What went wrong?
What went wrong?
It became FFXV
A story that needs patches to become halfway decent
No final boss.
Story so confusing that it makes the writer of SAO look good
The fucking hallway ending
Nomura doing nothing but CG trailers for 7 years
>Nomura unable to do anything because SE took his team away to finish XIII and fix XIV before telling him to work on KH3 instead
I don't think they had a single good idea about anything in this game.
People still think about this trainwreck? I put it out of mind with MGSV
Conan ruining this game's reputation to casuals
So what did everyone think of Episode Gladiolus?
It could have been in the base game. It's only an hour long anyway.
I do appreciate the fact that they have been updating the game. In the end it just shows that the game was not finished and they rushed it to meet consumer demand. This guy has a great video on why square shoots themselves in the foot when it comes to marketing.
What the fuck.
>Dude what if we made a 100% black dressed pretty boy main party completely devoid of any kind of style or variety
>Dude what if we showed a huge world map and then make less then 1/4 of it actually explorable
>Dude what if we made a huge seamless open-world and ruin it by adding tons of invisible walls and unreachable areas, and a car that's slower than a chocobo
>Dude what if the entire 2nd half of the game was a linear hallway worse than FF13
>Dude what if we delete the most important and iconic event and location in the game to turn them into a CG movie
>Dude what if we gave absolutely zero backstory or motivations to half the cast
>Dude what if we introduce a couple of suspicious-looking enemies in a scene, and never mention them again for the rest of the game
>Dude what if you could control only the main character
>Dude what if we made a dodge command and render it completely unusable, forcing the player to rely entirely on QTEs
>Dude what if we put only 3 magic elements
>Dude what if made summons who help the player just by chance
>Dude what if we packed the game full of lame-ass quests nobody on Earth wanted or asked for
>Dude what if we made people wait 10 fucking years for this mess
I really wonder
The warning signs that made things look worse and worse:
>The impressive looking combat in the original demo was dropped
>Characters slowly but surely got more and more westernized and looked more and more like a gay boy band
>Car demo...yeah that's how I want to spend my time playing a game
>Titan fight demo - gimmicky, QTE disappointment
>Open world showing barren, dull landscape
>resources spent on a bunch of other franchise media shit, kind of like MN9
All FNC games suffer from this.
Onviously the fact it wasn't finished
It was finished though. The DLC have nothing to do with the main plot.
Did Ardyn felt like a final boss to you??
It was just a bunch of QTEs.
He's right, Ardyn was supposed to have another form.
5 dollars for one hour.
Well, well. Look who I find again, writing paragraphs upon paragraphs—trying his damn hardest to defend a mediocre product from all those Mean Haturs >:(
Honestly, it's not even funny anymore. I'm sometimes baffled at how people can't spot XV-kun's autism on Sup Forums.
No amount of paragraphs, re-explaining the plot to people will EVER change their mind on this absolutely horrendous mainline Final Fantasy Game. The damage has been done, and no amount of additional cutscenes, and "polish" can change that. It suffers from the same kind of awful first impression that No Man's Sky made at launch and even with the developers best efforts to make a more satisfying product, majority have moved on, as they should. No one should linger around waiting for a developer to deliver a satisfying product later down the line. What they got was what they got at launch, and that's all XV will ever be remembered as.
More value than the last guardian at least.
Everything he says is literally true though.
They exceeded their sales expectations so it sounds like they did a good job marketing to me. Its clear that Square didn't have faith in this project or they would have started development earlier, and with more people. I have a feeling that if they switched to a simpler engine and dialed the game back so it wasn't as ambitious it wouldn't have sold as much.
>Tfw you kill the adamantortoise with the Ring.
Does this guy even sleep
Sure it is, XV-kun.
FFXV is among the worst FF games, try to remember that, ok?
It absolutely wasn't. The first part of the game played unrecognizably different than the rest, because it was clearly half-complete. Didn't stop them from selling it at full price and making bank off of positive first impressions, though.
I'm not him. But his opponent(s) seem more interested in stalking him than actually refuting anything he says.
His arguments collapse on him more times than I can count, but he just comes back later pretending like he didn't get absolutely BTFO and repeats the same arguments again. You can tell when he starts sperging.
I actually think FFXV is my 2nd favorite Final Fantasy. First one is XI.
>tfw I enjoyed it a lot
I had honest to god fun with it despite its flaws and the updates have helped to improve things a bit.
I don't get why people even try to "argue" with him. All he basicly does is say "no you" and that everything is already better in XV than [insert game]
The worst thing is that he doesn't even play all the games he shits on
Case in point. Even if he did "sperg out" when you took that screenshot, it's not shown in that one post at least. It's just for your own benefit because you're obsessed with him.
It's my favorite since the PS1 days, although I did miss out on XII. Looking forward to the re-release of that.
