This game is fun as fuck

This game is fun as fuck

If it performed better it would literally be 10/10

buy me it

Buy me a copy as well OP

I agree with you on it being a 10/10 but i am able to run it with my GTX 970 at 60-90 FPS

What the fuck even is this game?

>Early access
>Battle Royale
Its good

buy me a copy

i don't want to play it, just anything that gets money out of morons hands is good for me

uhhh okay

>Early Access
Nah. Your ""game"" is another tired DayZ clone with a meme mode tailored to streamers and preteens who love screaming into their microphones due to hormonal imbalances, both of which being your entire fucking audience.

Fuck off shill.

Battle Royal without the interpersonal drama basically.

You get airdropped onto an island with weapons and gear to scavenge. The play area gets smaller and smaller as time goes on. 1 out of the initial 100 players who survive wins.