ITT: We list our personal top 10 video games of all time, and roast each other based on our choices. I'll start:

ITT: We list our personal top 10 video games of all time, and roast each other based on our choices. I'll start:

10 - Banjo-Kazooie
9 - Red Dead Redemption
8 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
7 - The Last of Us
6 - Super Mario 64
5 - Grand Theft Auto IV
4 - BioShock
3 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
1 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

1. Gothic 1/2
2. Deus Ex
3. Morrowind
3. System Shock 2
4. Max Payne 1
5. Counter-Strike 1.6
6. Mount & Blade Warband
7. Wizardry 8
8. VtMB
9. Fallout
10. Runescape

pretty solid list.

gta4 isnt the best one but it is very underated

Boring, generic taste.
Also generic but decent.

Paper Mario TTYD
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Adventure 2
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
ATV Quad Power Racing 2
Pokemon Black 2
Sonic Riders
Metal Gear Solid 3


10. Bioshock Infinite
9. Call of Duty: Ghosts
8. DmC: Devil May Cry
7: The Order: 1886
6: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Swords
5: Dark Souls 2
4: Skyrim
3: Dragon Age 2
2: Street Fighter V
1: Final Fantasy 13 trilogy

1. Tetris
2. Tetris 2
3. Disneys magical tetris challenge
4. Tetris attack
5. The new tetris
6. Wetrix
7. Tetrisphere
8. Tetris blast
9. Fate of Atlantis
10. Grim Fandango

Dark Souls 1
Demon Souls
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Witcher 1
Natural Selection
Battlefield 2142

Not bad.

Add Breath of the Wild to that list and you've got the most overrated games of all time.

I thought GTA IV had the best narrative of all of them, even if it lacked the wacky sandbox fun of the III era.

i usually only do top 5 so the bottom 5 are whatever i think of

system shock 2
duke 3d
unreal tournament

popular bandwagon meme shit
trying too hard classics meme shit
autism mascot meme shit
you're ok. i have been placated by the pretty pictures.

>I browse Sup Forums and have fit in

everything is perfect except NV

orange box is hl2 with episodes

>no MGSV

c'mon if you want to bait atleast do it correctly.

Birds of a feather flock together

10:Star wars the old republic
9: Fez
8: Dark souls 1
7: BioShock 1
6: fable anniversary/
5: Brutal Legend
4: Dead island 1
3: fable 2
2. the witcher 3
1: The Batman Arkham Games


10. Bioshock Infinite
9. Street Fighter V
8. DmC: Devil May Cry
7: The Order: 1886
6: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Swords
5: Dark Souls 2
4: Skyrim
3: Dragon Age 2
2: Metal Gear Solid 5
1: Final Fantasy 13 trilogy

1. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
2. GunZ: The Duel
3. Super Mario Sunshine
4. Pokemon Puzzle League
5. Pokemon GSC
6. Metal Slug 3
7. Sonic Advance 2
8. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
9. Overwatch
10. Killer Instinct - SNES

Dragon's Dogma is the only good game on your list.

You DID mod in Into Free and the other version of Imminent Triumph, RIGHT?

Sup Forums core to the max

this is a complement btw

>The Order: 1886

The fuck are you smoking pleb?

1.Halo 2
2.Mount and Blade: Warband
7.Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
8.Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
9:Mass Effect

10: Horizon: Zero Dawn
9: Gone Home
8: Night in the Wild
7: Bioshock Infinite
6: Fez
5: Firewatch
4: Watch Dogs 2
3: Rainbow Six Siege
2: League of Legends
1: Undertale

me in the pic

There are actually people like this posting on this site, jesus fuck.

Pseudo retro meme shit

Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
A Link to the Past
Dark Souls
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy VII
Radiant Historia
Metal Gear Solid 3
Half Life

Nope. Since I only played it on console. Bought it practically day one. Completed it several dozen times. Bought it again when DLC came out.

It's the only game I've ever fanboy'd over.

Zelda isn't that good and Casual Souls is shit, but the rest is pretty good. 5/10

Looks like someone who just discovered Sup Forums and is trying their hardest to fit in.

this is a rating based on how much I liked the games upon playing them; not how much I'd like to pick them up and play them now

10. Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
9. Half-life 2
8. Breath of the Wild
7. Crysis
6. Red Orchestra 2
5. The Witcher .....2.....
4. Mount and Blade Warband
3. Battle for Middle Earth
2. Doom (1993)
1. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Off the top of my head in no particular order

Super Mario 64
Breath Of The Wild
Banjo Kazooie
Gears Of War 3
Dragons Dogma
Sonic 2
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Monster Hunter 3U
Persona 4
Gravity Rush Remastered

thanks man. a bunch of posts suddenly appeared before mine so now i look like a non-rating asshole

Absolutely disgusting.

