Tfw you want to buy her game but its too shit to justify the purchase

>tfw you want to buy her game but its too shit to justify the purchase
why does she have to be stuck in a bad game?

'She' is one of the reasons the game is bad user

It's not her fault she has autism. You ignorant fuck!


I like her but I don't want to spend my money on EA
send help

Just wait until it's $15 with all the DLC.

is it gonna be a long wait to get a physical used copy for under 15 bucks?

this game is a reaction image goldmine

She's pretty cute 8/10 would inseminate.

For someone that's actually played the game, are all these facial expressions from the actual finished product?

It's called having autism. They can't help what face they pull

oh boy

Its not a bad game if you can get past the wonky as fuck faces. Its also not great, just kinda standard mass effect stuff

Did your parents have any children that lived?

Yes. Although Bioware hinted at fixing some of the animations, so they *might* be fixed later.

>buying the game because of headcanon fan-art

You're better off just getting a commission or whatever the fuck.

its gonna be about two weeks.

>he fell for the autismo memes

no, we fell for Sara

>believing bioware after ME3
>believing bioware after DA2

They're gonna fix Peebee having the gun in backwards, some of the other bugs and call it a day.

If the game fails to meet the numbers EA wants, they're just gonna blame the whole thing on racist and sexist alt-right.

I said *might* for a reason. This isn't the same Bioware that made ME3 and DA2, so they *might* be more open to fixing shit.

they wont fix anything.

Honestly the only reason I don't think she has autism is because they don't make a big deal out of it.

>everyone says nu-femshep looks weird
>her wide mouth and sunken eyes turn me on

i wish this game were better so I could get some decent ships

Reminder that the Asari can have male pronouns, even though, you know, there are no male Asari.



>random tumblrinas will shell out $60 for a game if you write one piece of dialogue like this

i mean, wouldn't you? clearly no self respecting "gamer" would buy this garbage, might as well pander to people who don't see shit from a mile away

Honestly, if I could roleplay as an autist I would consider pirating this game.

No one should. Especially if you have it, fucking snowflake

most people roleplay to escape life, not replicate it.

>Buying games

I'm out of Sara reaction pics.