What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Mediocre horror game once you get past the initial 'shock' by the somewhat disturbing premise
>That cat-and-mouse game with Piggsy
Shit was nightmare fuel.
Not grimy enough.
Which is a shame since a game so obviously based on The Warriors and The Running Man could have been a lot more fun.
I wish they made a sequel in the GTAV engine
then again it would probably get butchered by censors to the point where it would make Manhunt 2 look good
nothing, while repetitive the game is good enough
lovely story as well
Later levels weren't as good, but overall it's still a great, atmospheric game with some of the most memorable voice acting in the medium. Well worth still playing today. There's nothing else quite like it.
It was slow and shit but ultra gore made it worth it
manhunt2 is a pretty great ride uncensored if you haven't already done it.
the enemies had the best dialogue in any vidya
>Must've been a cat or something!
>Come on out! I've got methaaadooonnneee!
>All right, listen up, you limp-dicked faggots!
>First man to bring me his severed dick gets ten thousand dollars!
>I just wouldn't shut up! Nag nag nag! He had no choice but to beat me to death with that crowbar!
it's not a horror game at all.
i dont think youve played the game
Do you actually play games? Haha? Really dweeb?
This game had a top tier atmosphere when it came to be tense as shit.
They made the sequel for the PS2, Wii, and PSP. It was a terrible idea.
The idea was fine. I definitely wanted a sequel to that great game. The sequel was complete trash that didn't understand what made the first one so great, though. They completely shit on the atmosphere with stupid, excessive flashbacks and a dumb story with a transparent mindfuck that no one cared about.
It literally killed someone.
A sequel would have been great but why make it for those consoles instead of the PS3/360? It also focused too much on gunplay like Manhunt's later levels.
I remember when it came out there were rumours and news of quite a few incidents where people copied the some of the in game kills like the plasticbag over someones head choke and the glass shard stabbings
the gun levels were fine. infact the game turns into guns pretty early on and only gets excessive in the late levels but I enjoyed it. they kept it fresh with new weapons every level.
nothing like that ever happened but some kid in the UK did murder his friend in a similar execution style after playing the game with him. with a crowbar iirc. got the game banned in the country.
I remember a kid using a tesco carrier bag to kill his friend no joke
Can't wait for Manhunt 3
The soundtrack is really underrated.
Your mother is mediocre.
Play Manhunt 2.
Your mother is a cankerous whore. Play the game.
Why cant they release the first one for Xbone wtf.
ya know I used to always say it could never happen in today's age with all the SJW propaganda and after the turmoil that manhunt 2 received upon release but with all the shit they slip into GTA these days you never know. they have that first person mode in ps4, one, and PC and that shit can be a pyschopath sim.
>Why cant they release the first one for Xbone wtf
I wonder this too when the original was on ps2 and xbox. Splinter Cell did the same shit making the HD collection a playstation exclusive. I actually have manhunt on ps4 but I'd buy it again on xbox one given the chance.
It's sequel is on a kiddie console, and censored
>and censored
kek, he doesn't know.
You fags also get Splinter Cell? Christ now its time to get a ps4.
Literally almost no one bought it on Wii. PS2 and PSP were still uncensored.
you can uncensor the Wii version and then it's a motion control murder simulator.
Also no, all versions of the game were censored. Although granted Manhunt 2 sucks. Manhunt 1 was way better. But the murder motion controls, those are nice.
>Notice: This game does not support Windows Vista, 7, or 8.
God I wish we could get a new installment.
Replace the VHS aesthetic with webcams and shit and you can have a modern take on it. Hell, the game's themes are more relevant than ever. Keep the paranormal stuff from 2 out of it.
not everyone is 12
I hate living in 2015+2
Nothing; it was a pretty solid game with the amazing sound design and lots of gore which is what Rockstar is known for. The sequel was pretty fine too.
I don't blame them if they won't bother to do anything else with the franchise though. They probably want to avoid any more controversies and the games themselves feel complete on their own.
It does, theres an easy fan made patch for it.
Manhunt 2 didn't need to happen and it got censored to shit.
>PS2 and PSP were still uncensored.
no. the ESRB outright bans AO games from being released on consoles. it was M on Wii, PS2, and PSP. the same censors. the ps2 and the psp version were able to run the uncensored version on modded consoles and modded versions of the game. but so did the wii.
it ever only had a offical uncensored AO release on PC. the rest were unoffical versions. no fucking way that game would ever be allowed on consoles. you go into a hardcore porn theater for godsake.
I had it on PSP and it was exactly the same as uncensored footage. Had the game and you youtube videos playing for comparison. Hell when you go to settings you can turn off that red grainy screen so you can see the whole execution.
Its a dame shame despite the second game it was a good franchise. Shit I'll take a remaster of the first game I mean how the hell has anyone not done this already. Theyre even making a Time Splitters remake although Im sure itll never be finished.
Yeah, with all the modding people do of Rockstar's games, I'm surprised no one's done an HD texture pack for the first game.
then you have a modded PSP or weren't playing a real retail version when you thought you were. or the PSP version shows the shit just toned down. the offical version was rated M. it can't be sold AO on consoles.
>In the Wii, PSP, and PS2, the game was toned down for an M rating on consoles. However, the filter itself is different in the Wii than on the PSP/PS2. On the Playstation versions, the screen goes red, silver and green during an execution to obscure it. On the Wii, the contrast levels are raised highly and the screen starts shaking, to give it a very red and black look.
>playstation versions
notice how a lot of walkthoughs mention "uncensored" as the modded version
I don't know if it can be considered underrated. you would have to be one crazy fuck to listen to that OST by itself. but it certainly was perfect for the game.
geez I didn't realize there were so many differences. PC seems close to Wii. I want to try the uncensored ps2 version now. so many changes it's like a different game. I remember 1 was the same way between xbox and ps2. tons of executions were different.
>he doesn't like 80's synth music
What a pleb.
Holy fucking shit, I still got the flashbacks...
>Alone in my dark room
>Headphones on
>Lurking around with like half health
>I move out of the shadows to reposition myself
>Skin decides to turn around just then
>This kicks in
>Screams for his buddies, they all come swarming at me
>alt f4 that shit
>Turn off computer
>Get the fuck outside
>Don't play the game again for like a week
They really don't make games with atmosphere like that anymore
>a remaster of the first game
Honestly that's pretty much all I'd want, I could bury the game after that and it'd be perfect.
the fug bits and the shoe bits were great
Fuuuuuck that part with the crane at the end of the Skinz level. And there was such little variety in that level too. But besides that it's such a great game. Brian Cox was inspired