How do you feel about the fact that we're never going to get another 3D Zelda that follows the old formula again? You can guarantee that everything after this is going to be open world.
How do you feel about the fact that we're never going to get another 3D Zelda that follows the old formula again...
I dont think so. We'll probably get them alternating, but with changes here and there. Next game might be closer to ALBW or MM, then after that something more similar to WW and BotW.
The real issues stems from the 3DS being layed to rest soon, so they wont be able to have something like Triforce Heroes or 4Swords on handheld and then big main adventures on console.
Feels good, I never liked the old formula at the best of times, and those who like it can still get their fix from the 2D instalments
The only good 3D Zeldas before BotW were OoT and MM, so I'm cool with it. I hope that we still be getting new ALttP as well as Four Swords like games though.
I do actually miss the tailored dungeons from past games. The divine beasts didn't really do anything for me. Hopefully next time we get a good overworld like BotW plus dungeons on par with Ancient Cistern, and TP's Water Temple.
Pissed. Dungeons were always my absolute favorite part of Zelda games. My only complaint with the series and the formula has been the sometimes seemingly random shit you have to do to access the next dungeon.
I was hoping that removing the linearity would mean you would be able to enter dungeons purely by exploration and not through trading sequences and giving sticks to monkeys. Unfortunately, I got zero dungeons instead.
They need to marry the old formula with the new. Literally keep everything BotW has but this time with traditional dungeons.
literally the very first zelda game was open world. it stuck to the old formula
Pretty good. Oot and mm were overrated. Skyward Sword was shit. Botw was fun.
I just hope they continue with 2d Zelda games. Those are generally more fun, outside of Four Swords or Triforce Heroes or whatever
I don't like the nonlinear meme
I prefer having in order structure where you basically go from dungeon to dungeon and get new items like the hook shot which you'll need to advance etc.