What are some big mistakes you've made in games whether it be working towards a shitty build...

What are some big mistakes you've made in games whether it be working towards a shitty build, accidently locking yourself out of content, selling your best weapon by mistake, etc?

investing myself in mass effect years ago


Context of webm?

Starting to think this amiibo I ordered online recently is from a fuckign pokemon scammer and I'm never gonna see it delivered if that counts.

Just one. I accidentally forgot to loot the plant monster in the cave underneath Vizima in the first chapter of The Witcher I. This locked me out of a sidequest that was the first appearance of the King of the Wyld Hunt in the video game series. Considering he's the last boss of the first and third games, and thus of the whole series, that is a pretty big deal.

he turned it over and it broke. was trying to test guerilla glass. it works but not like how he did it lol

Worked my ass off on a mod, literally months, only to have the team pretty much turn against me and use my work in a new project, with a new leader that hadn't even worked on anything for us before.

Needless to say that project is pretty much dead now, sucks because I actually saw this coming and could have prevented it, but I had too much trust in those people, oh well.

>playing pokemon colleseum as a kid
>want dat ho-oh
>catching every single shadow pokemon
>get to Mantine
>waste my fucking massive stockpile of balls on it.
>fucker just wont stay in.
>havent saved in hours
>"well, I guess i can just knock him out and continue. Almost all the shadow pokemon can be re-encountered post game anyway."
>finish the game with every other shadow pokemon
>never got that fucking Ho-oh.

What was the project you worked on and what did it become?

Overwrite the only save state on a dead end in hard mode with almost no items, no life, right before the final boss and discover later that he's fucking invincible unless you dodge all of his attacks.

It's fake anyways. you can see that the phone moved while it was off-screen and the cracks aren't even close to the locations he hit.

Promising a friend I would play through jade empire in the opposite style to my usual. So I played it as an evil character and focused on magic and ended up kind of hating the whole experience.

Seeing an evil route where you actually get to do some genuinely evil shit was pretty good though.

i hate 'its fake' fags more than anyone

It was a sorta remastering project, updating a game to work better on modern machines etc, but a lot more than that too.

From what I can see it's become nothing but empty promises. At least when I talked about something it was usually ready for testing in a month or so, but they've had people waiting literally years for this new project they announced.

Sucks because we had a nice community growing for a while, really was going well, then that shit happened and since I left it's been pretty much dead ever since.

There's been lots of times where I've thought of restarting it (after all I really do want to play a fixed up version of that game), but I'd need people from that team if I want it to get anywhere, and I dunno if they'd even want to work with me after all that crap.

I'm thankful every day that we'll never get a pseudo-mainline Pokémon game by Genius Sonority ever again.

I hear this isn't uncommon. The worst instance of this I've noticed is when the Firearms mod for HL died, then got resurrected after some disgruntled team members stole all the dev content (literally locking the original head devs out) and took up the project on their own.

Your heterosexuality is fake because of all the dicks you suck.

>Be Child
>Complete Pokemon Gold Pokedex (friend had silver for the exclusives)
>Despite "beating" the game I still play it
>Going to grind all my pokemon to level 99!
>Go into cave with lower level pokemon to begin grinding
>"If i stick by the entrance I wont need to use flash
>Despite sticking near the entrance, find myself in what seems to be a 2x2 square of NO ESCAPE
>No escape ropes.
>Basically ended my game there, as I could not get out.
Boy was i sad. Only Pokemon game I've had where I got every single available Pokemon caught. Could subconsciously be why i don't play Pokemon games anymore.

In Dark Souls 1 I beat the entire game without knowing how upgrading weapons or parrying worked, and my "build" was just the result of me funneling souls into random stats to meet the requirement for whatever new and cool weapon I wanted to try out. The fight with Gwyn took me a like a solid hour since I was so weak.
I beat MGR without knowing how to parry either.

Thats good, kind of. Going through DaS truly blind the first time is how it should be done. Although how you missed the in-game information is a bit silly.

Wrong. You can catch it again in Pyrite Cave where Miror B. used to be, in the postgame.