>Super Mario 64
>Breath Of The Wild
>Banjo Kazooie
>Sonic 2
Get better taste, holy shit

Sorry, user. It's just such a good game.

It was a great game and a good example of what a narrative driven shooter should feel like.

Good taste user. Far better than any of the other filthy capitalist pigs in this thread.

Me in my pic btw, ur a hottie x:3

If only you were old enough to play those games in their prime user, I legitimately feel bad for you.

You niggers better talk about the other lists before posting your own, otherwise its a shit threas. I will only comment people that commente on others.

I make an exception for you because you couldn't comment on anyone obviously. To be honest it's a solid list in my eyes. You are probably around 18 or so, because the list misses pre 1998 games and most of the games are still pretty new. It's also only AAA titles, so a bit generic. Maybe try some good indie games from time to time.

Omikron, really? Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain are some of my biggest guilty pleasures, so I might wanna give this one a shot. Do you think it's still enjoyable today? The rest...well yeah, to be honest I didn't play most of them. FF7, MGS2 are solid of course.
Okay, here's my list. I will maybe come back and rate some more lists later on.

10 Mega Man 2
9 Skies of Arcadia
8 Mother 3
7 Zelda The Wind Waker
6 Silent Hill 2
5 Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors
4 Final Fantasy IX
3 Bloodborne
2 Super Mario World
1 Metroid Prime


10. Witcher 3
9. GTA Vice City
8. GTA San Andreas
7. Mario Galaxy
6. MGS 1
5. MGS 3
4. DMC 3
3. Bioshock
2. Street Fighter 4
1. Tekken 7

Not a Zelda fan but cool games

1. Metroid Prime
2. Paper Mario
3. Banjo-Tooie
3. Panzer Dragoon Saga
4. Donkey Kong Country 2
5. Legend of Zelda
6. Dark Souls
7. Monster World IV
8. Castlevania Rondo of Blood
9. Donkey Kong Country 2
10. Dark Souls

Lemme guess, you're 18 at best.

>two of the worst Zelda games

kek XD

thanks user
>that pic
you know me too well

have any recommendations based on my taste?

Most of those games have easily been surpassed since then though. I'm sorry those rose-tinted glasses of yours won't let you see that.

This is kinda feels list for me

1. Severance Blade of Darkness
2. Assassin's Creed 2
3. Banjo-Kazooie
4. The Elder Scrolls Morrowind
5. The Elder Scrolls Skyrim
6. The Witcher Trilogy
7. Age of Empires 2
8. Desperados Wanted Dead or Alive
9. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
10. Hitman: Codename 47

>Breath of the Wild

Pretty bad, those games are good but you clearly didn't give the list a proper thought.

>Legend of Zelda Minish Cap
>Super Mario Bros.3
>Final Fantasy V
>Street Fighter 2 turbo edition
>Gran Turismo
>Vagrant Story
>Halo Reach
>Shante and the Pirate's Curse
>Metriod Prime
>Guilty Gear Xrd

Starfox 64
Tekken 3
GTA San Andreas
Any Metroidvania
Bad Company 2
Medevial Total War 2

1. Thief 2
2. Thief: The Dark project
3. System Shock 2
4. Arx Fatalis
5. Fallout 2
6. Witcher 3
7. STALKER 1 (and only 1)
8. Vampire TMB
9. Morrowind
10. Doom 2

You have 11 games in there dumbo

he has 8

jesus christ kid

yeah i agree. i also like that not every mission was "kill 50 enemies" like in gta 6 (the shittest gta by far)

that mission where you just point blank shoot the guy guy in the diner always stuck in my mind even though it was simple it was fun. felt like i was in a real crime thriller. cant forget the 'Heat' bank robbery mission as well. it was really good in a subtle way but a lot of people didnt like it.

a lot of good characters as well..apart from roman

I don't really play many story-driven singleplayer games, but one of my all time favorites was Freelancer. Would recommend Jedi Outcast and Crysis Warhead if you haven't played them either.

>Jedi Outcast and Crysis Warhead
love them too, just prefer the ones I listed

I'll look into freelancer

10. ToeJam and Earl
9. Skies of arcadia (Dreamcast)
8. Crash Bandicoot 1
7. Panzer Dragoon Zwei
6. Phantasy Star 4
5. Shining Wisdom
4. DragonForce
3. Sonic 2
2. Pokemon Red version

I grew up on sega games, if it wasnt obvious enough

Just Dance
Dance Central
Michael Jackson: The Experience
Dance Central 2
Dancing with the stars
Dance Dance Revaluation mario mix
The smurf dance party
just dance disney party
Just dance 2014
Donkey Konga

It was a quick list but I enjoy every one of those games, with more thought I'd probably remember some others that are better.