It was basically an early access game. Seriously though I was reading a gameinformer interview with Tabata and that guy is a fucking nutjob. He actually had the balls to say all the flaws and shit of the game were intentional and done purposefully. I couldn't believe it. I wonder if he thinks anyone actually believes that shit?
He is a huge egomaniac that thinks he is the savior of Square Enix and modern gaming as a whole. I'm not even kidding, he was quoted as saying that FFXV will be a game that makes its contemporaries pale in comparison.
Honestly, I don't think the story is all that bad, at least by Final Fantasy standards. The real problem is the way it's presented.
It' comes across unfinished, and it's back-ended to hell. You know your pacing is fucked when 90 percent of the narrative is delivered in the game's final act (which is doubly questionable when one considers that this is easily the worst part of the game). The sheer number of seemingly-important characters dying off-screen or flatout disappearing is off putting as well, as were some of the more bizarre contrivances ("lol I was actually born here guys"). This is compounded further by the fact that so much of the game's story is told in-game at all, but in other media (particularly Scenario Ultimania), leaving a finished product that feels disjointed and schizophrenic.
Frequent missed gameplay opportunities certainly don't help either (I'm looking at you, World of Ruin).
The story isn't confusing
SAO is overhated
the same thing that goes wrong in so many games nowadays "muh open world". STAHP it already!
ff15 had new monsters and dungeons everywhere though.
Horrendous storytelling/bad presentation of information
With huge amounts of empty space between them. You can't even aggro individual enemies, you have to fight them as predetermined groups, nor engage them from crazy far distances.
The story was too ambitious and given the open world nature of the game, it would have been impossible to include all those locations and events without exceeding over the deadline date and budget. In that regard, XV was destined to be disappointing and underwhelming from the start. Its grand, epic story had to get neutered to fit within the confinements of the game, and the parts that couldn't fit were included in other media, making everything feel disjointed. Tabata realized he couldn't deliver on the promise of the story, so he re-framed the focus of the game on the relationship between the maincast. The funny thing is, if XV had been a traditional linear style RPG, they probably could have fit the entire story in the game, but at the cost of open world exploration.
That's why FFVII remake is being split into episodes, each focusing on a different point in the game. It would have been impossible to include it all in one disc and they didn't want to wait until 2025 to release it all in one package, so now it's episodic.
Point is, from the get go, things were going to have to get cut from XV. It was inevitable. There was no way we were ever going to get the invasion of Insomnia (featuring an exploreable Insomnia), get to explore the Nifleheim Region or even Tenebrae. The story was created around limitations and as a result was destined to disappoint.
Anyone who touts that XV has a satisfying story that was presented in a well manner is honestly delusional. The grand story it was trying to tell isn't at fault, I'm sure it could've been a great novel or something. But, ultimately, XV couldn't live up to its own ambitions and had to settle for a lot less.
>With huge amounts of empty space between them.
Less empty space than any other open world. You also have fast travel, a car and chocobos.
>Less empty space than any other open world.
I doubt that, and the car is the worst part of the game.
It's all empty space. The only thing that will distract you are drop ships, enemies and the occasional item on the ground. It also has the most invisible walls of any open world game.
Hello XV-kun
"Hype" marketing
Not enough actual dev time
Team started porting to consoles only 6 months before the release date
>it's all empty space except dungeons, enemies, items, quests, settlements, fishing spots, campfires
good argument
>It also has the most invisible walls of any open world game.
That would be new vegas.
Interesting how ff15 is accused of having a too small world and a too big world at the same time.
>>it's all empty space except dungeons, enemies, items, quests, settlements, fishing spots, campfire
Other games have this as well and more. XV only provides the bare minimum. These things are expected of open world games now, but XV has too much boring open space between all of those.
>It also has the most invisible walls of any open world game.
Nope Xv does. I've played both. Plus, XV is running on superior hardware and that ,mkaes it even more pathetic.
Too much time on characterization of the main group and set pieces, not enough time on coherency, pacing and battle mechanics.
Too small given the scope of the story
>insomnia is a hallway
>tenebrae is a pitstop
>nifleheim is a pitstop with a quest (despite actually being able to glitch out and explore the whole region)
And no one said it was big. It's a decent sized map with points of interest that are all few and far between, further diminished by invisible walls
which interview?
Waiting for a new map that never came
The sad realisation that truck stops was it
literally zero good OC
They didn't spend much time on either. Fuck anyone who says the cast is good.
>"Speaking with Game Informer, director Hajime Tabata says the narrative direction was entirely intentional – namely the important events that happened off-screen. “It was for the players to experience the story through Noctis’ eyes,” he told the magazine. “The world and the events that Noctis sees are merely things that are seen through his eyes. We didn’t want to create a comprehensive and perfectly balanced story in this game. Instead, we placed importance on the main characters and for the player and Noctis to share the same experience when we tell the story.”"
