Yooka Laylee unethical business practice?

Yooka Laylee employees seem to be directing angry customers requesting a refund to the generic Kickstarter company's support page, even though it just gives you an automated response saying you need to ask the Kickstarter project owner for the refund instead.

Are they trying to trick people into not getting their refund?

Of course they are, they're entitled leftists crying about wrongthink

I don't even think you can get your money back because they already spent it making the game.

Let this be a lesson to never trust Kickstarter scams.

I think you can because they removed an important feature that people supported the project for. Probably in Europe you can really make a strong case against them.

What I mean is that if people request a refund, they literally don't have the funds to pay you back. All of it is already spent on the game development and paying back outside investors like their publisher.

Even if you make a lawsuit against them, you will have to struggle tooth and nail to get your cash back.

Are you stupid faggots still crying about jontron?

Wrong. If you take it up with your bank, and cite the company's official twitter remarks as a reason, they will charge them back.

Depends on your bank. They have cut off dates for chargebacks. So if you kickstarted this shit like 6 months ago, it may be too late.

lel @ supporting shit through kikestarter.

lel @ thinking they're gonna give you anything back.

Let this be their cautionary tale to never support shit through kikestarter.

You obviously don't know what the word "ethical" means.

Those poor nazis

you're not getting your money back, it's gone already.

>People still talking about Jon "Pull the trigger when you see a nigger" Tron.


Nope, people didn't even know Jon was going to voice a character before all of this. It was never an advertised feature for this game. You can't really make a case for this.

>people didnt know because i said so
You're an idiot

But that is how KS works
I dont see any problem

ok someone fill me in here, I keep seeing jontron mentioned around this game. The hell did i miss and what is the issue for this game? Never payed much attention to it besides the banjo reference.

Even jontron accept the outcome of his actions, stop this shit

>Jonno wasnt fired yet

are you KIDDING me

Literally being paid to fail at his job and fuck everything up

>Are they trying to trick people into not getting their refund?

>mfw didn't give money to Yooka Laylee kickstarter

True, it's not unethical unless JonTron was a massive selling point and advertised as such. However, it is really shitty practice and will probably be a stain on their reputation, likely to effect them if they ever try to kickstart or even pitch a game again.

jontron voiced a character in the game while it was being kickstarted
jonton later said some racist remarks in a video
developers removed him from the game because of his opinions
people are crying and demanding a refund because jontron isn't in the game anymore

Most people didn't know because it was just some tweets between Playtonic and JonTron but you could.
But it wasn't an advertised featured in the kickstarter like said.

No, it's unethical no matter how you spin it. "Just because no one saw me commit a misdeed against that person means I am innocent!" is not an excuse, especially when evidence to the contrary has been presented.

No you cant get your money back because there was no contract between you and the company. You donated the money...i feel like every time i say this in a thread i just speak in vain,but for those who would take a moment to listen i want to be very clear. You donated the money to the game...from that point onward the only way to get your money back is if the company agrees...that is it. You are not entitled to those money,you are not even entitled to the game you think you will get

>racist remarks
Wew dude, quoting statistics is now racist??WTF

I hope non of these idiots get a refund, it'll teach them never to back any kikstarter in the future no matter what promises are made.

What are the chances that we'll soon start seeing harsher regulations imposed on "donations" that the general public is giving?

As much as kickstarter wants it to be so, backing up a project is not a donation.

>telling people to go to an incorrect channel in order to inquire about your refund when you know very well they have to go to your own company directly for it
>not ethical

kill yourself faggot

It's not unethical at all. Jon wasn't a selling point and was never advertised in he kickstarter itself. Stuff change through development, in his case an "eck" sound hat loops for one character.

>they removed an important feature that people supported the project for

Jontron spitting out a dozen lines of gibberish is not an important feature and nobody supported the project for it because he didn't reveal he had a cameo in the game until well after they had reached their funding goal

Thanks user,


How is it not a donation? Wheres the contract?

I dont care about jontron but the way playtonic has acted on the steam or their own forums by deleting discussions about jontron or refunds and banning people that talk about those two is disgusting


>people didnt know
>actively advertised on his twitter months before their kickstarter
>got a voice role months before kickstarter
>nnnnnnobody knew!!!
heh. nothin personnel kid.

>kickstarter will literally do nothing if the project is a scam

why would anyone support a kickstarter anymore

That's just being glib about it
There might not be a legally binding contract between you, but there sure as fuck is an implied one
And yeah that means that they're not obligated to refund anything, but it doesn't make it any less unethical when they refuse to if the investor feels like the project doesn't represent their expectations, within reason anyway

>man does brief unpaid cameo appearance
>says stuff the media deems to be racist
>your choice is remove the content by the guy everyone hates right now or keep it and risk the backlash coming to you
what do you do Sup Forums?

i still can't believe i backed castle story

Missinterpreting them and asuming correlation=causation to say something vitriolic about a specific race ? Kinda

>less e-celeb shit in video games
so where is the bad part?

I understand its unethical...i didnt argue with that...but what kind of legal action can you take against them?

stay quiet and make your decision in quiet. who gives a shit if a handful of neogaf faggots cry?

When all of you faggots abandon JonTron I'll stay behind and comfort him. I'll feed Jacques when he's too depressed from his lost stardom to get out of bed. He'll gradually open up to me, come back into his old self in baby steps as I guide him along. When he's back on his two feet I'll be in the doorway, my task complete. As I turn to leave he'll grab my shoulder, look me deep into my eyes and tell me how these last few months have been the roughest.. but also the best of his life. He'll ask me to stay with him forever.

Who'll suck his cock then? Me.