I don't really like ranking but off the top of my head

STALKER Call of Pripyat
Europa Universalis IV
Dead Space 2
Metro 2033
Dragon's Dogma
Victoria 2
Fallout New Vegas
Age of Empires 2
Max Payne 2

In no particular order:

1. Banjo Tooie
2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
3. Golden Sun: The Lost Age
4. Darksiders 2
5. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
6. Awesomenauts
7. Starcraft 2
8. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
9. Pokemon Gold Version
10. Halo Reach

Honourable mentions:

Breath of the Wild, Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Gears of War, Halo CE and Halo 2, OoT.

>1: The Batman Arkham Games
kill yourself
>fable anniversary
oh my god do it now


Chrono Trigger
Fallout NV
Half-life 2
Pokemon HG
Ratchet & Clank UYA
Championship Manager 01/02
Mario Party 2
Need For Speed Most Wanted

No specific order

Windu Waiku
TF2 pre-f2p
Stalker: CoP
Path of Exile
A Lonk Between Worlds
your favourite game


apply yourself

1. Witcher 3
2. Life is Strange (fucking sue me, it made me feel comfy and safe when I played it on a controller while wrapped up in a blanket in bed.)
3. Mafia 2
4. Dragon Age Origins
5. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
6. Resident Evil 4
7. The Godfather
8. Elder Scrolls Oblivion
9. Red Steel 2
10. Tomb Raider 2013

For some of these games like The Witcher 3, Mafia 2 or Resident evil 4 it's easy to explain why they're in my top 10. Others however, are fundamentally and objectively flawed experiences that to many people would be considered "decent" at best. Maybe for some games it's the nostalgia factor, like in the case of shattered memories. But for others there's no way to really explain why they're in my top 10 besides just admitting that they were an enjoyable experience beyond what other games have provided in spite of, or in some cases, due to their flaws.

Then theres those games that if I played them today I wouldn't even like them, like Oblivion. But back when I first played them they were so ridiculously fun that I invested most of my life into them. Surely they deserve to be in the list, for that reason alone... maybe not, but it's in there.

i see a lot of bioshock. bioshock could definitely be one of my favorites, i played it once and the immersion was up there with SS2. i need to go back to it and see if it belongs in my top list. its funny because at the time "we" shit on it for dumbing down the gameplay compared to SS2. but that atmosphere dudes, so good.

omikron was one of the first encounters i ever had with a "living" 3d sci-fi video game city. you can get taxis, enter people's apartments, goto hologram david bowie concerts. it was mind-blowing at the time. it doesn't play like what people think of a david cage game today. the gameplay probably sucks from today's perspective. its mostly an adventure game but with bad FPS segments and bad brawler segments.

how does that matter?
what does it matter how good something is 15 years after you've enjoyed it?

what the fuck happened to my linked post
is it because he typed "niggers"?

10. Ys Origin
9. Yume Nikki
8. Metal Arms Glitch in the System
7. Legend of Grimrock 2
6. Etrian Odyssey 3
5. SMT Nocturne/DDS 1+2
4. Nier/ Automata
3. Silent Hill 3
2. DMC 3 SE
1. Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song

Favorite list here so far
Trying too hard
Jesus Christ user

>9. Pokemon Gold Version
Silver was better

>elevator action 2
>shining wisdom

Good taste. Too bad elevator action 2 is $200+ now

Sega Bass Fishing
Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Custom Robo
Initial D Arcade Stage 8 Infinity
Digimon World Dusk
Pokemon Ranger
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Fancy Pants Adventure World 3

Most of these games are here because of my personal stories with them and not actual quality. I'm weird like that.

10- MGS
9- ETS2
8- FEZ
7- RO
6- Shadow of the Collossus
5- sm64
4- windwaker
3- persona 4
2- nier:automata
1- kirby's epic yarn

Oh wow, dark souls is so good it appears twice.

I'd say firered is objectively better than Red.


In no particular order

> Unreal Tournament
> Dragon Age: Origins
> Sunshine
> Windwaker
> Garry's Mod, fuck you it counts
> Dork Sols and following titles
> Half Life Opposing Force
> L4D2

Because playing them "in their prime" is a stupid thing to say. Games don't age, but they can very easily be surpassed. Hello few of those weren't even the best games of their era.

