after Doom 2

nice 5 lol
a V would have been way better though
they just stopped the multiplayer dlc i think we are going to have it next year or maybe late 2017

I want the cancelled Doom 4 game to be made

Can be a sequel to Doom (2016) set on Earth

>nice 5 lol
>a V would have been way better though

yeah no that pic doesn't look good
car for cover
the optic on the rifle
i think they couldn't have been more on point with DOOM 2016 mechanics
arena and the low number of enemies at the same time need to change though

>Doomguy must travel across the Solar System, visiting many planets to stop the reign of the Demons taking over the galaxy also including time travelling across the Earth to find hidden Occult stones that the demons have left scattered around the world in many different time zones
Sound good?

why do you make it so ugly
keep the doom in the front put a giant V in the back ground with the original color grading and you are done


>arena and the low number of enemies
I loved the old Doom games how you would enter an area and HOLY SHIT there is demons on every corner. I remember a Doom 64 level being like that

For Doom 2 (or Doom 5 whatever you wanna call it) I want more of those mini challenges that you can find around the levels because they were fun.

Some customization would be nice to with your Armour, weapon skins for in game campaign

this isn't a bad idea either
a little more work and it's fine

Need an image of a Demon in there or something idk

meh weapons skin and armor for the sp is just useless honestly
customization is fine for multiplayer and rpg but not in a sp FPS


yeah or maybe a more evil pentagram like a textured one
i need to download photoshop again i love doing this stuff


>not wanting gold weapons while killing demons in campaign

>they just stopped the multiplayer dlc
Am I only one who finds it hard to find any matches now?

They need to do something with new game to make muliplayer more interesting

>wanting a new doom game after bethesda vandalized the series with doom4

go back to jerking off over your shitty .wads


Get the fuck outta here with your shitty opinion m8

SMT x DOOM when?

Serious Sam x Doom x Duke Nukem x Shadow Warrior when?

We can dream user

Why is cover inherently "bad?"

Took me a bit to get used to Doom once I first began playing it but the second half of the campaign makes the game a 9/10

>le contrarian opinion

>Blocks your path

cover like this slow down the action
it's fine in a fps like wolfenstein but in doom it's not a good sign

Just try mods like D4D or D4T on some wads while waiting for it

and also MetaDoom, don't forget to check it but also shill it if you can

Any mods for Doom 64 remaster?

hopefully not any time soon


>occult stones
Sonic fags get out

>Software mode is not supported.
fucking dropped

>mfw my game box has this alternate cover
feels great hope they do something like this again for next game

Only problem I had with it is that it wasn't that scary

they should just put this on the steel book instead of the generic as fuck cover

>walk into room
>door closes
>fight off several waves of enemies that have no logic to their placement but no more than 6 at a time
This isn't Doom

It's a fun little game, but this isn't Doom

Doom 4 was alright.

nuDoom's hell was pretty lame

>people love SP part, hate MP
>all DLC is for MP
yeah fuck this shit

I agree. It alright, but it's not "muh doom".

Better than what we could have gotten, though.

wait or you build

>they should just put this on the steel book instead of the generic as fuck cover

There was 2 steelbooks released. I don't mind my version though

i dont like meta doom railgun.yes old like railgun. not gauss canon.