>"With this sort of narrative design philosophy in hand, Tabata said it was only natural to increase the proportion in which the main characters are depicted. “It’s not that we decreased the role of the side characters,” he explained. “Focusing on many characters in the game means that the allocation given to the main characters will decrease. Instead of creating a comprehensive and perfectly balanced story, we placed greater importance on the four main characters and strived to depict a world seen from their perspective.”"
>"Another topic fielded by Game Informer touched on the later chapters of the game, where things become a lot more linear. This again, according to Tabata, was intentional."
>“Based on calculations that the development time and cost would double if the latter half of the game was to be an open-world environment as well, we had already planned to make the latter half more of a journey by vehicle. The structure of this title – to create memories while traveling in the open-world environment during the first half of the game, then have the story move forward linearly using the train in the latter half of the game – was designed and intended to be that way.”
Which is all bullshit by the way and see here If limitations didn't dictate and influence the vision of the game, Tabata could have focused on both the story and character relationships without sacrficing one or another, like Final Fantasy games in the past have done. But alas, the scope of the game was too ambitious and he allocated efforts into making sure that players, at the very least, enjoyed the main casts, as he just could not possibly deliver on the story and side aspects. I'm not saying its Tabata's fault for not being able to follow through with his vision, but this is obviously damage control against the outcry.
Maybe they should've spent less time on character models with 5billion polygon hair
No doubt about it. I feel that square shoots themselves in the foot by announcing games way to early. Like when KH3 was announced they literally just started development. Then you have a impatient fans who crave content every second of the day and don't want to wait.
the real problem is square enix management not the developers. versus could have been made just fine it would have just taken longer than this shitpile and thus would have delayed KH3 even further and FF7R wouldn't even be a thing.
The one positive thing to come out of XV, though, is that they probably have a really good handle on the Luminous Engine now, given that XV was just a glorified tech demo.
So, XV gives me confidence in the future of the Luminous Engine.
>and the updates have helped to improve things a bit.
I just picked up the game today. What changes to the base game did the updates make?
It looks like a last-gen game and it has millions of glitches in the animations and shader effects. It doesn't even run good.
What handle do they have exactly?
nothing worth even mentioning.
Then they should have canceled the damn game right? I mean i had fun with it, but when i think about what it could have been, it's reasonable to be angry at square Enix.
Well, for now the XV team is basicly the only one that knows how to work with it. And we probably won't see another game with it for at least 3 years. Square really needs to get their shit together
Cmon now. The game was absolutely gorgeous.
how it looks has nothing to do with the developers ability to actually make something functional with it
the engine handles the sheen, the devs are responsible for ensuring the sheen does not detract from the actual gameplay and presentation, and in this instance they failed.
Well, assuming development on the next FF goes smoothly and they're not rushed to push it out he door, I have faith that they'll iron out the problems
It's inconsistent. It does look really good at times, no doubt, but it also looks absolutely horrendous other times too.
they probably did think about it but instead rebranded the game because they knew millions of retards would buy it regardless of quality or content.
Last-games look "gorgeous" too, consolefag. Seriously though the game is fucking ugly for a mainline FF game. It's barely above FF13 running on a PC and that game wasn't even -that- good looking when it came out.
Guaranteed it will not use this engine.
>They exceeded their sales expectations so it sounds like they did a good job marketing to me.
While true, that's not really what the video was about. It was saying that because of SE questionable decisions and poor communication for the first 7 years of xv's development, they pretty much helped damage their reputation as company that puts out good products in reasonable timeframe and nomura's reputation as a director. While he does share some of the blame for xv's long development, by announcing the game so earlier and then kicking him off after 8 years, he now has the reputation of an incompetent director (even though he released 4 other games while working on many other titles in that timeframe). Now for the foreseeable future SE has the reputation of just hyping up and revealing games way to early that will come out in 5 years
Seems like a bunch of bad decisions everywhere. Or at least be honest about the limitations. I was expecting way more than what i got. I hope i can buy the DLC together for a low price.
Still no GOTY ediiton
now I'm sad again.
Too many cooks, not enough time.
pretty sure a bunch of shitty games are 60 for 1 hour and 30 mims.
What really bothers me now is that XV is going to have major influence on their management philosophy over at Square.
There's no doubt in my mind that the next mainline game will have the same kind of "XV Universe' with movies, anime, manga, DLC, to fill in the gaps and act as an excuse to not include it in the game.
Hell, I think with XV, they realized that the West is now their audience. Expect to see many Uncovered-like events hoested by the fags at Kinda Funny, as well as, celebrity crossovers and endorsement
>tfw like FFXV enough to want to discuss it but every thread is full of kun and anti-kun infighting
just go to /vg/, you dumb anime poster.