10. Final Fantasy X
9. Kingdom Hearts 2
8. Red Dead Redemption
7. Knights of the Old Republic
6. TESIV: Oblivion
5. Fallout 3
4. XCom: Enemy Unknown
3. Warcraft 3
2. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
1. Mass Effect 2

10. Mass Effect 2
9. Persona 4
8. Civilization V
7. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
6. Path of Exile
5. World of Warcraft
4. LoZ: Ocarina of Time
3. Terraria
2. Xenoblade Chronicles
1. Lineage 2
Honorable mention to: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Team

1.Metal gear solid 3 subsistence
2. Ghost Trick
3. The Wonderful 101
4. Chrono trigger
5. Dragon quest V
6. Bloodborne
7. Halo 3
8. Fallout new vegas
9. Bayonetta
10. Phoenix Wright T&T

1. Witcher 3
2. Paper Mario TTYD
3. Golden Sun
4. Pokemon Gold
5. Mass Effect 1
6. SSX3
7. Tecmo Super Bowl
8. Super Mario Galaxy
9. The Witcher 2
10. Max Payne trilogy

>ANYBODY saying KOTOR 1 and not KOTOR II
you shouldn't be allowed here

Whoa whoa whoa I don't see Metroid Prime in dat list boi

Very obscure tastes. I doubt anyone else will rate you because they don't know most of those games, but you have EBF and FPA, so you're alright in my book


I have never heard of any of these games.

1 Thief 2
2 Warcraft 3
3 Doom 1&2
4 starcraft 2
5 Daggerfall
6 Deus Ex
7 system shock 2
9 runescape
10 Morrowind

Yumme niki? Isnt it a weird walking simulator.
Other games are quite good though.
Very nicely picked western games.
You sound like a fun guy all the games on the list are easy to like no epeen hipster artistic strong taste just games that are good.

R8 me too
Street fighter 3rd strike.
Shinobi 3
Super Mario world
King of fighter 2k2 (i dont play it much but have very fond memories with i)
Strikers 1945 1
Dota 2
Summon night swordcraft story
Atomic runner

LoTRO is a terrible game if you play it now but I'll never enjoy any game half as much as I enjoyed it

10. Donkey Kong Country (1)
9. Fallout 2
8. LoZ Wind Waker
7. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
6. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
5. Yoshi's Island
4. Transformers Devastation
3. Shovel Knight
2. Halo: CE
1. Bloodborne

I worked these out awhile back using a score system rating specific things from graphics (at time of launch) to replayability, gameplay among other shit, another rule I had is that no 2 games from one series could be used, otherwise every Souls game would be on this list.

Yes but LoTRO actually changed over time. Games like Banjo and Mario 64 did not,so they don't have that excuse.

1 Deus ex
2 Devil may cry
3 Resident evil 4
4 Gta san andreas
5 Fallout new vegas
6 Deus ex human revolution
7 Fallout 3
8 Devil may cry 3
9 Spelunky
10 Dishonored

1. The Witcher 3
2. Oblivion
3. Halo 2
5. Jak and Daxter Trilogy
6. Gears of War 1
7. God of War 1&2
8. Prince of Persia SoT
9. Warcraft 3
10. Doom 3

Why should I care, fuckface? Do you think you're some fucking special snowflake be-all-end-all critic where you think any game you've never heard of is shit? I've got news for you, bucko: Your opinion is not only shit, but it's worth shit as well. If you never posted in this thread, nobody would have noticed and the thread would have been better as a result. You might as well jump off of a moderately high building, because I'm sure that your life outside of this site is just apathetic as the posts you make when you're here.

I'll give you all of those except devastation, that makes me doubt your sanity user

I'm not one of the HAHA TORTANIC fags, I actually got it a preorder as a gift from my brother because he was incredibly hype for it
It was "just another" MMO. Nothing exceptional, nothing really bad. I've played a few better free MMOs but a lot of worse ones.
If that was the best mmo you've ever played I feel extremely sorry for you

p gud user

10. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
9. Donkey Kong 64
8. Virtual Fighter 5 Final Showdown
7. Donkey Kong Country
6. Skyrim
5. Dark Souls
4. Oblivion
3. Donkey Kong Country 2
2. AM2R
1. Metroid Prime

Maybe he remembers how good the ERP was between his lewd Imperial Agent and some futa Sith Warrior.

In no particular order:
-The Witcher 3
-Vanilla WoW
-Guild Wars
-Persona 4
-Dark Souls
-GTA San Andreas
-Infamous 2
-God of War series.