horizon, and the reason why it will probably win GOTY is for this one simple fact: Awards goons are so scared of not voting for Aloy's game, they will cave due to fear of SJW backlash.

Calling it now Horizon will win GOTY simply because it's the SJW gold standard game now, even though it''s a fucking bland roll/dodge shooter with a crappy high-tech bow and arrow.

>Playstation has... a generic far cry clone where you play as a strong independent womyn who don't need no man, and the main objective is to kill whiteys. Featuring shitty voice acting and facial animation.
It's ok when sony does it.

>Nothing FUCK gooks
Except gooks didn't make Horizon, retard.

>far cry clone


Oh sorry

FUCK whites and FUCK sony

>no handholding
I don't think you played the game

Chill OP. Sonypeople are content with Horizon, but they'd rather play Nier or Persona 5.

It's okay when Nintendo does it.

>Nintendo has what is possibly the most "open" open word game of all time
Except when the game has to load between going inside and outside.

Also GTA has been more openworld for a great while longer.

Kek, I switched to Sony a decade ago

>game that's out
>game that's not out
>game that's out
really activates my almonds famalam

This has to be bait right? Even the droniest of drones doesn't actually believe these kinds of things. Right? Also, containment board for drones when?

OK I didnt like Horizon that much boring after you beat it but I shot people of all races in the face with arrows in this game. The OP is talking shit.

which is why i said "what LOOKS to be" for crackdown. it could be shit, but right now, it looks a lot better than whoreizon


When people resort to baiting with a game that isn't out yet and had only mediocre prequels before it, I think we've let the console war meme go too far

Nah BOTW will win and if it doesn't RDR2 will, just listen to the retards at IGN and you'll understand. It's like most games aren't even out this years and they've already picked the winners.

First "blunder" (compared to other console) in a string of otherwise successful titles for Sony.

OP haven't played it

This shitpost doesn't work anymore now that the game is out and generally looks nice

Because besides that one game on xbone there is literally nothing else to own and it is sketchy in and of itself whether Crackdown 3 will ever see the light of day with Microsofts current practices.

As for Zelda. Never buy a console for a single game.

Sony has the largest selection of games and genres to choose from. You will find games you like on that console. If you don't then you just plain don't like games.

Literally only happens in shrines because textures and lighting are radically different with no time in between to shift

nice blog post of your retarded opinions, friend :)

I rented Horizon. Glad I didn't buy it. It's basically Far Cry with shitty combat and a horrible camera.

>People still get hyped for Crackdown

The first two were shit games with some mildly fun cheat and physics shenanigans you could get up to with a friend. Why is the series still alive?

But if the lighting was real time they could just change i-


The most open world game ever doesn't even have a proper day night cycle

This is from the web site that constantly says all white people are racist:

But what about "the cloud". You'll be able to do anything.

>The most open world game ever doesn't even have a proper day night cycle
No idea what you mean by this, as BotW does have a daylight cycle complete with dynamic shadows.


Imagine being a ps4 only gamer who has to force himself to play and like horizon.
That's like eating spoiled meat while you're getting green in the face and saying you didn't want a nice juicy steak anyways and perfect foods cannot exist.

Crackdown 3 isn't exclusive you moron. It's coming to PC.

i didn't say it was exclusive and also the "nice juicy steak" in this picture is on pc as well

>I am a gigantic faggot please rape my face
What the fuck are you talking about

Not dynamic enough to change on dime it would seem. Like with horizon.

It does though.

Can't wait for RDR2. Loved the first and am planning on picking up revolver for xbox.

The only thing horizon has over zelda is high res stoneage panties crusted in dried piss, period blood and vaginal discharge.

Only bloodborne looked worth getting. I'm not buying a ps4 for shittier exclusives when I could get a pc with windows 10 and play both pc exclusives and Microsoft exclusives.

>with groundbreaking simple features like climbing
It's easy to have things like this when you realism is on par with 6th gen games. A celshaded toon character scaling a low resolution polygon is a hell of a lot different than actually realistic models climbing cliffs that have rocks, crevices and debris.

