Any hopes for the new game?
Do you think it'll be any better than the first one?
Destiny 2
Will it be on PC?
I liked the first one but i didn't want to pay for the PSPlus thing
Not too sure, they haven't made any real announcements for it apart from the poster I think
is has to be right? there's no way a publisher could tear down everything a studio has done and learned together just to turn the sequel over to a bunch of talentless, inexperienced interns who make a worse game, right? inconceivable.
PC version pretty much confirmed by now
What happened to the 10 year plan?
No. It's going to be the exact same thing. Same engine, same weapon and class types, same pointless "story" style, just a glorified expansion pack. God you faggots are dense.
Raiding was so much fucking fun, i actually wanted to explore every inch of the environment when raiding, vault of glass was an absolute masterpiece.
what are the facts your opinion is based on?
The maps better be more interactive, it felt like I was following a hallway most of the time.
And support more people on missions and other stuff, I'm actually glad they are making a sequel and not just adding DLC to the current one anymore, I don't think they can make it better without having to do some drastic changes, so theres still hope.
A sequel is exactly what Destiny needed. The gameplay was great but there were a bunch of problems outside of that, and starting from scratch is an easier, faster way to fix that than updates.
The community will still be shit though.
No more ps3/xbox360 limitation,so we should get a good game
But in the end we'll get fucked again
10 yr plan for the franchise, not the first game
there were always gonna be sequels
Loved the game in the past, definitely one of my favorite shooters.
I just really hope they figure out a way for me to give a damn about the story. Maybe I dunno, have me make choices that actually matter.
Most of the time I felt like I was in WoW turning in quest for shit I didn't really need just so I could rush to get as much end game gear as I could.
They have so many cool enemy factions and after killing some many of them I never felt like I actually knew them.
>At least double the content of what the base Destiny had at launch
>more varied locations for the missions and raids
>Improved loot system
Maybe tweak around the leveling system a bit and I'll be happy. Destiny 1 is my guilty pleasure in a lot of ways, so I'm down for a sequel
Yeah true, if there was any resemblance of an actual decent story arc that didn't have to be pushed in with expansions that would be nice
how so faggot
Pre-orders for a PC version have been open in Europe for the last few days
An MMO that releases one raid and content per year. I got the taken king did all the previous content and beat norm and hard wrath when it came out. Took about a month, I'll probably skip a couples years until they release content or the full game with dlc.
cool thanks
This has even less merit than Duke nukem forever preorders
This. Unless they start having continuous "free" new content between major updates, like ffxiv or wow, then it's a huge waste. Considering the amount of work that already goes into it and Activision's cash sphincter around their necks, it seems unreasonable to expect.
>Do you think it will be any better?
No. I do not think so.
If you can be arsed into reading the grimoire cards online, it's actually got a pretty good and fleshed out story. The choice of not integrating it into the game at all is completely beyond me.
>more casual
I really, really hope that's just their retarded way of saying that we're finally going to have matchmaking for everything.
in other words, bungie is Activision's bitch for 10 years and they are gonna milk bungie as much as possible in these 10 years
Hopefully they will have an in game chat so I don't have to use a third party website to people to play their game
boy I hope they use more recycled assets and call new content for three years again
I think it will undoubtedly be better. Bungie has proven that they listen to player feed back over the past 3 years. Combine that with that fact that it has less limitations and builds off the previous game, it should be a safe bet.
The question is whether or not it was used correctly, how much of a difference it actually makes, and how many new problems arise at launch.
This will decide whether people blow it off as more of the same and wait for DLC releases before buying in if at all, or getting it day one.
It can only get better from here since the game was ass
Good PvP
It'll probably be barebones at release with some on disc dlc just like the first game
>Titan/Hunter/Warlock must have all 3 classes from the first game
>All blue or higher weapon/armor pieces must be customizable and upgradable
>Must have a bigger focus on story, and all grimoire must be available in game
If they get all that then I'll buy Destiny 2. If not then I won't waste a single penny on it.