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Sucks that there is no real hype for the game. Looks really good.

>nu-Prey is good
You have to go back.

that just looks awful

>"gloo gun" is so unsatisfying to use, what sort of fucking numale retard would come up with something so lame?
>shitty generic "WOWSODARK" enemies
>no dark or spooky atmosphere in the gameplay, let alone the trailer
>faggot numale EDM music
>le epic pre-order bonuses for in-game power

everything wrong with modern "shooters"

will probably be BioShock: Infinite, but even worse somehow

looks like fun

nice buzzwords

It just keeps looking like System Shock 2 and BioShock 1 met in the middle.

I love it.

Hopefully it keeps the best things about each of those two instead of the worse elements.

This looks awesome.

>Total physics sandbox
>Tons of powers to mess around with
>Great shotgun
>Tons of ways to fuck around with enemy AI
>Basically System Shock 2

And Sup Forums will probably hate it because the amount of fun you have will depend on your creativity.

>Space crossbows

Looks good.
Obviously System Shock influences but also Valve/Half Life with the gadgets.

You're trying way too hard there buddy

lmao what the fuck is this fucking retarded embarrassing music. overlighted effects everywhere.
fucking fails.

It's just the trailer music who gives a shit.

Here actual ingame OST:

Truly awful trailer, but maybe the game will be decent. Maybe.

2bh this one is very good. why did they use the shitty retarded music for this trailer. might be to get a wide range of consumers.
>It's just the trailer music who gives a shit.
it matters. not so many people might give a shit but at least it gives you the impression of what game it is. using shitty EDM music is a bad move.

i pity the marketing department that has to sell this shit. obviously they have no idea.

This has the potential to become a cult classic, like almost all good Immersive Sims.
For people with taste though. It might be to complex for others.

Looks good but the enemies just seem so fucking boring

Buzzwords the reply.
When did rampant faggotry become the order of the day?

>got hyped for a pre-rendered-linear QTE fest

>recycler grenade

So what is this game? Are there no more portals or space Indians?

Human Head was the studio that did the first.
They could not meet benchmarks and Bethesda had to move on from Prey 2.
They were at the point they had to either use the IP or risk losing it.
Arkane was tabbed and went this route.

honestly buying this game first day

loved dishonored 2 and this game is looking to have a lot of variety


>Hey, you guys did Prey, That was pretty alright, Sequel?

>We need more time and money to finish up Prey 2: Space Cops
>Nah, we're going to change requirements to make you break your contract and can it.

>Shit, we gotta do something with Prey or else. Have one of the slaves crank something out; Just make sure to call it Prey
>Are you saying I can make any game I want as long as it's called Prey?

>So I made System Shock 3.
>You mean Prey right?
>Sure, go with that, either they don't know, and it won't hurt them, or they do know and they appreciate the results.
>Great, excuse me while we figure out how to fuck up another promising project... No, I'm not talking about you guys yet.

Is it true that Avellone was involved in writing the story?

Prey 1 sucked and Prey 2 would have sucked.


He's just doing some side quests.

So it's definitely a good reason to watch this game more closely. Thanks, user!

It's not a shooter, memer.

Oh god why is Bethesda marketing is so terrible at selling games to normies. First Doom, now this. The game will be great, but this trailer is so fucking terrible.

I really hope Bethesda won't butcher Arkane because Dishonored 2 flopped at sales and this game will most likely bomb as well. Doom was carried by a miracle of word of mouth.

I hope Bethesda butcher Arkane so that Valve or CD Projekt buys them and they make fucking Arx 2