Remaster fuck no

If you haven't in 2001 playing this shit in internet cafe till 4AM than you know shit about gaming. But as an adult I don't know if I want remaster like sc1. I don't have time for this shit. Not again pls.

isnt diablo 3 better at this point

I never liked Diablo 2. SCBW, WC3, and Diablo 1 are my jam though.

Not like you have to buy it user or do you have a compulsion?

That said I've never played Starcraft, thinking of playing the free version and buying the remastered version if I like it.
If nothing else I like the soundtrack from the game.

>implying most of neo-Sup Forums wasn't in their diapers in 2001

do you even ARPG?
It's a wonder Blizzard hasn't just given up the levels in D3, starting everyone at 70 instead. Would sell more cosmetics that way.

any way to play Diablo 1 on Windows 10 without using the mod that adds a shitton of stuff? I don't care about resolution, I use a CRT, but the regular Diablo won't work


Diablo 2 had it's own magic. pre 2004 blizzard was the boss. W3 and D2 are such different games but yet both took away 4 years of my life.

It worked fine for me on Win7. Windows 10 doesn't actually properly support 16 bit applications so that might be your problem. Maybe try using a wrapper or another program that adds windowed mode and various resolutions through upscaling.

Its nice game but fuck me if most of the classes have SHIT for area of effect skills

>tfw day after day after day playing D2 for like 13-14 hours straight
best years

Weekend. No school. Diablo 2 until pass out.

I'd love to see D2 redone in the same way as Brood War.

Same exact engine and AI, better graphics, but I do think D2 would probably warrant an AI retouch, but I don't know how D2 fans would feel about changing the AI

>median fucking shit

> Necros have corpse explosion (god tier)
> Sorcs have... most of their spells.
> Zons have their multishot thing.
> Paladins have hammer
> Ele druids have molten boulder (hurricane sucks)
>Assassins have idfk, never played one
>Barbs have whirlwind, I guess.

Yeah. I don't have any D2 screens on this computer, but median was still cool after years of daily D2 vanilla.

I would like to see more of original D2 (truly random items dominating, not pre backed variations). Of course 4k and better sprites. Maybe some additional quests or diffrent random maps.

Grinding all day. Killing everything

Wc3 with the custom games people made

They had metroid
Res evil
Silent Hill
Bleach rpg
Final Fantasy rpg with the 50 digit save file that vanishes after 10 seconds.
Run kitty run


Posting stuff from my latest singleplayer playthrough

maybe I should do a couple runs

Yeah diablo 2 remastered would be really cool, it would give my loser pathetic life a symmetrical quality: it began with diablo 2 diverting me from my golden course into computer junkiedom and apathy, and then, just as I think I might be pulling my life together in my late 20s, they release a slightly better looking version of it, and I am enslaved once again, a boy eternal.


Battleships. My fav. Elite was good. But there was some crazy version (X?) that you could combine up to 80 diff weapons or some. After 2 years playing the same map I've still hadnt definitive tactic/build. Crazy shit.

Are you me?


>tfw you played diablo 2 with your only friend for years, almost a decade and he suddenly stopped playing uninstalled everything and got married and shit
I can't even play the game anymore.

There's really no reason for a remaster because it's still playable. What they need is a new good content patch.
>going to an internet cafe
>not playing until 4am at home on your dial up connection

>Being an adult means you have less time to play games
Working full time gives you more free time than school though.

had 1mbit connection, but 333mhz celeron with 2mb gfx :(

In 2003 got 1700 Athlon with gfTi4200 256ram and 60GB storage!

Only if you don't have your our business pleb.

literally where is this true


Unless you have kids or a high maintenance gf or wife you should have plenty of time for games. School takes up around the same amount of time as a job does with the addition of homework.

What is there to do after beating all the quests besides endless grind?

what a dumb ass thread

pvp I guess

I remaster wouldn't change that.

>around the same amount of time
I work 40-60hrs / week, school was something like 35hrs at most idk

literally never did any past middle school

I also used to think this way when I was a kid.

Do you? There aren't any cosmetics to buy and gear progression works just as fine.

It's just different from D2 you fuck, it's a legit game in it's own right if consumed for what it is instead of whining about how you can't do baalruns in hd or amaze your friends with your newest gamefaqs cookie cutter build that somehow made it through act 4.

I'm 24

Are you seriously expecting anyone on Sup Forums to acknowledge a non-Eastern sequel as equal to it's predecessors?

Are you an idiot or just new?

Of course D3 is a good game. But no one here will ever admit that.

>your newest gamefaqs cookie cutter build that somehow made it through act 4.
nigga there's like 1 build that I didn't manage to solo hell with and that's martial arts assa

that build is a goddamn trainwreck, made it to hell A4 and gave up because fuck that


Let me tell you why this is bullshit. While the bit about kids and wife/gf is true, being single still doesn't give you enough time if you work typical 8 hour shift unless you sacrifice basic chores and sleep. Only exception is when you live with parents and they do all chores, shopping and everything else for you.
If you live alone you have to do your own housekeeping, shopping, cooking, etc. This takes time, unless you are living off the takeaway shit and clean your place once a fucking month.

I work 40 hours a week and barely have enough time for myself after all the shopping, chores and girlfriend.
When I was in uni (some 5 years ago) I typically had 16 hours worth of lectures, labs, tutorials, etc. so I was working part-time. Good fucking times and plenty of time for shits and games. I can only devote about 3-4 hours daily for vidya.

>Of course D3 is a good game

Come back when you get real job not some 9-5 bullshit work for pennies.

>and gf
>no time


I work 10 a day and do all chores and play maybe 8 to 12 hours vidya daily.

32 years here btw.

trapsin is all line nukes and AoE I think

I just want them to patch higher resolutions on

Some people have jobs where you actually need to do things instead of playing vidya

well he's probably momma's boy and does everything in slow motion, carefully etc. doesn't cut corners like a real man.

>working 10 hours a day
>8-12 hours vidya daily

Unless you play games at work as well, like I did back in them days.

>Not just playing lan with your brothers.
Linking up the home computer, the older comp with windows 95, and our dad's laptop when he didn't need it for work was great.