Once you climb a few cliffs in BotW, the activity becomes very mundane. It's flat out annoying when you want to get somewhere and you can't because it's raining.

Zelda is a 9/10.
Its not perfect, its slightly there, but we still need room to the top.

Dont know about it.

its a solid game. interesting setting and story. that sjw isnt really there, it feels more like diversity.
But the sad is, that the fights are interesting, but somehow felt very unrewarding. And the enemies are cool designed but in the end feel just like 3-4 different kinds of.
And it feels like its an far cry primal with a nice skin on.

I wouldnt mind Horizon gets an goty, but thats just slightly earned.

The real game looks like neither of those.

>Sony has the largest selection of games and genres to choose from

No. BB is the only good game

Oh. You're one of them.

The faggots who regurgitates the "Ps4 only has Bloodborne" meme.

name some good games only on ps4 then. cuz i can play nier on my pc, persona 5 on my ps3, tales of berseria on pc...

probably because you dont buy a console for ONE game you DONT want you stupid fuck.

Yes breath of the wild is THE shit. Everyone knows this. However, it's the switches ONLY game.

You've already made up your mind to meme and shitpost your way through any response I give.
So fuck it.

What's the alternative though? Are there other games that handle climbing well that aren't just "tap X to leap from crevice to crevice"

Must really suck that everyone isnt circle jerking around your perfect Zelda game. Stay mad.

It only loads shrines which are areas not included on the map.

So buy can Xbox then.

No one wants you anyway.

That's one of the major problems with games I think

The more realism you add to the graphics, the more the gameplay suffers because you can't translate nuanced, realistic characters movements to something you can easily control with a video game controller. So it turns into a QTE

On the other hand, saying BotW is groundbreaking because it's primitive is also wrong.

The shrines are all underground and thus would have no impact on the lighting in the world outside.

I mean they didn't need to have a load screen, it could have just been an elevator that brings you down to a new area and loads during the elevator. would that make a difference?

It does though, you fucking retard. The lighting in BotW is dynamic, the shadows cast move with the sun - this is even used for a few shrine quests as a gameplay mechanic.

>And this was pretty much their first time making a game like this, meaning it will only get better

Since when the fuck has this been a reliable assumption to make about video games?

The load screen for shrines is really short to be fair, but yeah I wonder why they didn't load them during those scenes?
I know you can skip those scenes, but they could've forced those scenes (entering the shrine and going down the elevator) and used that as an oppotunity to load the shrine.

What makes you think Aloy is some SJW hero? Literally nothing about her conflicts stem from her being a woman.

nice photoshop

>"no handholding" is considered a feature now
Fuck the current state of the industry, honestly.


"feminist agenda"
of which is has none.

Most games are critiqued for the feminist agenda that all games should have a feminist agenda.

morrowind already did it

>Horizon will forever be remembered as "That game that looks pretty but isn't as good as Breath Of The Wild"

Bravia, Sony.

Horizon is a damn good game, though Zelda is better by a pretty large margin. Not really fair to hold that against Horizon without holding it against other open world games though.

Crackdown will be empty, generic garbage just as the first two were. Destructible environments won't change that.

>Horizon is a damn good game,

t. Sony Pajeet

>windows 10
such bait

>t. Sony Pajeet
So you have no real argument? I don't care about the difference in detail between the two. Two different games with entirely different focuses.

You might enjoy it if you'd stop chasing the SJW bogeyman and/or got over it being an exclusive.

Not him but horizon looks incredibly boring, and every single review I've seen for the game focuses on "muh graphics" instead of going into detail of how it actually plays, which to me is a giant red flag.


because crackdown is fucking garbage LMAO

I agree.
My friend is letting me borrow the game. I can't bring myself to play it over EDF 4.1 and Toukiden 2.
Fuck. I can't even give enough of a shit about it to play it over ME:A.

I can't wait to get a Switch for Zelda and a Scorpio for Crackdown, this and next year are going to be great years

I dont understand how you can have double standards in a single post comparing shit. Seriously. Zelda has a ton of shortcomings, maybe even more than Horizon in some cases. Ironically you object to Horizon VA and animation, whereas Zelda is significantly worse.