>I don't think the story is all that bad, at least by Final Fantasy standards.
As it is now, it's the worst story in any FF (except maybe 1, 2, 3 and 5 since i didn't play them). Possibly even worse than FF12 and that's saying a lot.
This, I don't regret buying it on release because "muh closure." But seriously wait until ALL of the season pass bullshit has released. Then pick up the inevitable complete edition and enjoy a more coherent game with each episode as a bonus.
Gonna dump the leak here
1. There are multiple features that will be added for free the day the season pass episodes becomes available, and those are huge.
2. There is a secret DLC but it may take a while, I don't know much about this one, I just know that it may add Insomnia before the events of the game, but this would be a different DLC so they are thinking about releasing second Season Pass (2018) or just releasing this DLC alone and priced apart from the main Season Pass. If they decide to go for the second Season Pass then that's gonna give us another year of working in XV (almost till August/September 2018). If they decide to only release the Insomnia DLC alone then that will take us until April 2018.
Update 1.06: Chapter 13 adds Gladio as a playable character to this chapter, [you go with Ignis the whole time and he needs to be protected. Some new cutscenes are added with Ravus and Iedolas Aldercapt.]
>1.06 became 1.07 with 1.06 never releasing because they found bugs, everything else was correct
DLC Free Booster Pack: Adds the magitek suit for the 4 buds. Coming next week, seems like there are negotiations for making some cross publicity with the power rangers in order to promote the movie. If not then they will put the Magitek Suit 1 month after the release of that movie with the new design.
>Also correct, the power ranged cross promotion didn't work out and they delayed it for next month
DLC Episode Gladio: Adds a full 2-3h Gladiolus experience (time depends on the player) with a new dungeon along with Cor Leonis to make Gladio stronger, [by the end you encounter Gilgamesh. There will be some backstory about Clarus, Regis, Cor, Iris and Gladio. This dungeon won't be accesible unless you have the Gladiolus Episode. More dialog than cutscenes and a lot of challenging enemy battles.]
Bike was since the beginning, look at concept art of episode Prompto.
Person in trailer wasn't dad, it was regular MT.
Best post.
Update 1.07: Some point in May, this one will add a bestiary feature, in order to complete this journal you need to take pics with promptos' ability Snapshot and the enemy needs to use every single move (even special ones) in order to complete each profile, if the enemy didn't use a move against you it won't appear in the list, the overall bestiary has a % of completion and the team is working on expansion trophies/achievements (for bestiary, fishing, recipes and completion of the side quests)
Update 1.08: This one comes in June, will add the ability of going out of the tracks with the regalia using an update with a new mission from Cindy. [This mission feature Prompto alone. Also adds Prompto playable to chapter 13 by the moment Noctis is with the crystal. This sequence will be alternated between Noctis gameplay and Prompto gameplay.]
DLC Episode Prompto: Adds full 5h narrative experience [with long distance persecution in the snow with a motorcycle while one of Ardyns peasants, The Worm, will chase Prompto, you can shoot from the motorcycle and use special hits with mechanic guns. It begins in a little village in a snowy area, this is where Prompto was born. You'll get to know his terrible story and how his father became the right hand of Iedolas and Ardyn. This one is already in full production, once in Niflheim you fight against Versatel and reveal an important connection between Prompto and Regis, also why he is in the kingdom of Noctis as a child (this feature way more cutscenes than episode Gladiolus). Also expect a confrontation between Iedolas and Ardyn. Prompto’s brothers will be unveiled.]
What about the villain from XV? well written or no?
Update 1.09: Coming in July, this update adds a new dungeon with all of the monsters from the game with higher level, this dungeon works as an elevator, each floor is harder than the last one.
Update 1.10: Coming in September, this update adds 2 new playable sequences with Noctis as a child, one is dream state and the other is with Regis. The dream one will give you Carbuncle in case you missed it from the Platinum Demo. [The Regis sequence was already planed but never included, it's a deep conversation between him and another entity about the future of the young prince, Noctis hears all about it by mistake and writes to Luna about that.]
Update 1.11: Coming in October, adds Halloween themed city but there is not much info about this one. This may no happen since they are more focused on the Episode Ignis. [Regardless, this one will add Bahamut summon on "New Game +" (not a word on Ifrit summon but seems like it won't because of the story) and a new Summon System so you can choose the astral you want if certain conditions are fulfilled. This one also adds Ignis playable after Noctis enters the Crystal in chapter 13, there is a little gameplay escaping from Niflheim, vision will be limited to light strikes and running. It will feature more voice acting than controlable sequences and QTE. More scenes will be added. Also the ability to change the controlable character will be added for the entire game (except the 5th party member).]
what got me is that the shitty movie was better than the game somehow. but yeah you're probably right. how fucking cancerous.
it's just xv-kun, there is no 'anti-kun'.