I got a qt on my boat

i got a qt on my boat

Haha why does she have a duck duckity nose?

Please let my wife off of your boat.

it's too late, i already kissed her.

Haha, that's really funny user. By the way, what's your home address and sleep schedule?

What do you think Medli's eggs smell like? Haha just curios is all haha

that's pretty creepy user

she only did it because of the implication

quack quack

oh no she's retarded now

You must of fucked her too hard

Ha cuck cuck he's gonna fuck your duck

but that's not tetra...

>"T-this isn't the way to DragobRoost Island, user..."

hah ha quack quack

Reminder that Link was always a degenerate birdfucker.

holding hands with my new waifu

oh no i'm getting molested but medli isn't doing anything
what a worthless bird!

she doesn't love you



she's so focused!

oh no she's getting molested but i'm not doing anything!
serves you right!