Keep being cucks Sup Forums


You shouldn't even be able to get a refund from a kickstarter, maybe this way people would learn to stop wasting their money like that.

I already got a chargeback. I hope the game fails and they learn virtue signaling comes at a cost.

Who are you to say what was important to the buyer.

Keep him in, but put a disclaimer in the credits.

Everyone should have pulled out after dropping the WiiU version

Not an argument

>racist remarks

Oh I'm sorry I guess we aren't in America where your allowed to have an opinion regardless if it makes someone mad or not.

>lil alt-right gets his fefes hurt
The cuckers become the cucked!!!

Steam does Early Access a lot better. You can't get refunded for the title until it goes to full publication and then you can apply for a refund. I just did it with a game on Steam and while I had over a hundred hours in EA I didn't even touch the full release. I was fully refunded by Steam. I did note in my request how the company added things they had never mentioned (microtransactions, namely) and how the release doesn't resemble the promises. Steam didn't reply back but gave the refund so it's all good.

You are allowed.

>Everyone talks about how america has a racial problem
>everyone forgets that outside of the US and Canada every other country on Earth is 1000% more racist

You can try a class-action lawsuit against kickstarter for failing to adhere to the contract you electronically agreed to by supporting them. This will be laughed out of court because:

1. Jontron being in the game was not part of the contract.

2. There was no electronic contract. There was not even a verbal contract.

3. An "implied" contract is a very tricky legal thing, and would not be considered relevant to a case of this size. In fact unless it was explicitly stated the judge would almost certainly understand there to be an implied LACK of a contract.

Jontron wasn't fucking part of any """implied""" contract when you fucking retards DONATED money to neo-Rare. They aren't even in an unethical position, they fired one of their voice-actors AFTER the project was funded, it is absolutely retarded for you dipshits to assume you have this much control over a developer.

If mighty number nine didnt give refunds this wont either

At least I hope you learned your lesson and never support any KS or patreon ever

Keep him and say that he has the right as an American to say whatever he wants and punishing him for any comments would go against the very fabric of the constitution

You can't just say they were misinterpreted just because you don't like what the facts have to say.

It was racist, he IS racist

Neve said it was, you no brained, bleached face, good goy jew boy, numale Sup Forumsirgin

Or you could

A - Keep pressuring them on their forums. There is no win situation for them now.


B - just do a chargeback. In the UK (at least) this won't harm your credit rating.

What exactly did he say? Do you have a link to it?


Facts aren't racist you fucking lunatic. Quoting facts doesn't make you a racist. Black Americans have a serious problem and as long as everyone has their heads in the sand and keeps making excuses for them, nothing will change.

Cool. What does this has to do with anything

>jonton later said some racist remarks in a video

You didn't donate the money, you invested it.

However, the investment comes with the contract that they will fulfill their stated project and backer goals, and if they fail that you're entitled to some form of recompense.

Jontron was never a part of the kickstarter project, goals, or anything of the sort. He was added in later because he's an outspoken fan of their previous works.

So really, people asking for refunds from Kickstarter doesn't really have any support in any regard, since it's just them being upset that the game dev disagrees with them politically.

He said that rich black Americans commit more crime than poor white Americans. And backed it up with statistics.

But it's the CURRENT YEAR so facts are racist because he's not realizing that it's really white people forcing those rich blacks to commit crimes.

Why do people think Kickstarter funds work the same as a pre-order? How are they supposed to refund money they already used for the game's development?

This is the risk you take with Kickstarter, you aren't entitled to a refund because you ran the risk of giving money to cunts.

>I won't support a fascist company who removed a voice actor for having fascist views

Well yeah, I'm not saying you can't get your money back. A lot of banks will let you chargeback no problem. But trying to claim they broke the law or are acting unethically is retarded.

>they removed an important feature

Cancerous eceleb pandering is not a feature.

Invest implies you're getting money back.

citation needed

>fascist views
You know that fascist doesn't mean 'they believe things I disagree with', right?

>obama's department of justice statistics are fascist

I am not saying that .
Example: incarceration is not the same that committing a crime.
Jon complete misinterpreted that

>keep jontron in
>no one outside of neogaf cares
>remove him
>now making headlines and getting death threats daily

I miss fat Pikachu.

Why is being racist bad?

>a minority of people wanted a refund because of jontron
>no refunds
>now people want refunds to no longer be associated with flippant cunts.

nobody actually cares if Jon is a nazi except literal fascists.

>freedom of speech
>punishing freedom of speech

Only 1 is fascist. I know this is probably bait but I'm enjoying bumping this.

Nice buzzwords then.

Kickstarter donations are not purchases you collosal nimrod.

People defending Jontron don't get old, it's as amusing as ever.

Jontron literally said:
>Foreigners are bad because they dilute the gene pool
>There is no discrimination in the United States of America
>The white race is facing oblivion
>The Irish and the Italians weren't considered non-white
>BLM is a violent movement that does not disavow violent actions
If you agree with all statements above, then congratulations on your "redpill"

Why is being a SJW bad?

>tfw when Hbomb hasn't made a response to this stupid controversy yet

Does anyone actually care about this shit outside this board?

>But trying to claim they broke the law or are acting unethically is retarded.
OP's pic shows either incompetence or malevolence so their ethics may be in question. Otherwise yeah, I do agree with you.

All of those things except the bit about Irish and Italians are true, though.

All absolutely and objectively ture

>Racist Drumpfkins being BTFO by based Playtonic
Maybe Playtonic will take Bioware's place in my heart.

They fire you or harass you if you think different than them.
See what they did to the AVGN for ghostbusters

I dont like niggers but I dont go out of my way to harm them